A Guide to SAM.gov Roles and Permissions

Roles in SAM.gov are assigned by domain or functional area. For example, you may be assigned an Administrator role in assistance listings but not in contract opportunities. Roles allow users to perform tasks only in the domain the role belongs to.  You must submit separate role requests for each domain. You can only have one role per domain.

Roles are also assigned by organization. For federal organizations, this means that your role applies within your department or independent agency (KB0035962), sub-tier (KB0035963), or office (KB0035964). You can perform the tasks that your role allows within the organization for which the role is assigned. You can have a role for more than one organization. For example, you might have a Contract Opportunities Administrator role in two offices in the same sub-tier. For non-federal organizations, roles apply within one or more entities. For example, if you are an Entity Registration Administrator, you can modify entities you belong to but not other entities.

Each role has a set of associated permissions that define the specific tasks a person can do with that role.

The tables below lists all of the roles in SAM.gov by functional domain. Each federal or non-federal role inherits the permissions of the role below it. For example, an Assistance Listings Administrator can do everything an Assistance User can do as well as additional functions.

The tables provide a brief description of what each role can do. For a full description, select the role name. When assigning the role, any permissions listed as can be added or can be removed can be selected or deselected by the administrator.

Helpful links for learning more about roles:


Assistance Listing Roles

Role Name  Federal vs. Non-Federal


Assistance user Federal


Contract Data Roles (Reports only)

Role Name

Federal vs. Non-Federal



Contracting Officer


Contracting Specialist



Contract Opportunities Roles

Role Names Federal vs. Non-Federal
Administrator Federal
Contracting Officer Federal
Contracting Specialist  Federal
Administrator  Non-Federal
Data Entry  Non-Federal
Viewer Non-Federal


Federal Hierarchy Roles

Role Names  Federal vs. Non-Federal
Department Administrator Federal
Sub-Tier Administrator Federal
Office Administrator Federal


Exclusions Roles

Role Names  Federal vs. Non-Federal
Agency Roles Administrator Federal
Agency Administrator Exclusions Federal
Agency Exclusions Representative Federal



Entity Registration Roles

Role Name

Federal vs. Non-Federal

Agency Roles Administrator


Agency Administrator Entity Management 


Office Registration Representative




Data Entry





Entity Reporting Roles

Role Name

Federal vs. Non-Federal



Data Entry



System Account Roles

Role Name

Federal vs. Non-Federal

System Account Administrator


System Manager
