Litter Prevention Partner Toolkit
Click on the links below to open files or zipped folders and then save them to your computer. We will continue to add resources to this toolkit, so check back periodically.
For more information, please contact Amber Smith, statewide litter prevention coordinator, 360-688-4957.
We Keep WA Litter Free Resources
- September 2023 campaign key messages
- September 2023 campaign press release
- 2022 Litter Study graphics and photos (zipped)
- We Keep WA Litter Free window clings (English & Spanish zipped)
- Brand guide
- Video ads (English & Spanish zipped)
- Social media ads (English & Spanish zipped)
- Social media content (zipped)
- Billboards (zipped)
- Campaign logos (English & Spanish zipped)
- Note: Logos are provided in multiple formats for use across web, print, and design applications. Please do not make changes or distort the logos.
- Highway signs and specifications (zipped)
These signs replace the Litter and It Will Hurt signs, statewide. They come in three sizes depending on the road type and speed limit.- 72 x 48 inches - For use on freeways and expressways on state highways
- 48 x 36 inches - For use on non-freeway/expressways and local roads with a posted speed limit of 40 miles per hour or more
- 36 x 30 inches - For use on local roads with a posted speed limit of 35mph or less
Secure Your Load for Safer Roads Resources
- June 2024 campaign press release
- June 2024 campaign key messages
- June 2024 fact sheet
- Social Media
- Social marketing plan
- Print materials: We provide print-ready PDFs, as well as the native design file packages. The “co-branded" version of the brochure has a place to add your organization’s logo. Please do not make changes to any of the material's messaging or design elements.
- Bilboard ads
- Standard size (zipped)
- Poster size (zipped)
- Cargo net giveaway event materials (zipped)
- Resources for retail outreach (zipped)
- Solid waste facility signage (zipped)
- Poster
- Video ads (English & Spanish zipped)
- Radio ads
- Web graphics
- Load Securement 101 training
Taught by Ecololgy and Washington State Patrol for local government solid waste staff.
Not Littering: Simple As That Resources
- September 2024 campaign key messages
- Press release
- Video ads (English & Spanish zipped)
- Radio ads (English & Spanish zipped)
- Social media and images (zipped)
- Social marketing plan
- Poster
- Gas station pump toppers (zipped)
Contact information
Amber Smith
Statewide litter prevention coordinator