Release Date: 2022-06-30
Release Schedule:
The data in this file were released on June 30, 2022.
Key Table Information:
Beginning with reference year 2005, Nonemployer data are released using the Noise Infusion methodology to protect confidentiality. See Survey Methodology for complete information on the coverage and methodology of the Nonemployer Statistics data series.
Data Items and Other Identifying Records:
This file contains data on the total number of firms and receipts.
Number of nonemployer establishments
Nonemployer Sales, value of shipments, or revenue ($1,000)
Noise range for nonemployer Sales, value of shipments, or revenue
Geography Coverage:
The data are shown at the U.S. and State level for LFO and the U.S. level for Receipt Size Class. All other data is shown at the U.S., State, County, Combined Statistical Area, and Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Areas.
Industry Coverage:
The data are shown at the 2- through (where available) 6-digit NAICS code levels for all sectors with published data. Data for nonemployers generally are provided at broader levels of industry detail than data for employers. For specific exclusions and inclusions, see
FTP Download:
Download the entire table at:
API Information:
Nonemployer Statistics data are housed in the Nonemployer Statistics API. For more information, see Developers: Available APIs: County Business Patterns and Nonemployer Statistics (1986-2019): Nonemployer Statistics APIs.
The universe of this file is all firms with no paid employees or payroll with receipts of $1,000 or more (or $1 for the construction sector) and are subject to federal income tax. The universe is limited to industries in approximately 450 of the nearly 1,200 recognized North American Industry Classification System industries. The universe contains only those codes that are available through administrative records sources and are common to all three legal forms of organization applicable to nonemployer businesses. This is generally a broader level of detail than would typically be provided for employer data. For specific exclusions and inclusions, see
Nonemployer Statistics originate from tax return information of the Internal Revenue Service. The data are subject to nonsampling error such as errors of self-classification by industry on tax forms, as well as errors of response, nonreporting and coverage. Values provided by each firm are slightly modified to protect the respondent's confidentiality. For further information about methodology and data limitations, see Survey Methodology.
U.S. Census Bureau, 2019 Nonemployer Statistics.
For more information about Nonemployer Statistics, see Our Surveys and Programs: Nonemployer Statistics (NES).
Contact Information:
U.S. Census Bureau
Economy-Wide Statistics Division
Business Statistics Branch
(301) 763-2580