Ready for Rain
Most of New Orleans is surrounded by levees. Within the levees, elevation doesn’t change much, making the city like a shallow bowl. And, because of subsidence, many parts of the city are sinking even more. Impermeable surfaces like buildings, streets, and parking lots mean there's not a lot of green space where rain can absorb into the ground. Excess rainwater that cannot be absorbed must be pumped out. Read more about drainage.
When heavy rain outpaces the ground's ability to absorb water and the drainage system's capacity, minor and even major flooding can happen. These heavy rains can happen often. In fact, in the last 20 years, New Orleans has seen 42 flood events. 2 Coastal areas outside of the levee system in New Orleans are also at risk for flooding from waves during storms.
1 NOAA Online Weather Data Visualization, "NOWData"
2 FEMA Data Visualization: Historical Flood Risk and Costs
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Homeowners and renters insurance usually don't cover flood damage, but flood insurance does. In the last 20 years, New Orleans has seen 42 flood events.
You might be required to have flood insurance if you have a federally-backed mortgage or if your property received federal rebuilding dollars from a previous disaster.
New flood maps were adopted in New Orleans in 2016, making flood insurance even more affordable for many New Orleanians. The average annual flood insurance premium in NOLA is only $650. That small sum can cover a lot of damage. Flood insurance provides more recovery dollars after a flood than post-disaster assistance programs. In the last 20 years, NOLA property owners received 7 times more from flood insurance payouts than from FEMA payouts.
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provides federally-backed flood insurance to homeowners, business owners, and renters in New Orleans. Contact your insurance agent or find an agent through the NFIP Referral Call Center at (888) 379-9531. Get an elevation certificate if your agent says you need one. It's a documentation of your building's elevation. Email to see if the City of New Orleans already has one on file for your property. Remember, a policy can take 30 days to go into effect, so now is the time to purchase.
Rainwater flows quickly over impermeable pavement, like concrete. If that water can be slowed down, held, or absorbed, less flooding will happen. Simple projects like installing a rain garden or rain barrel in your yard can help reduce the risk of flooding on your property.
Leaves, trash & debris can collect around storm drains, blocking rainwater from flowing into the drain. Help reduce flooding in your area by cleaning in front of catch basins.
Consider elevating your utilities, like your electrical and HVAC systems. It's a cost-effective way to reduce your risk of flood damage and lower your flood insurance premium. For even more protection, consider elevating your entire home. Resources:
Learn more
Generally, when building a new construction or making a substantial renovation in Orleans Parish, you must elevate one foot above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or three feet above the highest adjacent curb, whichever is higher. In Coastal V zones, the bottom floor must be elevated at or above BFE.
Depending on the zoning of your property, there are limits to how much of your yard can be covered with impermeable materials, like concrete or asphalt.
A Stormwater Management Plan Review is required for any new development or redevelopment (except single- or two-family residences) of a site:
Read about the stormwater management plan requirement.
The Hazard Mitigation Office, the Office of Resilience and Sustainability, and the Department of Capital Projects are managing over $300 million to reduce flood risk, beautify neighborhoods, promote health & recreation, and foster environmental awareness. Learn more at
The SELA program consists of several federally-supported projects in Orleans, Jefferson, and St. Tammany Parishes designed to reduce flooding and flood damage. In Orleans Parish, SELA projects are managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Sewerage and Water Board. Learn more at
The City and Sewerage and Water Board are working together to implement an unprecedented program to restore our damaged infrastructure. Using a combination of local and federal funds, the $2.4 billion program will be the most comprehensive that our region has seen in a generation. Learn more at
The Sewerage and Water Board will spend $2.5 million averaged over 5 years implementing Green Infrastructure through demonstration projects and education and outreach. Learn more at
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