Index of data tables
The figures included within the tables are representative of Great Britain unless otherwise stated.
This denotes a data source where tables have been accredited as official statistics following independent review by the Office for Statistics Regulation.
More information on data sources[26].
Select a category from the list below to obtain the latest suite of tables for that data source.
- RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
- ESQCR - Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations
- LFS - Labour Force Survey - Self-reported work-related ill health and workplace injuries
- THOR - Voluntary reporting of occupational diseases by specialist doctors
- THOR GP – Voluntary reporting of occupational diseases by General Practitioners
- IIDB - Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme
- Deaths from asbestos-related and other occupational lung diseases
- Cancer
- Lead exposure
- CIDI - Central Index of Dose Information - occupational exposure to Ionising Radiation
- Comparisons with other countries
- Costs to Britain
- Management of Health and Safety in the Workplace
- Crime Survey England and Wales (CSEW) Work Related Violence
RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
Injuries - Last updated 11/24
- RIDHIST - Reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain from 1974
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by broad industry group
- Table 2: Work-related fatal injuries to members of the public in Great Britain by broad industry group
- Table 3: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees and the self-employed in Great Britain by broad industry group
- RIDIND - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by detailed industry
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by detailed industry
- Table 2: Work-related fatal injuries to members of the public in Great Britain by detailed industry
- Table 3: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by detailed industry
- RIDIND - MANF - RIDDOR reported injuries in manufacturing industry by detailed industry
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in manufacturing in Great Britain by detailed industry
- Table 2: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in manufacturing in Great Britain by detailed industry
- RIDREG - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by country, region and unitary or local authority
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by country, region and unitary or local authority
- Table 2: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by country, region and unitary or local authority
- RIDAGEGEN - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by age, gender and broad industry group
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by age, gender and broad industry group
- Table 2: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by age, gender and broad industry group
- RIDKIND - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by kind of accident and broad industry group
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by kind of accident and broad industry group
- Table 2: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by kind of accident and broad industry group
- RIDKIND - MANF - RIDDOR reported injuries in manufacturing industry by detailed industry and kind of accident
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in manufacturing in Great Britain by detailed industry and kind of accident
- Table 2 : Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in manufacturing in Great Britain by detailed industry and kind of accident
- RIDNAT - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by nature of injury
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by nature of injury
- Table 2: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by nature of injury
- RIDSITE - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by site of injury
- Table 1: Work-related fatal injuries to workers (employees and the self-employed) in Great Britain by site of injury
- Table 2: Work-related non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by site of injury
Dangerous Occurrences - Last updated 11/24
RIDDO - Dangerous Occurrences reported in Great Britain (.xlsx) [37]
Gas Safety - Last updated 11/24
- RIDGAS - Gas-related incidents reported in Great Britain
- Table 1: Flammable gas incidents resulting in injury reported in Great Britain
- Table 2: Notifications of dangerous gas fittings reported in Great Britain
ESQCR - Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 (as amended)
Safety-related incidents - Last updated 11/24
ESQCR - Safety-related incidents reported in Great Britain under ESQCR (.xlsx) [39]
THOR - Voluntary reporting of occupational diseases by specialist doctors: Index of THOR tables 
Skin disease (Cases reported by consultant dermatologists to EPIDERM) - Last updated 11/24
- THORS01 - Numbers by sex and diagnostic category, 1998 to latest year (.xlsx) [40]
- THORS02 - Percentage age distribution by sex and diagnostic category (.xlsx) [41]
- THORS03 - Numbers and percentages by country and diagnostic category (.xlsx) [42]
- THORS04 - Contact dermatitis: numbers and rates by occupation (.xlsx) [43]
- THORS05 - Contact dermatitis: numbers and rates by industry (.xlsx) [44]
- THORS06 - Occupational dermatitis: numbers of diagnoses in which particular causative substances were identified (.xlsx) [45]
Respiratory (Cases reported by consultant chest physicians to SWORD) - Last updated 11/24
- THORR01 - Numbers by sex and diagnostic category, 1998 to latest year (.xlsx) [46]
- THORR02 - Percentage age distribution by sex and diagnostic category (.xlsx) [47]
- THORR03 - Numbers and percentages by country and diagnostic category (.xlsx) [48]
- THORR04 - Occupational asthma: numbers and rates by occupation (.xlsx) [49]
- THORR05 - Occupational asthma: numbers and rates by industry (.xlsx) [50]
- THORR06 - Occupational asthma: numbers of diagnoses in which particular causative substances were identified (.xlsx) [51]
Region - Last updated 10/13
- THORGOR1-Numbers of new cases of occupational disease by country (.xls) [52] (available via the National Archives)
- Archived THOR tables[53] - This contains tables for schemes that are no longer funded by HSE, namely MOSS (cases reported by Rheumatologists), SOSMI (cases reported by Psychiatrists) and OPRA (cases reported by Occupational Health Physicians). These tables were last updated in 2010 and are now available via the National Archives.
