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Cardiau Sbardun Trawsgwricwlaidd Cyfnod Sylfaen
Siwan Tecwyn Jones
ISBN: 9781801062046 (1801062048)Publication Date: October 2021
Publisher: Atebol
Suitable for age 0-7 or Key Stage 1 Format: Sheets, 230x340 mm, 1 pages Language: Welsh Available List Price: £106.80 
Our Price: £89.00 
You Save: £17.80 (16.7%) 
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This is a comprehensive package consisting of 6 wonderful units based on the popular Atebol books and Atebol Story Time. The pack contains 30 teacher cards outlining possible focus activities, opportunities to enrich the continuous provision areas and a guide to planning the statements of what matters and progression steps.

Dyma becyn cynhwysfawr sy'n cynnwys 6 uned hyfryd yn seiliedig ar lyfrau poblogaidd Atebol ac Amser Stori Atebol. Mae'r pecyn yn cynnwys 30 o gardiau athro sy'n amlinellu gweithgareddau ffocws posib, cyfleoedd i gyfoethogi'r ardaloedd darpariaeth barhaus a chanllaw ar gyfer cynllunio'r hyn sy'n bwysig er mwyn gwireddu'r pedwar diben.
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The pack also contains 60 unique and high-quality resources on Hwb to enrich the cross-curricular activities.
It is an innovative package that provides an opportunity to develop a range of Literacy and Numeracy and Digital Competence skills within the Six Areas of Learning and Experience in the Curriculum for Wales. To facilitate planning, the teacher cards clearly identify which areas of learning and experience are targeted each week. The activities and suggestions for the learning areas are suitable for learners on Progression Steps 1 and 2. They are activities that could be done as a focus group or as a class. and each unit also includes activities for the outdoor area.
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