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Comment Policy

Public comments posted on our social media sites do not necessarily reflect the official views of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or other federal government entities.

Where commenting is supported on this or any other website or third party application owned or administered by NIBIB, we encourage you to share your thoughts as they relate to the topic being discussed. We review and post comments according to the policy below. We reserve the right not to post comments, or to remove comments, that are inconsistent with our policy, at our complete discretion. The views expressed in comments reflect those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of NIBIB, NIH, or DHHS, or the Federal Government.

Comments that include the following are prohibited:

  • Vulgar, profane, or abusive language; personal attacks of any kind; inappropriate religious, sexual, political, or racial references; unsupported accusations.
  • Endorsements of commercial products, services, organizations, or other entities.
  • Endorsements of political parties, candidates, or groups.
  • Content that infringes on copyrights.
  • Solicitation of funds.
  • Comments on any ongoing investigation of any sort.
  • Procurement-sensitive information related to any current/future NIBIB acquisitions.
  • Surveys, polls, questionnaires, etc., subject to OMB Paperwork Reduction Act clearance.

In posting your comments or other work to websites owned or administered by NIBIB, you irrevocably grant NIBIB permission to copy, distribute, make derivatives, display or perform your work publicly and free-of-charge.

Remember that your posts are public. When posting, please do not include information (e.g., name, email, phone number, social security numbers) in the text of your comment that personally identifies you in a way you do not intend. Additional guidance as to how NIBIB regards privacy issues can be found in our Privacy Policy.

We welcome your comments at any time. However, given the need to responsibly manage federal resources, reviewing and posting of comments will generally occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Comments submitted at other times will be reviewed and posted as soon as possible.

Reporters' questions — all media inquiries must be directed to the NIBIB Press Officer.(link sends email)

Copyright Policy

The public may reproduce without permission information and materials from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) website, except for documents that state another copyright policy applies to them. Restrictions on the reproduction of a document may arise if a private party has sponsored it. NIBIB is the sole sponsor of most of the information on this site. Use of our materials is encouraged and citation of NIBIB as a source is appreciated but is not required. Using government materials inappropriately, however, can raise legal or ethical concerns, so we ask you to follow these guidelines:
  • NIBIB does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. You may not use NIBIB materials for advertising or endorsement purposes. 
  • NIBIB does not provide specific medical advice, treatment recommendations, or referrals. You may not use NIBIB materials in a manner that has the appearance of such information. 
  • NIBIB requests non-Federal organizations to not alter publications in a way that will jeopardize the integrity and NIBIB brand. 
  • Addition of non-Federal Government logos and website links should not imply an NIBIB endorsement of any specific commercial products or services and/or medical treatments or services. 
Some images and document contents on the NIBIB site may be restricted and protected by U.S. and foreign copyright laws and may not be copied or used for other purposes. Please contact NIBIB for information and to request permission to use an image.

Privacy Policy

NIBIB uses its website at https// to communicate and disseminate information to stakeholders about research and activities of the institute. Information on research funding opportunities, research results, science topics, meetings, events, and resources are available through the website.

Privacy Notice

Protecting users privacy is important to NIBIB. This website links to other National Institutes of Health (NIH) sites, federal agency sites, universities, and private organization sites. Upon leaving the primary website, you are subject to the privacy policy for the site(s) you visit.

NIBIB does not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) during your visit to this site unless you choose to provide it. NIBIB does, however, collect some data about your visit to better understand how the public uses the site and how to make it more helpful. NIBIB collects information from visitors who read, browse, or download information from this site. NIBIB never collects information for commercial marketing or any purpose unrelated to its  mission and goals.

When visitors send email messages containing personal information to the general email box sends email),(link sends email) NIBIB responds to and files the messages. Only designated staff and contractors requiring access to the emails may view or respond to them.

Types of Information Collected

When you browse through any website, certain information about your visit can be collected. NIBIB automatically collects and temporarily stores the following type of information about your visit:

  • Domain from which you access the Internet.
  • IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when surfing the Web).
  • Operating system and information about the browser used when visiting the site.
  • Date and time of your visit.
  • Pages you visited.
  • Address of the website that connected you to NIBIB (such as or

NIBIB uses this information to measure the number of visitors to our site and its various sections and to help make our site more useful to visitors.

How NIBIB Collects Information

This website uses Google Analytics measurement software to collect the information in the bulleted list under Types of Information Collected. Google Analytics collect information automatically and continuously. No PII is collected. NIBIB staff and contractors conduct analyses and report on the aggregated data from Google Analytics. The reports are only available to designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. NIBIB retains the data from Google Analytics only as long as needed to support the goals of this website.

