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site redevelopment sign
The Ready for Reuse Program is on full display in La Crosse. Photo credit: City of La Crosse.

The Ready for Reuse program provides funding to eligible entities to clean up brownfield properties. The program is administered by the DNR through a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Loans and grants are available through the Ready for Reuse program. Loans are zero-interest and are generally awarded for projects that need at least $250,000 for cleanup activities. The maximum grant amount is $200,000 per property; the project should be completed within two years.

A match contribution of at least 22% of the amount requested is required; other state or local grants may be used as match if the loan periods overlap. Federal grants may not be used as a match contribution.

Applications for the program are accepted year-round. Awards are subject to eligibility and available funding.

Before Applying

The Ready for Reuse program provides funds to sites that are READY to begin cleanup activities and have enough secured funding to finish the cleanup. If you feel that you have a project that fits this program, take the following steps as soon as possible.

Eligible Properties

The property must meet the federal definition of a brownfield, which is real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant (See U.S. EPA [exit DNR]).

Not Eligible

Properties ineligible for awards under the Ready for Reuse program include:

  • Facilities listed (or proposed for listing) on the National Priorities List (NPL).
  • Facilities subject to unilateral administrative orders, court orders, administrative orders on consent or judicial consent decrees issued to or entered into by parties under CERCLA.
  • Facilities that are subject to the jurisdiction, custody or control of the U.S. government (land held in trust by the United States government for an Indian tribe is eligible for brownfield funding).
Property-Specific Determination Required

Some properties require a property-specific determination from the U.S. EPA. This includes facilities with planned or ongoing CERCLA removal actions, facilities subject to federal administrative or court orders, facilities subject to corrective action under RCRA, land disposal facilities, properties with PCB contamination and properties that received funding from the federal Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Trust Fund.


Additional eligibility criteria are applied to properties requesting petroleum cleanup funding:

There must be no viable responsible party that can address the petroleum contamination at the site.

  • The facility cannot be subject to federal enforcement action under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
  • The facility cannot have obligations under the federal Oil Pollution Act (OPA) or use of federal leaking underground storage tank (LUST) funds at the site at the site.

Eligible Applicants

Only municipal entities are eligible to receive a loan through the Ready for Reuse Program.

Units of local government, nonprofit organizations and tribes, or other eligible tribal entity under 40 CFR 31.30 [exit DNR] are eligible for grants; the grantee must own the property.

All eligible applicants must also demonstrate:

  • The applicant did not cause, contribute to or exacerbate the contamination.
  • The applicant (and the property owner, if the applicant does not own the property) has liability defense under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) [exit DNR].
  • The applicant has secured financing to complete the cleanup and redevelopment.
  • The applicant can complete quarterly tracking forms to meet federal and state reporting requirements.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include:

  • Cleanup activities, including remediation planning, design and implementation.
  • Community involvement, worker health and safety activities and interagency coordination.
  • DNR fees for the review of cleanup plans and activities.

Application Materials

A complete application for Ready for Reuse includes:

Grant and Loan AWARD Materials

If you are awarded a Ready for Reuse loan or grant, do not start eligible cleanup activities until you complete the steps in the Checklist for Ready for Reuse Grantees & Borrowers (RR-105) [PDF].

Financial Agreement

Before work can begin, a financial agreement must be reached between the grantee or borrower and the DNR. The DNR will draft the agreement after an award is made.

Municipal Obligations For Loans

A municipality requesting a loan must issue an obligation authorized under one of the following provisions of Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes [exit DNR] as security for the Ready for Reuse loan:

  1. A general obligation Promissory Note issued under s. 67.12.(12), Wis. Stats.
  2. An Anticipation Note issued under s. 67.12(1)(b)2, Wis. Stats. which provides as follows:
    • Any municipality may issue municipal obligations in anticipation of receiving proceeds from brownfields revolving loan program loans or grants under the program described in s. 292.72 if the municipality has received written notification from the Department of Natural Resources that the department intends to distribute such proceeds to the municipality. The obligation shall be repaid within 10 years after the original date of the obligation, except that the obligation may be refunded one or more times. Any refundings shall be repaid within 20 years after the original date of the original obligation.
  3. Any other municipal obligation authorized under ch. 67, Wis. Stats.
Public Notice and Comment Period

Public notice to announce the 30-day public comment period and inform people of the location of the administrative record is required.

Payment request form
Quarterly reports