U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 06/02/2022 01:15 PM EDT02 JUN 2022
ALAUX 016/22
1. All Auxiliarists are highly encouraged to review the latest version of the Auxiliary COVID-19 Reconstitution Guide which has been posted in AUXDATA II and on the Chief Director of Auxiliary (CHDIRAUX) website at: Auxiliary Reconstitution Guide. To review the guide in AUXDATA II, login to AUXDATA II; from the AUXDATA Navigation Bar select “More,” then “Files,” and then select “Libraries.” The guide and other relevant COVID-19 information are located in the folder, “CG Auxiliary COVID-19 Guidance.” Questions regarding the content of the guide should be directed to the appropriate Auxiliary Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM).
2. The following are highlights within this revision:
a. Unvaccinated Auxiliarists are authorized to perform in-person assignment to duty (ATD) in Low or Moderate CDC Community Level areas and must be prepared to provide proof of a negative FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 test administered within 72 hours prior to the start of the ATD. Failure to provide a negative test result, if requested, may result in the ATD being canceled and potential disciplinary action in accordance with the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series). Unvaccinated Auxiliarists in High CDC Community Level areas remain able to volunteer only for assignments or activities that do not involve in-person interaction with members of the public, other government personnel, or Coast Guard personnel.
b. Auxiliarists shall strictly adhere to Coast Guard COVID-19 policy and follow State and local policies if more restrictive. For example, if Coast Guard policy allows for optional indoor mask wear for vaccinated and unvaccinated Auxiliarists in a geographic area identified as Community Level (Medium) but a local township in that area still requires indoor mask wear for all, then Auxiliarists shall adhere to that township’s policy while assigned to duty.
c. Basic Community Level mask wear guidelines follow:
(1) High CDC Community Level: All Auxiliarists shall wear a mask.
(2) Medium and Low CDC Community Levels: Masks are optional for all Auxiliarists unless otherwise directed by the District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) or cognizant Coast Guard Order Issuing Authority (OIA).
d. For the Coast Guard to accurately gauge the extent of Auxiliary vaccination, the Auxiliary COVID-19 High-Risk Assessment form (ANSC-7101) has been updated, and all Auxiliarists must fill out and submit it to their cognizant DIRAUX as soon as possible. DIRAUX will update the COVID-19 vaccination status of their Auxiliarists in AUXDATA II and retain a copy of the form in the members’ files. Not providing this form will result in presumption that an Auxiliarist is not vaccinated against COVID-19. The updated form can be found on the Forms Warehouse at USCGAUX: PDF Forms for Auxiliary Staff.
e. All Auxiliarists (including fully vaccinated) entering any federal building in CDC COVID-19 Community Level of High must be prepared to attest to their vaccination status by providing proof of vaccination. Auxiliarists who are not fully vaccinated or decline to provide their vaccination status must be prepared to provide electronic or paper copy of a negative result from an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 test administered within 72 hours prior to their visit to a federal building/facility or in-person participation in a Coast Guard or other federal government hosted meeting, indoor event, or conference away from a Coast Guard building, when ATD and in any CDC COVID-19 Community Level.
f. Auxiliary events that are training-centric (e.g., Sector Training (S-TRAIN), District Training (D-TRAIN), National Training (N-TRAIN), National Convention (NACON)) are authorized to be planned and executed without need for further Coast Guard or DHS clearance or waiver. This is regardless of their duration or number of participants. Unvaccinated participants must be prepared to provide, upon request, a negative result from an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 test administered within 72 hours prior to event start, wear a mask in accordance with the Guide, and social distance at all times during the event. Failure to provide a negative test result if requested may result in dismissal from the event and potential disciplinary action in accordance with the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series).
g. Official travel for unvaccinated Auxiliarists or those who decline to provide information about their vaccination status is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the cognizant DIRAUX or OIA. If authorized to travel by their DIRAUX, then such Auxiliarists must be prepared to provide proof of a negative FDA-approved COVID-19 test completed within 72 hours of the start of their travel. Coast Guard and Auxiliary C-school attendees must be vaccinated.
3. DIRAUX offices, Coast Guard units, and OIAs are continually assessing operational risks posed by COVID-19 and developing mitigation strategies in advance of mission performance. They remain the best sources for guidance regarding Auxiliary assignments to duty within their respective areas of responsibility. All Auxiliarists are expected to help them by exercising caution and adhering to Coast Guard guidance.
4. Internet release is authorized.
If you have a question regarding this ALAUX, please seek resolution within your Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM) including up to your servicing District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX). If your question still cannot be resolved after that, then please email