
Using software to file your company's information

How to send information to Companies House using third party software or by developing your own software.

Software filing packages allow you to send information to Companies House through our extensible markup language (XML) gateway.

Using software to file might be helpful if you file a lot of documents with Companies House. The more documents you file, the more benefit you are likely to get from using software.

It also costs less to file documents digitally using software.

You can file most information with Companies House using software. This includes types of company accounts and incorporations you cannot file through our web services.

How to file online using software

You’ll need to apply to file with Companies House using software. We’ll create your presenter account and give you a presenter ID and code.

If you need to file documents with a fee, you must apply for a Companies House credit account.

If you need to file charge (mortgage) documents for other companies, you must register as a lender.

You can:

You can also develop your own software.

Developing your own software

You’ll need expertise in XML. You can:

Filing annual accounts in iXBRL format

We can receive and process company accounts produced in inline extensible reporting language (iXBRL) format. More software package providers are making iXBRL format available.

Some of the benefits include:

  • no more covering letters
  • no postage costs
  • faster, more secure delivery with immediate acknowledgement of receipt
  • automatic confirmation of acceptance or rejection
  • reduced risk of late filing penalties

You can only use our iXBRL service to file accounts under the Companies Act 2006.

Previewing your submission

If you’re developing iXBRL to file accounts online, you can test your submission using our validator.

You should use the ‘show image’ tool to check your iXBRL submission. This will preview exactly how your image will look on our system.

Your submission might not display as you expect, even if it’s passed the validation process. This is because of the different methods used to render the iXBRL.

Validation for ‘average number of employees’ in accounts notes

The note ‘Average number of employees during the period’ is compulsory. We’ll reject your accounts if they do not include this information.

The validation will apply to:

  • all company types (except dormant)
  • financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2016

If we receive a public complaint about a company who has filed accounts before 13 October 2020 but did not include the note - we’ll write to the company and suggest they file amending accounts (under section 454 of the Companies Act 2006). A company could choose to file amending accounts voluntarily to prevent any complaints.

Small and micro entity company types must also include this note under the Companies, Partnerships and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2015.

Accounts taxonomies

You can file interim, initial and medium audited accounts using the 2023 and 2024 FRC suite of taxonomies.

You can use our iXBRL filing service for accounts tagged using the following taxonomies.

2024 taxonomy entry points (from 4 April 2024):

2023 taxonomy entry points (from 5 April 2023):

2022 taxonomy entry points (from 1 April 2022):

2021 taxonomy entry points (from 1 January 2021):

2021 SECR taxonomy entry points:

Micro-entities (FRS 105) should use the FRS 102 entry point.

You can view all parts of the taxonomy at once using the FRC taxonomy overview entry point. This does not include the charities taxonomy.

Accounts taxonomies for listed companies

2024 UKSEF entry points:

2023 UKSEF entry points:

2022 UKSEF entry points:

2021 UKSEF entry point:

Updates to this page

Published 4 November 2019
Last updated 17 January 2025
  1. Accounts taxonomies – added 2024 taxonomy entry points

  2. Removed 2019 taxonomy entry points - taxonomy retired.

  3. A new validator link for previewing your submission has been added.

  4. You can file accounts using the 2023 FRC suite of taxonomies from 5 April 2023.

  5. Users can now file iXBRL accounts using the FRC 2022 suite of taxonomies.

  6. The FRC published the 2022 suite of taxonomies on 8 October 2021. We are currently working to update our systems and you’ll be able to file accounts using these taxonomies from April 2022.

  7. New 2021 taxonomies added, and older 2014 taxonomies deleted.

  8. From 13 October 2020, the note 'Average number of employees during the period' will become a compulsory field and will be validated.

  9. Added translation

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