THOR GP - Voluntary reporting of occupational diseases by General Practitioners: Index of THOR GP tables 
THOR GP - Last updated 11/16
The tables listed are no longer updated and are available via the National Archives using the links below.
- THORGP01-Ill-health: number of diagnoses and associated sickness absence by diagnostic category, 3 year average (.xlsx) [54]
- THORGP02A-Ill-health: number of diagnoses and associated sickness absence by broad diagnostic category, latest year only (.xlsx) [55]
- THORGP02B-Ill-health: number of diagnoses and associated sickness absence by broad diagnostic category, for 2014 (.xlsx) [56]
- THORGP02C-Ill-health: number of diagnoses and associated sickness absence by broad diagnostic category, for 2013 (.xlsx) [57]
- THORGP03-Ill-health: numbers and relative rates by country, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [58]
- THORGP04-Ill-health: numbers and relative rates by industry, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [59]
- THORGP05-Musculoskeletal disorders: numbers and relative rates by industry, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [60]
- THORGP06-Mental ill-health: numbers and relative rates by industry, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [61]
- THORGP07-Sickness absence: numbers and relative rates by industry, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [62]
- THORGP08-Ill-health: numbers and relative rates by broad occupation, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [63]
- THORGP09-Musculoskeletal disorders: numbers and relative rates by broad occupation, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [64]
- THORGP10-Mental ill-health: numbers and relative rates by broad occupation, 3 year average and latest year only (.xlsx) [65]
- THORGP11-Musculoskeletal disorders: by task/movement, 3 year aggregate total (.xlsx) [66]
- THORGP12-Upper limb musculoskeletal disorders: by task/movement, 3 year aggregate total (.xlsx) [67]
- THORGP13-Musculoskeletal disorders of the back: by task/movement, 3 year aggregate total (.xlsx) [68]
- THORGP14-Mental ill-health by precipitating event, 3 year aggregate total (.xlsx) [69]
- THORGP15-Musculoskeletal disorders, according to anatomical site, 3 year aggregate total (.xlsx) [70]
- THORGP16-Mental ill-health: by diagnosis, 3 year aggregate total (.xlsx) [71]
- Methods and caveats relating to the calculation of incidence rates from THOR-GP data[72]
IIDB - Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Index of IIDB tables - Last updated 11/24
- IIDB01-New cases of lung diseases in England, Wales and Scotland by disease (.xlsx) [73] - The data previously contained in IIDB01, IIDB02, IIDB03 and IIDB04 is now included within IIDB01.
