Join One of Our Lists to Receive Email Updates

Sign up for one or more of our email lists to receive updates regarding Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) programs and services.

DHS email lists

By topic

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Receive updates on implementation of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in Wisconsin.

Adolescent Health

Receive updates on adolescent health topics.

American Rescue Plan Act Funding for Home and Community-Based Services

Receive information about DMS' plan for ARPA funding for HCBS.

Birth to 3 Program

Receive email notices about the Birth to 3 Program.

Birth to 3 Program Information for Families

Receive information specific to families with children in the Birth to 3 Program.

Children's Community Options Program: General Information

Receive updates on the Children's Community Options Program.

Children's Long-Term Support

Receive updates on the Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program.

Children's Long-Term Support Information for Families and Participants

Information for families and participants in the CLTS program. 

Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Program

Receive updates on information related to the state's Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Program efforts.

Community Support Programs

Provides program updates to Community Support Programs staff.

Dementia-Capable Wisconsin

Receive updates on our initiatives to improve the quality of care for state residents Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementia.

DHS 75 Implementation

Receive information on the implementation of the revised Wis. Admin. Code. CH. DHS 75.

DHS Budget Updates

Receive updates regarding our 2019-2021 state budget initiatives.

DHS News Releases

Receive email notices when DHS news release are made public.

Diabetes Advisory Group

Receive updates on the Diabetes Advisory group.

Division of Care and Treatment Services: Careers

Receive monthly updates about career opportunities with Division of Care and Treatment Services.

Dose of Reality: Responding to Wisconsin's opioid epidemic

Receive updates on our response to Wisconsin’s opioid epidemic.

Electronic Health Program

Receive updates on our health information technology initiatives and policies.

Employment Initiatives

Receive updates on integrated employment for youth and adults with disabilities.

Environmental Public Health Tracking Newsletter

Receive updates on our Environmental Public Health Tracking Program.

Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

Receive updates on waivers involved in the programs and services provided to Medicaid participants who receive those services in their home or community.

Lead in our Environment

Receive information and updates about lead in our environment.

Legal Assistance for Older Adults in Wisconsin

Receive updates on our efforts to strengthen legal assistance services for older adults under the Model Approaches to Legal Assistance grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living.

Maternal and Infant Health

We work to improve the health of women and infants as they progress through the critical developmental milestones of life. Subscribe to stay informed on maternal and infant health information in Wisconsin.

Medicaid Enterprise System Procurement

Receive updates on the Medicaid Enterprise System procurement.

Medicaid Telehealth Expansion

Receive information regarding the expansion of services that Medicaid providers may deliver via Telehealth.

MilES Advisory Group

Receive updates and information relevant to the MilES Advisory Group.

Music & Memory Program

Receive updates on our Music & Memory Program.

Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing News and Updates

Receive updates on resources for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Plan Review and Inspections, Division of Quality Assurance

Receive updates on construction of new health or residential care facilities regulated by the Division of Quality Assurance or expansions to existing facilities.

Process Help, Division of Medicaid Services

Receive updates on how to use the CARES system to administerWisconsin Works (W-2), Wisconsin Shares (child care), and income maintenance programs (Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, FoodShare).

Reproductive Health & Family Planning

Send communications to Healthcare professionals and members of the public interested in the WI DHS RHFP program.

School Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) Users

Receive information and updates on the Wisconsin Immunization Registry.

SeniorCare Program

Receive updates on the SeniorCare Program.

SSI Managed Care Expansion

Receive updates on the SSI Managed Care Expansion initiative.

Small Talks

Receive updates on the DHS Small Talks underage drinking campaign.

Telehealth Expansion

Notify providers of expanding services they may deliver via telehealth.

Title V Needs Assessment Updates

Receive updates on he Title V needs assessment process.

Trauma-Informed Care News and Notes

Receive biweekly updates on the trauma-informed care related research, resources, and training opportunities.

Violence Prevention

Updates, collaboration opportunities, funding announcements, and program news focused on violence prevention efforts including the Sexual Violence Prevention Program (SVP) and Violence and Injury Prevention efforts.

Waivers Service Rate Providers

Receive updates on the long term care rate-setting initiative.

WisCaregiver Career Program

Receive updates on the WisCaregiver Career program.

Wisconsin Board for Evaluation of Interpreters

Receive updates on the WITA assessment and the transition to the new BEI test.

Wisconsin Certified Peer Specialist Employment Initiative

Receive updates on our efforts to expand the scope and number of certified peer specialists in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Elderly Nutrition Program

Provide regular updates about the Elder Nutrition Program in a newsletter format.

Wisconsin Health Improvement Plan

Receive updates on the Wisconsin Health Improvement Plan.

Wisconsin HIV Program

Receive updates on our efforts to address the HIV epidemic.

Wisconsin IDD-MH System Improvement

Receive news and information about the Wisconsin IDD-MH System Improvement project.

Wisconsin Stroke Coalition

Receive updates on the Wisconsin Stroke Coalition.

Wisconsin Trauma Care System

Receive updates from the Wisconsin Trauma Care System.

WisTech Assistive Technology Program

Receive current information on assistive technology devices, programs, and resources.

Working with Diabetes

Receive the bi-monthly Working with Diabetes newsletter.

Data releases

Last revised August 12, 2024