Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)-IDNR Wild Deer (Lymph Node & Obex Submission)
Section: Histology, Pathology
Fee: $37.00 (includes accession fee)
Turnaround Time: 10 –15 business days
Days Test Started: Monday
Species: Ruminant
Minimum Amount
Retropharyngeal Lymph Nodes +/- Obex
Leak-proof Container
Entire Tissue
Collection Information
The IDNR Wild White-Tailed Deer Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) sample submission form should be used when submitting CWD samples from any wild cervids. A separate submission form must be used for each deer tested. This form must be filled out completely and legibly and sent in with the samples submitted and the payment check.
Please use caution to ensure the samples collected are the correct tissues. It is the responsibility of the submitter to submit the correct samples for testing
Appropriate samples (medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes +/- obex) must be submitted in 10% neutral buffered formalin, using one jar per deer sampled. Submitting samples in a 180 ml formalin jar is preferred. All containers must be labeled with the submitter name, species sampled, and tissue sample type.
**For information about submitting the whole head to ADDL, please visit the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) – IDNR Wild Deer (Head Submission) page.
Samples should be collected as soon as possible. Samples not collected immediately or from tissues that have been frozen are less likely to be of diagnostic value.
Shipping Information
Enclose all paperwork and payment in a sealed, waterproof bag to prevent damage from any leaks.
Double bag all jars or fresh tissues in a sealed, leak-proof plastic bag.
Pack boxes securely with absorptive material to absorb any fluid that may leak.
Formalin fixed tissues can be shipped next day or ground. Any sample submission containing fresh tissues (lymph nodes and/or obex in plastic bag) must be shipped overnight, Monday through Thursday, with ice packs.
Each submitter is responsible for meeting the requirements for the carrier they choose, including packaging to prevent leakage.
Samples should be shipped to ADDL or samples may be delivered directly to the diagnostic laboratory (ADDL or SIPAC) during business hours.
Ship or deliver to:
ADDL - Purdue University
406 S. University St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-7440
Direct delivery only to:
11367 E. Purdue Farm Rd
Dubois, IN 47527
(812) 678-3401
Additional Information
All submissions are to include payment, $37 for submission of obex and lymph nodes, in the form of a check made payable to Purdue University. Submissions without payment or with an incorrect amount will be held, unprocessed until payment has been received.Testing is for screening only and does not ensure the absolute safety of the meat for consumption. “Not detected” results do not exclude the possibility of early stage CWD.
Additional cervid and CWD information from IDNR can be found here.
The IDNR Wild White-Tailed Deer Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) sample submission form should be used when submitting CWD samples from any wild cervids. A separate submission form must be used for each deer tested. This form must be filled out completely and legibly and sent in with the samples submitted and the payment check.
Special procedures may necessitate additional time.
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