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Pollution Prevention Reporting: Online Data Submission, Updating, and Availability

Instructions on how to use STEERS (State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System) to submit an online WRPA Annual Progress Report, edit the P2 Contact, view past APR submissions, and how to submit an APR without using STEERS.

The P2 Annual Progress Report (APR) can now be submitted online through STEERS during the online reporting period May 15 - July 1. Outside of this reporting window, you may still use STEERS to edit your P2 contacts and to view past APR submissions.

All P2 facilities have been assigned a P2 program ID that can be found in the Central Registry records. In order to submit an online APR, you must have a STEERS account and you must have registered the facility's P2 ID (PNumber). You may access STEERS here or access it from the TCEQ homepage under "Reporting".

If you do not wish to submit your APR through STEERS, a paper APR will be accepted. Please see the "Paper APR Submission" section of this page.


To create a new account, click on the "to create a new account" link located under the "I need:" section of the STEERS page. This section is located directly below the login button. This will take you to the "Welcome to the Online STEERS Participation Agreement (SPA)" page.

For instructions and help on creating a STEERS account, registering the facility's P2 ID, etc., you may access STEERS Help or click on the "Help" button located at the top of the "Welcome to the Online STEERS Participation Agreement (SPA)" page.

Submitting an APR through STEERS

Please note: If your facility is a Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator that DOES NOT report on EPA TRI Form R, no APR is required.

Submitting a new APR

The online APR reporting is available from May 15 to July 1. Only APRs covering the current reporting year (previous calendar year) may be submitted. APRs covering previous reporting periods (years before the previous calendar year) must be submitted using the paper APR Form.

Once you have created a STEERS account and/or registered the facility's P2 ID:

1. Log into your STEERS account.

2. Select Pollution Prevention Planning (P2PLAN) from the “Reporting Program Area” drop-down menu.

3. Click on go.

4. On the “Select Facility” page, click on the P2 ID for the reporting facility.

5. Review all the information on the “Facility Information” for accuracy. This is all information stored in TCEQ Central Registry. To update or change this information please contact TCEQ Central Registry at 512-239-5175 or submit a Core Data Form.

6. Click on the “Add APR” button located at the top of the "Facility Information" page.

7. This will bring you to the “Annual Progress Report Information” page. STEERS will automatically fill the fields with the data from the most recent, saved APR for the facility. This includes data from a previously submitted APR covering the current reporting year.

Please note: Data from a previously saved working copy of the APR will be used to fill these fields, even if you have not officially submitted the APR using your STEERS password.

8. Make all changes that are appropriate, which includes deleting or replacing any values not being reported as results for the current reporting year:

a. “Projected Amount for Goal Year” box:

i. All required fields in the “Projected Amounts for Goal Year” box must have a numeric value. Leaving the field blank or entering NA will not be accepted.

ii. Required fields are determined based on if the facility has each type of ID.

Example: A facility that is an active TRI reporter but does not have a Solid Hazardous Waste ID is only required to complete the TRI fields of this box.

Please note: If your facility is considered to be both an active hazardous waste generator and an active TRI Form R reporter, all six of the fields in the “Projected Amounts for Goal Year” box are required.

b. “Source Reduction Activities” box:

i. Edit or delete any values that are not appropriate results for the previous reporting year.

Please note: If all fields in the top half of the box are left blank or reported as zero, a comment regarding why no progress in P2 projects has been achieved, must be provided in the “NOTE” field.

9. When you have completed all of the required fields, click on the “Review” button at the bottom of the page.

a. If you have decided not to complete the APR submission, click on the “Cancel” button at the bottom of the page.

10. This brings you to the “Review Annual Progress Report Information” page. Review all of the entered APR information.

a. If you need to make further adjustments, click on the “Edit” button at the bottom of the page.

b. If you are satisfied with the information, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

Please note: Once you click on the “Save” button, your data is saved as a working copy, but HAS NOT been submitted to the TCEQ. If you do not wish to submit the APR at this time you may click on the “Do Not Submit” button at the bottom of the page. You can then return at a later date and either edit the information or submit the APR.
To submit the APR, you will need to follow the steps listed above.

11. This brings you to the “Confirmation Record Send to TCEQ” page. To submit your APR to the TCEQ, enter your STEERS password into the “Password” field at the bottom of the page.

12. Click on the “Confirm Submit” button located next to the “Password” field.

13. This will bring you to the confirmation page. You may print a copy of the submitted APR for your records by clicking on the “Print” button at the bottom of the page. You should also receive a confirmation email.

