"Moving Knowledge, Not People"


These virtual learning communities provide educators, service providers, case managers, administrators, families, and others access to expert advice from professionals throughout the state and country, building capacity in home communities to implement best practices and improve outcomes. 


Hub and spoke knowledge-sharing networks create a learning loop:

  • Community participants learn from specialists
  • Community participants learn from each other
  • Specialists learn from community participants as best practices emerge

ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) uses videoconferencing technology to connect a team of interdisciplinary experts with primary care providers, other health services professionals, and community members. The discussions with, and mentoring from, specialists help equip participants to support individuals and their families with health and disabilities related needs in their home communities.


What do I need to do to get started?

  1. Register for an ECHO in the "Project ECHOs" tab 
  2. High-speed internet connection
  3. A front-facing camera on smartphone, tablet, or computer (laptop or desktop)
  4. Access to Zoom web conference software (more information below)