Mobile App: Free Meals for Kids
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Created by Hunger Impact Partners, a 501(c)(3) with support from the Minnesota Department of Education to ensure children 18 and under can access nutritious meals, the sites you locate for food are updated regularly.
During the school year: The app lists information on programs that offer meals for children of low-income families. The meals are available at childcare centers and after-school programs. The app also lists weekend and holiday backpack programs, which are available at some school sites, in addition to food offered by hunger-relief organizations.
During summer: The app lists sites serving free meals during June, July, and August
Year-round: The app lists Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota locations of Fare For All, which sells fresh produce and frozen meat at up to 40 percent off retail prices.
Serving Sites: Contains sites and information across the state where families and children can access meals.
Map: Provides a visual image of where sites are located. Touch a red map pin and learn more about a specific meal site.
Food Options: Shows sample menus for meals served.
Messages: Alerts provided regarding important information, site updates, and community resources.
Resources: Lists community resources for meal access.
Info: Provides contact email, resources links, and site sharing.
Help us keep your information current
Contact the team at:
The Free Meals for Kids mobile app helps families and kids find free meals at Minnesota schools and other sites.
1. Download the Free Meals for Kids app at Apple App or Google Play.
2. Use the app to find the nearest site providing meals and meal packs by GPS.
3. Click on the nearby site and use the Meals Updates tab for more details.
It is updated regularly.
Kids 18 and under or family members can use this free app to find locations that provide meals and meal packs. It also shows days and hours for distribution.
Want to be listed on the app, or add locations? Send an e-mail to:
Flyers for sponsors to display
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Second Harvest Heartland has created these videos to help you learn more about summer meal options available near you.