Today, VA announced an update to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) specifically pertaining to digestive conditions. The changes add or modify rating criteria for 55 medical conditions in the rating schedule that incorporate medical advancements for treating certain disabilities and modern medical knowledge to compensate Veterans more accurately.
The three biggest changes that will impact you, as Veterans, include the new evaluations for celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids.
Beginning May 19, celiac disease—an autoimmune disorder that impacts how the body processes gluten—will have its own rating criteria specifically designed to address its disabling effects. Veterans with this condition were previously granted service connection and evaluated by analogy using rating criteria that ranged from zero to 30 percent. Now under a specific diagnostic code, Veterans will be eligible for an evaluation ranging from zero to 80 percent.
VA will also adjust the rating criteria for evaluating irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS. Previously, VA offered zero, 10 and 30 percent evaluations for the condition. Under the new criteria, Veterans may be entitled to 10, 20, or 30 percent evaluations based on the frequency of symptoms; therefore, new rating criteria will always offer a compensable evaluation.
Finally, VA addressed the evaluations for both internal and external hemorrhoids. Previously, VA assigned a zero percent evaluation if the condition was identified as mild or moderate. For more severe findings a 10 or 20 percent evaluation was warranted. With the new rating criteria set in the rating schedule, mild or moderate hemorrhoids will now qualify for the 10 percent evaluation.
“These are just a few of the changes being made to how conditions of the digestive system are rated based on updated medical information,” said Under Secretary for Benefits Josh Jacobs. “The updates will bring the rating criteria more closely in line with the stated purpose of the rating schedule, which is to provide evaluations based upon average impairment of earning capacity for each and every Veteran.”
There will be no change to any Veteran’s current rating based solely on these updates. If you currently receive compensation for a service-connected condition, you can apply for increased compensation. A reduction in evaluation will only occur if there is improvement in a disability sufficient to warrant a reduction under the former criteria. Claims related to these body systems that were pending on May 19 will be considered under both the old and new rating criteria, and whichever criteria is more favorable to the Veteran will be applied.
Visit the Federal Register webpage for a full list of the conditions impacted in this schedule change, and VA benefits for more information, or to apply.
Since September 2017, VA has updated the rating schedule for the following body systems:
- Dental and oral conditions.
- Endocrine system.
- Gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast.
- Organs of special sense (eye conditions).
- Skin.
- Hematologic and lymphatic systems.
- Infectious diseases, immune disorders, and nutritional deficiencies.
- Musculoskeletal system and muscle injuries.
- Genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.
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I receive 0%
I am a Navy Vietnam veteran currently with 20% compensation for hearing loss and Prostate surgery.
Is it wise to go to the VA office after a number of (5) years for a compensation reevaluation check?
Please advise me on this.
Thank you now someone realizes that carrying a ninety pound rucksack and M60 machine gun with thousand rounds or 4/2 mortar would give a grunt 11B 10 hemorrhoids
Dose this cover colon colidus
My name is Douglas Roberson, Do i have to resubmit a claim if im receiving 0% for one of these claims?
Good to hear about disability updates for additional compensation.
Are the changes retroactive?
When diagnosed with Lymphoma in 1976, I was moved to inactive reserve. I was never told about any benefits. It was not until 30 years later I found out. I am now permanent & Total, housebound, & unemployable. Keeping me uninformed saved the VA a lot of money.
I would like to know the timeline boundaries for filing a claim.
The VA as a government agency does not “automatically” give away compensation.
Each veteran MUST file a claim.
1a. File a claim for “Medically Undiagnosed Chronic Multisystem Illness Presumptive to Gulf War Service” **** MUCMI *****
1b. Filing the claim prompts an order for C&P evaluations
C&P means “Compensation and Pension”
The C&P process compiles and reviews all records in the VA and military system. You can add records from civilian providers.
C&P will order as many of their pre-formatted evaluation forms as they think are relevant (ordered SEVEN for my claim).
Examiner will be overwhelmed and may only gloss over your records before INITIAL denial of claim.
2a. After initial decision, File HLR (High Level Review) which will prompt a formal conversation with a reviewer where you can discuss your records.
2b. The HLR will likely prompt ANOTHER C&P, and usually a better decision.
3.KEEP filing appeals until you get the decision, rating, %, Initiation date you deserve.
4. KEEP filing appeals
5. KEEP filing appeals
DON’T give up
I filed claim in 2019, C&P in 2020, HLR, BVA … have been waiting for hearing with a Board of Veterans Appeals JUDGE since 2020 !!!
Just received notice that the hearing is scheduled for July 2024!!
Will the claims automatically be reevaluated? the same information that i filed to receive my 0% rating for Hemorrhoids would be the same information that’s already on file. How exactly do we move forward to obtain the new rating?
Is there any consideration for Barret’s Esophagus? I was diagnosed with that while active duty and have had routine endoscope monitoring every three years. All have shown no changes or abnormalities. The last one was positive for intestinal metaplasia and recommended an annual follow-up to monitor for further changes. If the metaplasia were to progress to dysplasia would that be grounds to request a review for upgrade of disability rating?
