Graduation Pathways
- Student Learning and Pathways
- Current: Graduation Pathways
- Graduation Pathways
With Graduation Pathways, students are able to individualize their graduation requirements to align to their postsecondary goal of Enrollment, Employment, or Enlistment leading to service. No longer must all students fit into the same academic mold, but rather, they can choose the high school options that best meet their postsecondary needs and aspirations.
- Graduation Requirements (classes of 2019-2022)
- Graduation Requirements (beginning with class of 2023 and early adopters)
- Graduation Requirements – SPANISH
- Guidance Document
- Guidance Document Appendices and Resources
- State Board of Education FAQ
- Graduation Pathways FAQ
- Grad Pathways Toolkit
- Graduation Pathways 101
- Graduation Pathways Infographic – SPANISH
- Grad Pathway Requirement 1: High School Diploma
Students must complete the course requirements of one of the following:
- Core 40 designation
- Academic Honors designation
- Technical Honors designation
- General designation
Grad Pathway Requirement 1: High School Diploma
- Diploma Requirements
- Indiana Diploma with Core 40 and Honors Designation Requirements
- Indiana Diploma with Core 40 and Honors Designation Requirements – SPANISH
- Indiana Diploma with General Designation Requirements
- Indiana Diploma with General Designation Requirements – SPANISH
- Diploma Decision Chart
- Opt-out Provision
- Opt-out Provision – SPANISH
- Grad Pathway Requirement 2: Learn and Demonstrate Employability Skills
Demonstrations of employability skills include experiences that enable students to apply essential academic, technical, and professional skills and find engagement and relevancy in their academic careers. Through a Project-based, Service-based, or Work-based learning experience, students must demonstrate the Department of Workforce Development’s Employability Skills Benchmarks (or similar character development benchmarks).
The development of the student product must satisfy the four categories of employability skills:- Mindsets
- Learning Strategies
- Social & Emotional Skills
- Work Ethic
Project-Based Learning Experience
Project-based learning allows students to gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. The project is framed by a meaningful problem to solve or a question to answer, at the appropriate level of challenge. Students engage in a rigorous, extended process of asking questions, finding resources, and applying information. Students often make their project work public by explaining, displaying and/or presenting it to people beyond the classroom.Service-Based Learning Experience
Service-based learning integrates meaningful service to enrich and apply academic knowledge, teach civic and personal responsibility (and other employability skills), and strengthen communities. SBL can be classified by three core indicators: 1. Integrating academic study with service experience; 2. Reflecting larger social, economic, and societal issues; and 3. Collaborative efforts between students, schools, and community partners.
Work-Based Learning Experience
Work-based learning (WBL) is a strategy to reinforce academic, technical, and social skills learned in the classroom through collaborative activities with employer partners. Work-based learning experiences allow students to apply classroom theories to practical problems, to explore career options, and pursue personal and professional goals.
WBL includes activities that occur in workplaces and involve an employer assigning a student meaningful job tasks to develop his or her skills, knowledge, and readiness for work. It supports entry or advancement in any particular career field and can serve as the culminating course or event in a student’s chosen career pathway. Through WBL, students have the opportunity to apply the concepts, skills, and dispositions learned in previous coursework in real world business or industry settings. - Grad Pathway Requirement 3: Postsecondary Ready Competencies
Students must complete at least one of the following options:
Honors Diploma
- Indiana Diploma with Core 40 and Honors Designation Requirements
- Indiana Diploma with Core 40 and Honors Designation Requirements - SPANISH
To meet this Postsecondary-ready Competency for the Graduation Pathways, a student must earn at least a minimum AFQT score to qualify for placement into one of the branches of the US military, which is currently set at the score of 31.State - and Industry-recognized Credential or Certification
The State Board of Education defines industry-recognized credentials as those credentials developed or supported by business and industry to verify student mastery of technical skills and competencies in an occupational area that aligns with Indiana’s economic sectors. They are approved by Indiana’s Department of Workforce Development.
- 23-24 Industry Certifications Eligible for Graduation Pathways
- 22 23 Industry Certifications Eligible for Graduation Pathways
- 2021-2022 Grad Pathways Approved Certification List
- Addendum to the 2019-2020 Promoted Industry Certifications
- 2019-2020 List of Indiana’s Promoted Industry Certifications
- 2019-2020 Indiana’s Industry Certifications for Removal
- Industry Certification Accommodations
- Application to Add Certifications to State Recognized List for Accountability
Federally-recognized Apprenticeship
Per the Indiana General Assembly, any apprenticeship program must be registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act (29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.) or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor.Career-Technical Education Concentrator
A CTE concentrator is defined by the state of Indiana as a “student who completes at least 2 non-duplicate advanced CTE courses” along with any required prerequisites. The 2024 graduating cohort is the last cohort that can use Perkins V pathways. All students must use a Next Level Program of Study sequence beginning with the 2025 cohort. Students must complete their concentrator sequence with a C average to qualify as a CTE concentrator for Graduation Pathways.
- Perkins V
- Next Level Programs of Study (NLPS) - Required beginning with the 2025 cohort
AP/IB/Dual Credit/Cambridge International courses or CLEP Exams click this subtitle to show the info & link(s)
Locally Created Pathway
Locally Created Pathways (LCPs) are locally determined competencies and/or assessments beyond the current Postsecondary-Ready Competencies (PRCs) that demonstrate a student has the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful after high school.
The window to submit new LCP applications for the upcoming school year is March 1st to April 30th annually.
- Reporting and Tracking
- Promising Practices
- Graduation Report (GR) Instructions
- Graduation Pathways Checklist (Perkins IV)
- Graduation Pathways Checklist (Perkins V)
- Graduation Pathways Checklist (NLPS)
- Indiana Career Explorer
- Standards for Success
Parent Communication
- Updated Toolkit Coming Soon!
- Graduation Pathways Infographic
Middle School
- Updated Toolkit Coming Soon!
Advanced Placement (AP) Program