- IIDB05-New cases by disease and industry, 3 year average for the latest years (.xlsx) [74]
- IIDB06-Pneumoconiosis: new cases by industry (.xlsx) [75]
- IIDB07-Pneumoconiosis: new cases by agent, age and percentage disablement (.xlsx) [76]
- IIDB08-Occupational asthma: new cases by agent (.xlsx) [77]
Deaths from asbestos-related and other occupational lung diseases 
Occupational lung disease mortality tables - Updated 07/24
- ASIS01-Death certificates mentioning asbestosis (.xlsx) [78]
- ASIS02-Death certificates mentioning asbestosis: annual average death rates and specific rates amongst males, by 3-year time period (.xlsx) [79]
- ASIS03 - Death certificates mentioning asbestosis without mesothelioma: age standardised death rates per million by region, time period and sex (.xlsx) [80]
- ASISAREA – Death certificates mentioning asbestosis but not mesothelioma in Great Britain: number of deaths and SMRs for males by area (.xlsx) [81]
- ASISOCCUPATION 01-04 - Asbestosis male mortality in Great Britain (including and excluding mention of mesothelioma) by occupation 2011-2022 and 2001-2010 (.xlsx) [82]
- DC01-Deaths due to occupationally related lung disease, other than mesothelioma and asbestosis 1993 - latest year (.xlsx) [83] (Last updated 11/24)
Mesothelioma mortality tables - Updated 07/24
- MESO01-Death certificates mentioning mesothelioma (.xlsx) [84]
- MESO02-Death certificates for males mentioning mesothelioma by year of death and 5-year age group (.xlsx) [85]
- MESO03-Death certificates for females mentioning mesothelioma by year of death and 5-year age group (.xlsx) [86]
- MESO04-Number of mesothelioma deaths and average annual rates per million by age and sex in three year periods (.xlsx) [87]
- MESO05-Mesothelioma age standardised death rates per million by region, time period and sex (.xlsx) [88]
- MESO06-Annual projections of male and female mesothelioma deaths in Great Britain (.xlsx) [89] (Last updated 07/20) (available via the National Archives)
- MESOBirthCohort-Mesothelioma mortality by age, sex and birth cohort (.xlsx) [90]
- MESOAREA-tables MESOAREA 01-04, Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain by Geographical Area 1981-2022 (.xlsx) [91] (Updated 14/10/2024 to correct misaligned rows in tabs ‘mesoarea03’ and ‘mesoarea04’ see revision log[92])
- MESOOCCUPATION 01-06, Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain by occupation 2011-2022 and 2001-2010 (.xlsx) [93]
Index of Cancer tables - Last updated 10/19
- CAN01A NEW-Estimated attributable fractions, average annual number of deaths in 2019-2023 and registrations in 2017-2021 by cancer site including established and probable human carcinogens (.xlsx) [94] (Last updated 11/24)
- CAN01A-Estimated attributable fractions, number of deaths in 2005 and registrations in 2004 by cancer site including established and probable human carcinogens (.xlsx) [95]
- CAN01B NEW-Estimated attributable fractions, average annual number of deaths in 2019-2023 and registrations in 2017-2021 by cancer site including only the established human carcinogens (.xlsx) [96] (Last updated 11/24)
- CAN01B-Estimated attributable fractions, number of deaths in 2005 and registrations in 2004 by cancer site including only the established human carcinogens (.xlsx) [97]
- CAN02 NEW-Estimated annual average number of cancer deaths in 2019-2023 that could be attributed to the ten leading occupational carcinogens, for men and women (.xlsx) [98] (Last updated 11/24)
- CAN02-Estimated number of cancer deaths in 2005 that could be attributed to the ten leading occupational carcinogens, for men and women (.xlsx) [99]
- CAN03 NEW-Estimated annual average number of cancer registrations in 2017-2021 that could be attributed to the ten leading occupational carcinogens, for men and women (.xlsx) [100] (Last updated 11/24)
- CAN03-Estimated number of cancer registrations in 2004 that could be attributed to the ten leading occupational carcinogens, for men and women (.xlsx) [101]
- CAN04-Estimated number of cancer deaths in 2005 that could be attributed to the ten leading occupational carcinogens by industry (.xlsx) [102]
- CAN05-Estimated number of cancer registrations in 2004 that could be attributed to the ten leading occupational carcinogens by industry (.xlsx) [103]
- CAN06-Forecast number of cancer registrations per year attributable to the 14 leading occupational carcinogens by industry in 2010 and 2060 (.xlsx) [104]
- CAN07-Forecast number of cancer registrations per year by the leading occupational carcinogen, cancer site and industry in 2060 (.xlsx) [105]
- CAN08-Occupational carcinogens, cancer types and assumptions of exposure trends used in the estimate of future burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain, 2010 - 2060 (.xlsx) [106]