Please note: Read your confirmation email carefully. If there was an error in the submission of your APR, you will receive and email that states:

“Your P2Plan Annual Progress Report has been submitted to the TCEQ but an error occurred during submittal to the p2plan database. P2 Program Area has been notified.”
If this occurs, please see additional information in the
Common Error Messagessection of this page. If you need further assistance or have questions, please contact the WRPA program staff. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

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Revising a submitted APR from the Current Reporting Period

If you want to revise your submitted APR, or if you submitted it in error, you will need to delete the existing record. Please follow the first 10 steps listed under the "Submitting a new APR" section of this page. You will receive the following error message:

“This record already has been submitted to TCEQ. If you wish to update the Annual Progress Report for the reporting year, you must delete record and reenter and resubmit.”

Click on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the page.

  • If you choose to delete a previously submitted APR, you will be directed back to the “Annual Progress Report Information” page and will need to re-enter your data.
  • If you do not wish to change any of the previously entered information, click on the “Cancel” button at the bottom of the page.

For minor adjustments, or you do not want to use STEERS to make the updates, or you need further assistance, contact the WRPA program staff for assistance. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

Please Note: You can only revise the APR for the current reporting year. APRs from previous reporting years are not available for revision.

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Common Error Messages

Below are the most common error messages you may encounter while entering an Annual Progress Report through STEERS, what they mean, and when to contact the WRPA program staff for further assistance:

"No Executive Summary record on file. No APR data available."

  • No P2 Plan Executive Summary is on record for this facility. An Executive Summary, that covers the reporting year, must be on file with the TCEQ before APR data can be accepted by the WRPA program.
  • Please contact the WRPA program staff if:
    • You believe there should be an Executive Summary on file for the facility.
    • You believe that you have received this message in error.
    • You need to determine what steps are needed to come into compliance with WRPA.

"We're sorry but you need a new Executive Summary before you can enter the next APR."

  • The most recent P2 Plan Executive Summary on file with the TCEQ, does not cover the reporting year. A revised Executive Summary is required before APR data can be accepted by the WRPA program.
  • Please contact the WRPA program staff if:
    • You believe there should be an Executive Summary, covering the current reporting year, on file for the facility.
    • You believe that you have received this message in error.
    • You need to determine what steps are needed to come into compliance with WRPA.

"Annual progress report is not in file. Please add new report."

  • No previous APR has been submitted for this facility. Therefore, no data is available to automatically fill the “Annual Progress Report Information” page fields.
  • Please continue to enter your current data in the required fields.
  • Please contact the WRPA program staff if:
    • You believe there should be previous APRs on file.
    • You believe that you have received this message in error.

"HW Goal 5th Year Projection, HW Goal Total SR, and HW Goal WM Percent are required fields"

  • The WRPA Program considers the facility to be an active hazardous waste generator. Therefore these fields are required to have a numeric value. Leaving the field blank, or entering “NA”, are not accepted.
  • If your facility does not have a Solid Waste Registration (SWR) ID, or has inactivated/closed SWR, please contact WRPA program staff for assistance. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

"TRI Goal 5th Year Projection, TRI Goal Total SR and TRI Goal WM Percent are required fields."

  • The WRPA Program considers the facility to be an active TRI Form R reporter. Therefore these fields are required to have a numeric value. Leaving the field blank, or entering “NA”, are not accepted.
  • If your facility does not have a Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) ID, or no longer reports on TRI Form R, please contact WRPA program staff for assistance. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

Please note: If your facility is considered to be both an active hazardous waste generator and an active TRI Form R reporter, all six of the above noted fields in the “Projected Amounts for Goal Year” box are required.

“This record already has been submitted to TCEQ. If you wish to update the Annual Progress Report for the reporting year, you must delete record and reenter and resubmit.”

  • An APR, covering the current reporting year, has already been submitted to the TCEQ. If you want to make changes to the submitted the information you will need to delete the existing record. Click on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the page.
    • If you choose to delete a previously submitted APR, you will be directed back to the “Annual Progress Report Information” page and will need to re-enter your data.
  • If you do not wish to change any of the previously entered information, click on the “Cancel” button at the bottom of the page.
  • Please contact the WRPA program staff if:
    • You do not believe an APR covering the current reporting year has been submitted for your facility.
    • You previously submitted the APR but do not want to make revisions through STEERS..

“Your P2Plan Annual Progress Report has been submitted to the TCEQ but an error occurred during submittal to the p2plan database. P2 Program Area has been notified.”

