Get involved

Inspired by our mission? Make it yours by volunteering. From greeting visitors and helping with events to removing invasive plants and participating in a floating clean-up, there’s a place for you to make a big difference.

Ways to volunteer

Special Events—Our two main events—Bald Eagle Bash and Alabama Coastal BirdFest—require lots of helping hands. From setting up and tearing down to collecting tickets, serving drinks or selling merchandise, helping at an event can be both fun and rewarding. Other events, such as floating marine debris cleanups and the Alabama Coastal Cleanup, put you squarely in the middle of conservation.

Outdoor Restoration—Protecting land requires hands-on work. From pulling invasive plants or working at a prescribed burn to building trails and planting trees, restoration work offers instant gratification. Training is required—and rewarding!

SALT Ambassador—We love getting involved with the community by attending events such as Earth Day Mobile Bay, Delta Woods and Water Expo at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, and so much more! We usually have a booth set up with information, activities, and merchandise. Ambassadors helping at our booth are always appreciated! An overview about SALT will be conducted before events.

Clerical/Office—A lot goes on behind the scenes at South Alabama Land Trust. There are envelopes to be stuffed and stamped, merchandise to inventory, package and mail, and data to be checked and entered into our office systems. Volunteers will work on an as-needed basis, and will require a modest amount of training.

Guides— Guided paddles, nature walks, and birding tours are a few of the outdoor outreach activities we host. We reach out to a diverse and knowledgeable array of experts that know about anything from Bald Eagles to mushrooms. Are you an expert in a field such as botany or birds? Let us know!

  • Bald Eagle Bash guest services
  • Floating Clean-Up with Dog River Clearwater Revival
  • Invasive species removal
  • Spring Appeal clerical assistance

Fill out our volunteer interest form

From restoration work on a property, to helping out at Bald Eagle Bash, there are lots of ways to get involved. When we have an event that falls under one of your interests, we will send you the details to sign up!

Check out our volunteer dashboard

Stay up to date with current volunteer opportunities. We update this dashboard as activities come up! You do not need to be an existing SALT volunteer to sign up for our events!

Current volunteer opportunity

The Alabama Coastal BirdFest is September 28 - October 1. SALT will need volunteers all 4 days. Signup for a shift with the link below!

Floating Cleanup

Join us on the water on June 4 from 9am-noon at Meaher State Park on the Causeway. This is a bring-your-own canoe or kayak event. SALT will have limited rentals available for those without a vessel. When filling out the form below, please indicate if you will need a rental and we will try to accommodate you on a first come first serve basis. Stick around after the cleanup to enjoy a cookout and beverages.