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Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program

The Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Fund) is a financing resource operated by the Maryland Department of Commerce (Commerce), to provide grants for innovation infrastructure projects intended to support innovation in an eligible technology sector. 

In FY24 $9.0 million was awarded to transformative projects that accelerate the growth of the state’s strategic industry sectors. See the press release here for more information on these projects.

The program is funded at $7 million for FY25. Matching grants of up to $2 million are available to projects that demonstrate a transformative impact in accelerating growth and innovation in the state’s strategic industry sectors. See the second round press release here for the announcement by Governor Wes Moore.

Eligible Uses of Funds

Grant awards may be used to defray the cost a grantee incurs to acquire, construct, rehabilitate, install, improve, or equip an eligible innovation infrastructure project.

Grants may be used for eligible innovation infrastructure projects designed to transform and accelerate growth in the following eligible technology sectors:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Biotechnology
  • Blue Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Defense
  • Energy and Sustainability
  • Life Sciences
  • Quantum
  • Sensors and Robotics

Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to: 

  • Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities
  • Wet Laboratories
  • Cyber Ranges
  • Prototype Manufacturing Centers
  • Other Specialized Workforce Training, Skill Certification, or Research-Related Spaces


The Build Our Future grant application process will be in two steps. Phase 1 will constitute an open call for proposals, seeking initial project summary information and detailing the impact of the project on advancing innovation and growth in targeted industry sectors. Following review of the Phase 1 applications, a review committee will down select and invite a limited number of applicants to submit a more detailed Phase 2 application.

  • Phase 1 Application
    • A completed Phase 1 Application must include an outline and narrative of the project and describe how it qualifies and supports the goals and parameters of the program.
    • The Application must include the location, size and function of the project. It must identify the technology sector, describe how the project will support innovation in that sector, identify sources and uses of funds, and describe the transformational aspects of the project.
    • Incomplete submissions cannot be considered.
    • The Phase 1 Application form is available below.  Applications may be submitted to
    • The deadline to submit Phase 1 applications is Friday, September 27, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
    • Successful Phase 1 applicants will be notified and invited to submit a Phase 2 Application in early November.


Phase 1 Application Documents

Completed Phase 1 Applications should be submitted to


  • A single entity may not be awarded more than $2,000,000 in grant funds in a fiscal year. 
    1. For a grant award up to $1,000,000, a grantee shall provide matching funds that are at least 200% of the grant amount. 
    2. For a grant award exceeding $1,000,000, and up to $2,000,000, a grantee shall provide matching funds that are at least 400% of the grant amount. 
    3. Funds received by a grantee through other State grant programs are not counted toward the grantees matching funds requirement. 
  • A grantee must demonstrate an ability to cover their share of the project costs. 
  • Grants may be awarded to private companies, nonprofit entities, local governments, or colleges and universities in the State.
  • Not more that 50% of the appropriation to the fund in a fiscal year may be awarded to colleges and universities in that fiscal year. 
  • Grants to colleges and universities from the fund will be awarded to projects that: 
    1. Are performed in collaboration with private industry; or
    2. Offer the prospect of significant economic impact and the opportunity to develop entrepreneurship or clusters of technological innovation in the State.


Resources for Applicants

Questions about the Program and Fund should be directed to A member of the Commerce team will respond to your inquiry in a timely manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program?
    • ​The Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program (“Program”) was created in 2023 to provide grant funding for infrastructure projects that support innovation in eligible technology sectors. The program is administered by the Maryland Department of Commerce (“Commerce”). The program is scheduled to run for four years through June 30, 2027.

  • Who can apply for grant funding?
  • What types of colleges and universities are eligible to apply?
  • What technology sectors are eligible?
  • I’m unsure whether my business fits the definition of one of these sectors. Can you tell me if my project is eligible?
  • What is meant by “innovation?”
  • What types of projects are encouraged?
  • What types of eligible projects are most likely to be awarded grant funds?
  • What type of eligible projects should colleges and universities submit for funding?
  • How much grant funding is available? How much can we apply for?
  • Can multiple applications be submitted?
  • Is there an application fee?
  • Are matching funds required from the applicant?
  • For what costs can grant funds be used?
  • For what costs can Grantee matching funds be used?
  • Can in-kind contributions be included as matching funds from the applicant?
  • I have already started my project. Can I still apply and count those costs already incurred to be put towards my matching funds?
  • How does the application process work?
  • Will the grant funds be made available at the time of the Award?
  • What is expected of the Grantee in order to comply with the conditions of the Grant?
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