  • Your APR has been submitted to the TCEQ, but has not been uploaded to the P2 database. WRPA Program staff will be notified, will be able get your information and manually enter it into the P2 database.
  • If you have any questions, please contact WRPA program staff for assistance. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

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Paper APR Submission

You may use the paper form  ( )|( Word)  [ instructions] to submit your Annual Progress Report. (Help downloading files). This form should also be used to submit results for calendar years prior to the previous calendar year.

Facilities can submit their paper Annual Progress Reports by mail to:

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Pollution Prevention
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087

or by email to:

Additional information regarding annual reporting, please see our About the Annual Progress Reports page.

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Editing the P2 Contact

The P2 Contact can be edited at anytime through STEERS.

Please note: If the changes to the P2 contact are extensive (Example: Name, Mailing Address, Phone number, and Email) it is recommended that you either contact the WRPA program staff or TCEQ Central Registry for assistance. You may contact the TCEQ Central Registry at 512-239-5175 or submit a Core Data Form. Contact information for the WRPA program staff is located at the bottom of this page.

Once you have created a STEERS account and/or registered the facility's P2 ID:

1. Log into your STEERS account.

2. Select Pollution Prevention Planning (P2PLAN) from the “Reporting Program Area” drop-down menu.

3. Click on go.

4. On the “Select Facility” page, click on the P2 ID for the reporting facility.

5. Review all the information on the “Facility Information” for accuracy. This is all information stored in TCEQ Central Registry. To update or change this information please contact TCEQ Central Registry at 512-239-5175 or submit a Core Data Form.

6. Click on the "Contacts" button located at the top of the "Facility Information" page.

7. The P2 Contact Information page displays the current P2 Primary Contact. Click on the "Edit" button located at the bottom of the "Primary Contact" box.

Please note: Due to errors during conversion to the new P2 database, some facilities may appear to have more than one current Primary Contact. To correct this issue, you may either contact TCEQ Central Registry or contact the WRPA program staff.

8. This opens the "Edit Contact Information" page. Make all the necessary adjustments to the contact information.

9. Once you have completed the edits click on either the "Save" button or the "Save and Submit" button located at the bottom of the page.

a. If you need to make further adjustments, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the "P2 Contact Information" page.

Please note: The changes you have made will be saved, but not submitted to the TCEQ. To submit your changes, you will need to follow Steps 8 and 9b, then skip to Step 12.

b. If you are satisfied with the information, click on the “Save and Submit” button at the bottom of the page.

10. If you click on the "Save and Submit" button, it will open the "Submit Contact Information" page. Review all of the information for accuracy.

11. If you need to make an edit, click on the "Do Not Submit" button located at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the "P2 Contact Information" page.

Please note: The changes you have made will be saved, but not submitted to the TCEQ. To submit your changes, you will need to follow Steps 8 and 9b above, then skip to Step 12.

12. To submit the data, enter your STEERS password in the "Password" field located at the bottom of the page and click on the "Confirm Submit" button.

13. You will see a confirmation page as well as receive a confirmation email.

Please Note: Additional edits to the P2 contact information cannot be made until the these changes appear in the official TCEQ data. This should occur within 24 hours. If the information is not processed within 48 hours, please contact the WRPA program staff. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

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Viewing Past APR Submissions

Previous APR submissions may be viewed through STEERS at anytime. Please note: WRPA P2 Plan Executive Summaries are not available online.

Once you have created a STEERS account and/or registered the facility's P2 ID:

1. Log into your STEERS account.

2. Select Pollution Prevention Planning (P2PLAN) from the “Reporting Program Area” drop-down menu.

3. Click on go.

4. On the “Select Facility” page, click on the P2 ID for the reporting facility.

5. Review all the information on the “Facility Information” for accuracy. This is all information stored in TCEQ Central Registry. To update or change this information please contact TCEQ Central Registry at 512-239-5175 or submit a Core Data Form.

6. Click on the "View Past APR" button located at the top of the "Facility Information" page. This will bring you to the "View Past Annual Progress Report" page.

Please note: The steps above will automatically display the most recently submitted APR, including one submitted for the current reporting year. To view a previously submitted APR, continue with steps 7-9 below. To print the most current APR, skip to step 10.

7. Click on the "Report Year" drop-down menu, located in the "APR Data" box. You will see a list of all the reporting years for which APRs are available for the facility.

8. Select the reporting year.

9. Click on the "Select" button located next to the "Report Year" drop-down menu.

10. To print the APR, click on the "Print" button located at the bottom of the page.

11. To go back to the "Facility Information" page, click on the "Cancel" button also located at the bottom of the page.

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Need Help?

For questions and assistance, contact us by phone at 512-239-0010 or e-mail at