Now is the Time to Invite Your Favorite Nonprofit

Now is the perfect time to refer your favorite nonprofit to the Employee Giving Program.

Employee referred nonprofits are our favorite! It is our goal, after all, to connect employees to the causes they care about.

Refer your favorite nonprofit here.

By referring nonprofits, we can reach out to them when the annual application cycle opens later this spring. All nonprofits must apply and meet eligibility requirements annually in order for them to be in the upcoming Annual Giving Drive.

During the Annual Giving Drive this fall you may:

  • Share about your favorite nonprofit
  • Invite them in or do a special event in their honor
  • Pledge

Additionally, eligible employees may use up to 3 instances of sick leave to volunteer year-round at EGP participating nonprofits or local schools.

Let’s get them in so others can learn about why you think they are so awesome.

Refer nonprofits here.