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Oregon Mask Requirements
Together we can stop the spread of COVID-19.

Mask Recommendations & Requirements


Masks are required in healthcare settings following OAR 333-019-1011.

Governor Kate Brown announced on February 28, 2022, in concert with the governors of California and Washington, that indoor mask requirements will be lifted at 11:59 p.m. on March 11, 2022. In Oregon, this includes lifting mask requirements in schools.

There are some exceptions, and masks will still be required in health care settings. Scroll down for more information. The public is welcome to check back on this site for regular updates related to these changes.

Note: OHA has no current plans to lift mask requirements in healthcare settings under OAR 333-019-1011.

OHA has no current plans to lift the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Staff in Healthcare Settings (OAR 333-019-1010)

OHA has no current plans to lift the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Teachers and School Staff (OAR 333-019-1030)

Settings that may have additional guidance

The following settings may have additional masking requirements. OHA recommends that individuals check requirements before accessing services in these settings.

OHA strongly recommends that:

  • All individuals that wish to wear a mask continue to do so.
  • All people in Oregon support the right of other individuals to choose whether and when to wear a mask.
  • Individuals continue to wear a mask when on public transportation, in ride-sharing services, on airplanes and in transportation hubs such as airports.
  • Individuals review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Community Levels to understand the rate of COVID-19 transmission in their community.
  • Individuals who live in communities with high transmission continue to wear a mask or face covering when in indoor public places, including in schools and other community settings.

Why wear a mask?

COVID-19 spreads when an infected person breathes out droplets and tiny particles that contain the virus. Other people can then inhale these droplets and particles. Because the Omicron variant spreads more easily than the Delta variant, wearing a well-fitting mask is more important than ever to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Even when not required, OHA recommends individuals wear masks in certain situations (like in outdoor crowded areas) to slow the spread of COVID-19. Review OHA’s Public Health Recommendations: Wearing Masks, Face Coverings and Face Shields and Physically Distancing for more information.

What kinds of masks are acceptable?

Face coverings come in many forms, including homemade cloth face coverings,, disposable surgical masks and high-filtration efficiency options such as N95, KN95 and KF94 respirators from trusted sources. Unless you are wearing one of the high-filtration options, wearing two masks is even better. Start with a disposable surgical mask next to the face, followed by a cloth mask on top that fits snugly so that less breath (and particles) escapes. Do not wear two disposable masks.

OHA recommends wearing a face shield only in limited situations when it is appropriate, like talking to someone who is deaf or hard of hearing and needs to read lips to communicate.

head mask

How to wear a mask

Masks and face coverings are most effective when they cover both your mouth and nose. Not all masks are washable, but cloth masks should be washed regularly, and only worn once they are completely dry.

hand heart

Masks and disabilities

If someone with a disability is unable to wear a mask or alternate face covering (like a face shield), they can request a reasonable accommodation from businesses that require face coverings. These accommodations might look like grocery store pick-up or pharmacy delivery. Learn more about the ADA and face mask policies.

For Caregivers: Remember to only put a face covering on someone who is able to adjust and remove it themselves.

girl with mask

For children 2 years and younger

OHA strongly recommends that individuals under the age of two (2) do not wear a mask, face covering or face shield. Children two (2) years of age and older are required, however, to wear a mask on public transportation and when in transportation hubs.


wearing a mask

Here's how to help your mask help you.

Breathing through a mask creates a barrier against respiratory droplets

removing a mask

Removing a Face Covering

By now, we all know that wearing a face covering is a simple step you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. But what you do with them after you wear them is important, too. To minimize your risk of infection, wash hands your before and after touching your mask, and wash cloth masks daily. Masks should never be worn when wet or damp. After laundering, make sure your face covering is completely dry before wearing. 

Información en español

removing a mask

Masks and Kids

Parents, families and caregivers may be wondering what age a child should be in order to safely wear one. Cloth face coverings should not be placed on children under age 2. It's very important that you never put a mask or face covering on an infant (or an adult) who is not able to adjust or remove the mask themselves. This could compromise their ability to breathe. You can find more information about using face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19 on the CDC website.

Información en español

wearing a mask

Face Coverings Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

It's simple: Wearing a face covering is one of the most effective things you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Help us keep COVID-19 from spreading and keep Oregon's reopening on track by wearing a face covering if you're able.

Información en español

Face Covering Facts

carbon dioxide

Wearing a face covering does not put you at risk for inhaling too much carbon dioxide.

Información en español


Face coverings are an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Información en español


Cloth masks don't increase your risk of infection.

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Wearing a face covering does not cause the virus to "reactivate."

Información en español

Accessibility: For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print, or braille. Contact the Health Information Center at 1-971-673-2411, 711 TTY or

 Printing requests: You can download materials on this page. OHA does not offer paper versions. Please feel free to print whatever you need.

 Language access: OHA is working to provide original content in languages other than English. Many of the materials in our community resources section are available in multiple languages. OHA is also providing the Google™ Translate option to assist you in reading the OHA website in languages other than English. Google™ Translate cannot translate all types of documents and may not provide an exact translation. Anyone relying on information obtained from Google™ Translate does so at their own risk. OHA does not make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided.

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