The Small City Allotment Advisory Committee (SCAAC) was established by ODOT's Executive Director of Transportation in consultation with the League of Oregon Cities. The advisory committee is comprised of a representative from each of ODOT's five regions. Committee members must be affiliated with an eligible city within the region they represent. The committee represents small cities interests while providing advice and counsel to ODOT regarding the SCA program.
Meeting Information
The committee meets twice yearly, once during first quarter and again in third quarter, after the annual solicitation has concluded. Meetings are held online using Microsoft Teams and are open to everyone. Meeting dates and times are announced on the
Oregon’s Transparency website, the
Small City Allotment webpage as well as the SCAAC webpage.
The Program
The Small City Allotment program is an annual allocation of state funds for local transportation projects. Through an agreement between the League of Oregon Cities and ODOT. ODOT sets aside $5M each year; half from city gas tax revenue and half from the State Highway Fund. Statute (ORS 366.805) dictates that these funds may only be used upon streets
- That are not part of the state highway system,
- That are within cities with populations of 5,000 or fewer; and
- That are inadequate for the capacity they serve or are in a condition detrimental to safety.
Funds are distributed per a competitive process with projects competing against other projects from within the same region. Each project is evaluated, scored and ranked and those that best meet the program criteria will be awarded to the degree funding allows. Funding is limited to $250,000 per project.
2025 Application Cycle
ODOT will accept applications March 3rd through April 30th. Cities must have all previously awarded SCA projects completed, and the final reimbursement request submitted, prior to May 1st to be eligible for consideration.
The application form is available