Does anyone know if we will have to submit a claim for an increase for reevaluation? Or will the VA automatically go back and re-evaluate any/all previous conditions (claims) directly related to the new rating schedule?
It would be great if you evaluated individual conditions that was proven, with having knowledge about medical conditions. It would be helpful if claims were done in a timely manner, also keeping your computer systems updated.
If you have not signed up for the Pact Act, please check into getting checked out for toxic exposure.
They have been telling my husband he has fibromyalgia and gastro issues for so many years, but the VA claims all of these symptoms are undiagnosed and they won’t give him anything for them. He has gone to countless appts about his gastro health and other pains. They aren’t doing anything. He has suffered greatly since his time in the Gulf War in 1990-1991.
Aren’t undiagnosed illnesses presumtive for Gulf War Iness?
supposed to that’s for sure. I have an unexplained pain in my abdomen, done every test known to man, can’t figure it out (left side below rib cage). When I submitted for Gulf war syndrome, they said the closed diagnosis code they can do is “Gerd” which is silly since that’s for the esophagus. Still waiting for the classification/rating (been over a year now).
I had to have my esophagus removed due to cancer. I was exposed to agent orange in Viet Nam. Does the VA have any compensation for this condition?
The VA finally admitted Agent Orange caused cancer in Vets in Viet Nam. My father-in-law (21 Years Active Duty ARMY) had esophageal cancer and passed away (2007) after being denied by the VA, then they made the change a few years later. See your DAV representative or other assistance to file a claim! You rate it brother!
yes sir they do,, you need to get a nexus letter from your physican basicaly saying that exposure to agent orange more likely than not or agent orange caused your cancer,, also do not forget about abestos exposure,, talk to your local VSO ,, you might get 100% disability along with you ssdi depending on your age, or ss or ssi ,,
I have IBS, I was diagnosed with digestive issues will I was in the service, they noted this, but they denied me by saying they couldn’t determine it was due to my service. WHAT?!?! I only went to the doctor at least half a dozen times for the same problem.
I have had a long history of GERD, Gastritis, Barret Syndrome, and IBS. The rating currently is combined at 30%. If these illnesses are being separated do we need to request an increase in order to get the new rating, or will the VA automatically re-evaluate them with the new rules? Thank you.
No, undiagnosed illnesses are not presuntive. you need aplied for your medical condition
Start fighting phone asbestos exposure.i I have had I have bad ProstateAnd bladder cancer.
what about Agent Orange? What is the compassion for the Veterans with this exposure.
Why can’t u just check conditions already in the system rather than make the veteran apply for a increase ????
Also u need to relook Sleep Apena service connected. I have had for years, have a VA issued Cpac and receive supplies for such. While in service I snored really loud. I should receive but while the Appeal Judge in Washington DC has remanded several times u keep finding not service connected. But since I already have a total of 330% and unemployable and homebound and I receive 100%. Granting Sleep apnea will cost VA nothing but maybe back pay??
Chrohns disease is also considerably the same as IBS can I collect from that?
I would like to know as well. Without the Humira I have bad days, with it I feel acceptably well. I want more compensation for coninually dealing with this chronic ailment, even if I am in remission. Also, my health record had IBS, Hemorrhoids, and crohns..i wonder if they can just adjust things on their own.
What does CFR 38 for the year 1982 say about presumptive Service Connectability for chronic conditions diagnosed less than 12 months after discharge from active duty?
My husband passed away on Jan 11 2024 he was a 100% disable veteran he was in agent orange as well as stationed at camp lejeune. In this last couple of years before his death I watch him suffer his digestive system shut down his kidneys fail he had iirrital bowel syndrome heart failure diabetes and prostate cancer he went from 254lb to 134lb he could not take in food and his skin broke out in sores I was his caregiver for 50 years of marriage but these last two years was the hardest I took him from va clinics to hospital and we were told there is nothing any medical personnel could do his feet got to where he couldn’t walk the last week before his death he could not swallow water. I appreciate all va done but as they come up with new diagnosis none will help him. Things that he suffered with I wish I could have documented his suffering so they could see the stuff our veterans with military disability have to go through. Sure they excepted me as a disabled veteran spouse and compensated me but I will never be able to recover the lost, all I have to hold on too is my flag my certificate signed by the president and my visits to marker 469/lot 69 his resting place. Our love ones gave their lives to protect our country and stand for our government and give their best to leave their love ones with so much less
My sympathies to you Joyce, in the loss of your husband. I am currently taking care of my husband who has metastatic kidney cancer, so I understand exactly the agony and stress of watching your loved one decline over time. I hope you are receiving loving and supportive care during this time.
Since Gerd has its own rating as of 19 May 2024, currently I have IBS and Gerd rated together at 30%. Will that change to have Gerd separate
put in several conditions for compensation. told by va they never received my records which we found out they were never requested by va. also had appt with va rep who said i was wasting my time that va would not compensate me for anything i claimed. very rude. it’s like they don’t want to work witn viet nam vets ! tired of trying finally got 40% after about 10 years of trying
Get a DVA representative to help you file. A lot of states have one in their courthouse or nearby.
