Vegetarian diets primarily consist of plant-based foods and exclude meat, poultry, and seafood. Vegetarian dietary patterns include vegan, lacto-ovo vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, and pescetarian diets. These are sometimes described as plant-based diets.
On this page, you will find information on how to meet nutrient needs with different types of vegetarian diets, guides for healthcare practitioners, resources for industry and foodservice professionals, and research publications.
About Vegetarian Eating Patterns
Vegetarian Diet: MedlinePlus [medlineplus.gov]
Also in Spanish/Español.
Find information on different types of vegetarian diets and nutritional needs for vegetarians with related resources from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Scientist Evaluates Dietary Food Patterns for Healthy Adults Eating Dairy-Free Vegetarian or Vegan Diets [usda.gov]
USDA scientists assessed how the Dietary Guidelines for Americans could be adapted to create healthy vegetarian and vegan diets.
Veganism Science Reference Guide – Library of Congress [loc.gov]
This reference guide provides a list of books related to vegetarian and vegan diets. Topics include dietary motivations, religious and personal considerations, environmental impact, health concerns, nutritional planning, and plant-based cooking.
Building a Healthy Vegetarian Diet: Myths and Facts [eatright.org]
Registered Dietitians address common concerns about vegetarian and vegan diets.
Healthy Vegetarian Dietary Patterns - Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 provides the Healthy Vegetarian Dietary Pattern for ages 2 and older (Table A3-3, p. 147) and ages 12 through 23 months who are no longer receiving human milk or infant formula (Table A3-4, p. 148).
Healthcare and Dietetics
Plant-Based Diets: A Physician’s Guide [nih.gov]
Read this clinical guide for your practice about the health effects of plant-based diets, nutrients of concern, and strategies for patient management.
The Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diet During Pregnancy on the Health of Mothers and Offspring [nih.gov]
Explore this detailed review of vegetarian and vegan nutritional requirements during pregnancy. Learn how these diets affect maternal health conditions, fetal development, and pregnancy outcomes.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: Key Points [acc.org]
This research brief summarizes the metabolic and molecular mechanisms of how vegetarian diets impact diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and the microbiome. It also provides summary recommendations for clinicians.
Patient Handouts
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
University of California, Davis.
Research Publications
PubAg Research
Agricultural Research Service Publications
Additional Resources
Plant-Based Food Production and Market Data
- Alternative Protein Sources—Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop [nationalacademies.org]
This report of the National Academies Food Forum workshop explores the state of the science on alternative protein sources and food processing innovations as they relate to issues around diet quality, nutrition, sustainability, and accessibility.
- U.S. Food-Related Water Use Varies by Food Category, Supply Chain Stage, and Dietary Pattern [ers.usda.gov]
The USDA Economic Research Service provides data comparing food system and supply chain water use for vegetarian and omnivorous dietary patterns.
- Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) - Foreign Plant-Based Food Production and Market Trend Reports [fas.usda.gov]
Global market reports and informational briefs about plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. Provided by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.
- International Agricultural Trade Reports and Attaché Reports [fas.usda.gov]
The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service provides global market reports and informational briefs about plant-based meat and dairy alternatives.
Vegetarian Resources for Foodservice and Federal Nutrition Programs
- Questions and Answers on Alternate Protein Products [fns.usda.gov]
Review guidance for federal child nutrition programs using alternative protein products.
- Vegetarian Meals in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) [wi.gov] [PDF, 530 KB]
This CACFP training handout provides information on vegetarian menu planning, meal and snack ideas, and recipes.