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Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Oregon Bicycle Committee was first formed by the Oregon Legislature in 1973 (Oregon Statute 366.112). In 1995, the Oregon Transportation Commission officially recognized the committee’s additional role in pedestrian issues, and the group became the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, or OBPAC, is an eight-member committee appointed by the governor that acts as a liaison between the public and Oregon Department of Transportation. It advises ODOT in the regulation of bicycle and pedestrian traffic, the establishment of bikeways and walkways, and other statewide bicycle and pedestrian issues. The committee meets six times a year in various locations around the state to support implementation of the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and listen to the views and concerns of interested citizens, local officials and ODOT staff.

In August 2018, OBPAC adopted an updated Vision, Mission, and Roles statement that will guide the Committee’s work.

​The Committee places great value on information received from the public. All committee meetings are open to the public. Individuals interested in providing public comment or proposing a topic for a future meeting agenda are encouraged to complete and submit an Agenda & Public Comment Request Form​. Public comments and agenda requests can be sent to the official OBPAC email​.

If you wish to give testimony on any topic, including items not on the agenda, please sign up on the sheets provided at the meeting. A designated public comment time takes place near the beginning of each meeting. If there is time, the Committee typically allows people to provide comment on specific agenda items at the time they are presented.

People wishing to testify or otherwise present information to the Commission are encouraged to:

  • ​Submit an Agenda & Public Comment Request Form 24 hours in advance of the meeting, if possible.
  • Provide written summary of information for the Committee, if not submitted 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
  • Limit testimony to three (3) minutes, recognizing that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony or written information.

To mail comments in, please use this address: 

Oregon Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (ODOT)
Attn: Roberto Coto, Active Transportation Program Analyst 
355 Capitol St NE, MS43 
Salem, Oregon 97301

OBPAC is not currently recruiting for vacancies. If you would like to be added to our interest list for future opportunities, please complete the form​.

OBPAC is a governor appointed advisory committee with 8 members:

  • 1 Local Goverment/Land Use representative
  • 1 Environmental representative
  • 1 Bicycle Business representative
  • 1 Oregon Recreational Trails Advisory Committee representative
  • 1 Under 21/Youth representative
  • 3 At-large members (Oregon residents)

Appointments are non-binding, and appointees may serve a maximum of two 4-year terms. Appointees are eligible for a small stipend and/or travel reimbursements for their service on the committee.​​​

 Meeting Schedule & Materials

Meetings Are Open to Everyone

Accommodations will be provided to people with disabilities. To request an accommodation, please email or call statewide relay at 7-1-1 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Reasonable accommodation, such as assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters, and materials in large print or audiotape, will be provided as needed.