I lost a lot of my hearing in Vietnam is there compensation for that I have hearing test done at va.
David, get to your closet VA and get connected with Compensation and Pension.
You’ll get at the least 10%.
I think I was given the wrong percentage of All my infractions my head is still bleeding and I just had a stroke and I’m mental
I know I can’t spell that well, what about a person who had a colon resection done, for Diverticulitis?
What about a person who had a colon resection down for Die protectoralitis?
What’s about individuals who have diverticulitis?
I have had reflux since 1970 , eating Roland’s now take nexus every day, is there and disability for this..?
Yes Eddie there will be. May 19, 2024 GERD will have its own rating schedule as part of this change. As a volunteer VSR for I recommend you start collecting your evidence such as any treatment plans you are on and get it diagnosed.
How about the 3 erosions on my esophagus and a polyp from 8 years, 3 times a day of 800 Mortin. Or other vets that was fed Mortin during our military service and afterwards. I’m freaking Asian and can’t eat spicy foods now without it running out of me for days.
I was denied disability for IBS and colon reconnect. When these added disabilities go into effect May 19, 2024 do I have to reapply or submit another appeal?
Thanks for any feedbacl
Yes. Go and make a appeal.
I currently have a pending claim for Gastrointestinal Disease increase which is currently at 30%. Which also falls under the PactAct. This disease affects my job. After reading this article, does this mean I will stay at 30% I truly don’t understand.
There will be a comparison of causation. With GERD having its own rating schedule starting May 19, 2024 you will be balanced between old and new. In short if new schedule is higher you will be awarded if new schedule would decrease you then you stay static. In short should your evaluation decision come before said date old schedule after said date it’s a balance so you the veteran is not harmed. Now that all said should you file for anything post May 19, 2024 you will be exclusively in the new rating schedule.
Maybe the VA should compensate via back pay for veterans that are at 100% but the disability qualify
I have been beating the band wagon for over 20 years that particular gerd (2 fund applications, one open one closed, mini scopes, mini structure, enlarging many years of waking up in the middle of the night choking thinking you might aspirate and scaring my wife. Rating 10%. Then recently 30 %.
I have acid reflux and I had a barium swallow test done recently. It shows that due to having throat cancer my throat muscles are weak and with having acid reflux it is terribly hard to swallow and I have to regurgitate food back up. I have been having to have a throat GI dilation about every 8 to 12 months. Is there any type of compensation for this?
Yes there is! This is demonstration of Chronic and Continuous effects from your service exposures and or medication that has been prescribed by VMH. Find yourself a good VSO to work with that has a solid reputation. You can Google search Office of General Council VSO there you find a search engine to their data base. Best of luck and remember VSOs and VSRs are not allowed to charge the veteran.
As a physician, I wanted to mention my thoughts on the GERD changes. GERD is a separate disease/syndrome from esophageal stricture. One can have GERD without esophageal stricture – in fact, GERD most often presents without a stricture on endoscopy. Typically, on endoscopy for patients with GERD, the scope will visualize one of many possibilities including esophagitis (inflammation), and at other times the endoscopy will be normal. Rather than require an esophageal stricture for GERD – if the VA wanted an objective evaluation for GERD, they could have required an ambulatory acid probe, Barium swallow test, or esophageal manometry. Instead, the VA is requiring esophageal stricture to be present within GERD – which does not make sense from a pathophysiology standpoint about what GERD actually is.
It’s important to note that in recent studies, less than HALF of patients with GERD had ANY abnormalities on endoscopy. So more than half of patients with GERD have a normal endoscopy. And even in patients with abnormalities, esophagitis is most common, not strictures. I disagree with the VA’s decision to rate GERD in this way. I did read their rationale in the PDF file – they state that they want to measure “functional impairment” with esophageal strictures. However, GERD with the currently rated symptoms does cause significant functional impairment. I think one of the most significant impairment I have seen in Veterans is being woken up at night because of acid reflux and food regurgitation. It even sometimes progresses to vomiting. This is bothersome and causes fatigue during the day due to lost sleep. The IBS guidelines look good, but I must say, I disagree with the VA’s decision to rely on esophageal strictures wholly to determine functional impairment from GERD.
I agree. You’re absolutely right.
I am an RVSR and agree!
Need Vso overseas I located
Check with The American Legion in europe. Should still be Frank Phillips. Sorry, i dont have a number for you.
I recently went to the dentist, and they want to remove all my teeth because of the GERD, Acid Reflux and vomiting in the night while sleeping; it has reduced my teeth to expose nerves. No help from the VA. Been eating Tums and Rolaids since on active duty 1993. Snoring so hard the Uvula swells so it’s difficult and painful to speak and drink. Stuck a needle in the Uvula to see what’s inside, nothing but blood (on active duty) and finally in 2024 sleep diagnosed with apnea after being denied medical treatment on active duty 30 years ago!
Will we get back pay for our disabilities
Will we get back pay for our disability’s ?