Help us care for some of our state's most pristine public lands, State Natural Areas (SNA). Encourage native plants and animals to thrive by cutting brush, controlling invasive species, collecting seeds, monitoring rare species, and preparing fire breaks. Show up for a day or become a steward responsible for all volunteer activities at an SNA. Any level of participation is encouraged and no experience is necessary to start volunteering.
Learn more
- Browse the Volunteer Handbook [PDF] for information on the program
- Read stories about our work in our 2023 annual report [PDF], 2022 annual report [PDF] and 2021 annual report [PDF]
- Find training opportunities for first aid, chainsaw safety, and more
- Or secure volunteer gear
- Discover additional DNR volunteering opportunities
Join us at a workday
Workdays are one of the main ways volunteers accomplish tasks. They occur throughout the year at different SNAs. They are a great way to get some exercise, have fun, learn something new and see if you’ve got what it takes to enjoy restoration. Come join us for a workday to see for yourself. You can also learn about individual volunteer opportunities.
With everything going on in the world it’s nice to take a break from it all for a couple of hours and breathe in the fresh air. I’m so glad I started volunteering because I’ve met some incredibly inspiring people who know a lot about rare and indigenous plants. I recently became certified for chainsaw use on DNR lands and have been enjoying practicing my new skills.
Open table in a new window [PDF].
Receive email updates on upcoming workdays
We have divided the state into volunteer regions. Receive email updates on upcoming volunteer workdays in the region. Sign up for as many regions as you'd like.
Upper Lake Michigan | Email sign-up
Southeast | Email sign-up
Southwest | Email sign-up
West Central | Email sign-up
Northwest | Email sign-up
Driftless | Email sign-up
Central Sands | Email sign-up
North Central | Email sign-up