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Training and Technical Assistance

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The Department of Justice (DOJ) provides training and technical assistance (TTA) to further practical and specialized knowledge to implement and enhance justice system efforts. DOJ supports training and technical assistance that is both specifically geared toward tribes and across broader topic areas.

Topical TTA Resources and Eligibility

DOJ provides subject matter-based training and technical assistance across topic areas that include:


DOJ Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Providers

Click on the organization name to read a brief description of the agency, services provided, contact information, and a link to each organization's website.

Indian Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder

Law Enforcement

Tribal Courts

Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance

Corrections, Alternatives to Incarceration, and Reentry

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Justice

Victim Services

Intergovernmental Collaboration

Information Sharing

Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

Domestic and Sexual Violence Crimes

Tribal Justice System Infrastructure

Grants Financial Management

Construction Project Management Technical Assistance

Comprehensive Environmental Compliance Support and Technical Assistance


Grants and Financial Training

In addition to subject matter-based TTA resources and tools to assist tribes with programmatic issues related to project implementation, DOJ offers grant management-related training and technical assistance regarding the grant application process, grant management, and financial management.

Updated January 30, 2024