Lead exposure 
Index of lead exposure tables - Last updated 05/24
- Lead Exposure - The breakdown of lead workers under medical surveillance
- Table 1: The breakdown of lead workers under medical surveillance by sex and age
- Table 2: The breakdown of male lead workers under medical surveillance by highest recorded blood-lead level and industrial sector
- Table 3: The breakdown of female lead workers under medical surveillance by highest recorded blood-lead level and industrial sector
CIDI – Central Index of Dose Information - occupational exposure to Ionising Radiation
Last updated 03/17
Table number | Table number for pre 2005 data summaries* | Description |
CIDI01 (.xlsx) [108] (available via the National Archives) | A2 | Distribution of Whole Body Dose (EDE+CEDE) by dose interval |
CIDI02 (.xlsx) [109] (available via the National Archives) | A3 | Distribution of Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) from neutron by dose interval |
CIDI03 (.xlsx) [110] (available via the National Archives) | A4 | Distribution of Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) from radon by dose interval |
CIDI04 (.xlsx) [111] (available via the National Archives) | A5 | Distribution of Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) by dose interval |
CIDI05 (.xlsx) [112] (available via the National Archives) | C1 | Distribution of Equivalent Dose (DE) to skin (whole body) by dose interval |
CIDI06 (.xlsx) [113] (available via the National Archives) | C2 | Distribution of Equivalent Dose (DE) to lens of the eye by dose interval |
CIDI07 (.xlsx) [114] (available via the National Archives) | C3 C4 C5 C6 |
Distribution of maximum of Equivalent Dose (DE) to left hand/forearm by dose interval Equivalent Dose (DE) to right hand/forearm by dose interval Equivalent Dose (DE) to left foot/ankle by dose interval Equivalent Dose (DE) to right foot/ankle by dose interval |
CIDI08 (.xlsx) [115] (available via the National Archives) | C7 | Distribution of DE + CDE to lung by dose interval plus collective and mean dose |
CIDI09 (.xlsx) [116] (available via the National Archives) | C8 | Distribution of DE + CDE to bone surface by dose interval |
CIDI10 (.xlsx) [117] (available via the National Archives) | C9 | Distribution of DE + CDE to liver by dose interval |
CIDI11 (.xlsx) [118] (available via the National Archives) | C10 | Distribution of DE + CDE to thyroid by dose interval |
Comparisons with other countries
Index of European comparisons - Last updated 11/24
- EURO_01 - Standardised incidence rate of fatal accidents at work, excluding road traffic accidents and accidents on board transport in the course of work (.xlsx) [119]
- EURO_02 - Workers who had a workplace injury resulting in time off work in the previous 12 months (%) (.xlsx) [120]
- EURO_03 - Workers suffering from a work-related health problem resulting in time off work (%) (.xlsx) [121]
- EURO_04 - Workers who believe their health or safety is at risk because of their work (%) (.xlsx) [122]
- EURO_05 - Establishments that have a document that explains responsibilities and procedures on health and safety (%) (.xlsx) [123]
- EURO_06 - Establishments that regularly carry out workplace risk assessments (%) (.xlsx) [124]
- EURO_07 - Establishments that have an action plan to prevent work-related stress (%) (.xlsx) [125]
Costs to Britain 
Costs to Britain of workplace fatalities and self-reported injuries and ill health - Last updated 11/24
- COSTS_Tables 22/23 - combined tables of the Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health
- COST01 - Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health by cost type, 2022/23 (latest year)
- COST02 - Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health by incident type, 2004/05 to latest year
- COST03 - Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health by cost bearer, 2004/05 to latest year (No costs data for 2011/12 due to ill health data not collected in 2012/13)
- COST_IND - Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health by industry, 2022/23 (latest year)
- COST_REG - Costs to Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health by country and region of work, 2022/23 (latest year)
Management of Health and Safety in UK workplaces
Index of Management of Health and Safety in UK workplaces
The tables below were last updated on 07/15. These are available via the National Archives using the links below.
- OSHMAN1 - Indicators of health and safety leadership in the workplace (.xlsx) [127]
- OSHMAN2 - Indicators of health and safety competence in the workplace (.xlsx) [128]
- OSHMAN3 - Indicators of worker involvement in health and safety at the workplace (.xlsx) [129]
- OSHMAN4 - Indicators of healthier, safer workplaces (.xlsx) [130]