Be A Force
For Nature

Support The Chickadee Checkoff

Not Just
For Chickadees

The Chickadee Checkoff supports all Kansas non-game species. Your donation means help for a diverse range of species, from birds in your backyard, to mammals, amphibians, insects, and reptiles.

For Humans

Your donation supports creatures through educational programming in schools, eco-meets, enviro-thons, and materials like pocket guides and books. Threatened and endangered species especially benefit from the program.

For Animals

Kansas wildlife benefits from your support because donations are leveraged as matching dollars against grants from the federal State Wildlife Grants Program. This allows for more funds on the ground improving habitat for Kansas wildlife.

Completed Chickadee Checkoff Projects

Created a habitat for Chimney Swifts in partnership with the Humboldt School District.

Built nest boxes for Purple Martins in partnership with the Lawrence School District.

Supported construction of an outdoor learning area and pollinator plot at Jackson Heights High School.
Contributed to high school student research projects.
Assessed home range size and landscape use for bald eagles in Kansas.
Kick-started undergraduate and graduate students with funding for research projects.

How could we help conserve your local wildlife?

Facts and Figures About The Chickadee Checkoff

Kansas Individual Income Tax forms and this website!

All For Animals

Be a force for nature here at home when you support the Kansas Chickadee Checkoff.