How NIBIB Uses Cookies

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo M-10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies allows federal agencies to use session and persistent cookies.

When you visit any website, its server may generate a piece of text known as a “cookie” to place on your computer. The cookie allows the server to “remember” specific information about your visit while you are connected.

The cookie makes it easier for you to use the dynamic features of web pages. Cookies from NIBIB web pages only collect information about your browser’s visit to the site; they do not collect personal information about you.

There are two types of cookies, single session (temporary) and multi-session (persistent). Session cookies last only if your web browser is open. Once you close your browser, the cookie disappears. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer for longer periods.

Session Cookies: We use session cookies for technical purposes, such as to enable better navigation through our site. These cookies let our server know that you are continuing a visit to our site. The OMB memo 10-22 guidance above defines use of session cookies as "Usage Tier 1—Single Session.” The policy says, “This tier encompasses any use of single session web measurement and customization technologies.”

Persistent Cookies: We use persistent cookies to enable Google Analytics to differentiate between new and returning visitors. Persistent cookies remain on your computer between visits to this website until they expire. The OMB memo 10-22 guidance defines use of persistent cookies as "Usage Tier 2—Multi-session without Personally Identifiable Information (PII).” The policy says, “This tier encompasses any use of multi-session Web measurement and customization technologies when no PII is collected.”

Opt Out or Disable Cookies: If you do not wish to have session or persistent cookies placed on your computer, you can disable them using your web browser. If you opt out of cookies, you will still have access to all information and resources at Find instructions for disabling or opting out of cookies in the most popular browsers on the website. Note: By following the instructions to opt-out of cookies, you will disable cookies from all sources, not just those from

How Personal Information is Protected

You do not have to give NIBIB personal information to visit this website. However, if you choose to receive e-newsletters, NIBIB collects your email address to complete the subscription process.

If you choose to provide PII (information that is personal in nature and which may be used to identify you) through an email message, request for information, paper or electronic form, questionnaire, etc., NIBIB will maintain the information you provide only as long as needed to respond to your question or to fulfill the stated purpose of the communication. If NIBIB stores your personal information in a record system designed to retrieve information about you by personal identifier (name, personal email address, home mailing address, personal or mobile  phone number, etc.), so that NIBIB can contact you, NIBIB will safeguard the information in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. Section 552a).

If NIBIB operates a record system designed to retrieve information about you in order to accomplish its mission, so a Privacy Act Notification Statement (this policy) is displayed on the public-facing website. The notice addresses the following five criteria:

  • NIBIB legal authorization to collect information about you
  • Purpose of the information collection
  • Routine uses for disclosure of information outside of NIBIB
  • Whether the request made of you is voluntary or mandatory under law
  • Effects of non-disclosure if you choose to not provide the requested information

For further information about privacy at NIH, email the NIH Senior Official for Privacy(link sends email), or visit the NIH Office of Management Assessment.

Data Safeguarding and Privacy

NIBIB uses web measurement and customization technologies to help sites function better for visitors and to better understand how the public uses NIBIB’s online resources. All uses of web-based technologies comply with existing policies with respect to privacy and data safeguarding standards. Information Technology (IT) systems owned and operated by NIBIB are assessed using Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) posted for public view on the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Privacy Impact Assessments web page. NIBIB conducts and publishes a PIA for each use of a third-party website and application (TPWA) as they may have a different functionality or practice. TPWA PIAs are posted for public view on the DHHS website.

When web measurement and customization technologies are used, a Privacy Notice displayed on the website must provide:

  • Purpose of the web measurement and/or customization technology.
  • Usage tier, session type, and technology used.
  • Nature of the information collected.
  • Purpose and use of the information.
  • Whether and to whom the information will be disclosed.
  • Privacy safeguards applied to the information.
  • Data retention policy for the information.
  • Whether the technology is enabled by default or not and why.
  • How to opt-out of the web measurement/customization technology.
  • Statement that opting out still permits users to access comparable information or services.
  • Identities of all third-party vendors involved in the measurement and customization process.

Data Retention and Access Limits

NIBIB will retain collected data only long enough to achieve the specified objective for which they were collected (i.e. improve website function). The data generated from these activities falls under the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) General Records Schedule (GRS) and will be handled per the requirements of that schedule.

How NIBIB Uses Third-Party Websites and Applications

As part of OMB memo M-10-06, Open Government Directive, NIBIB uses a variety of new technologies and social media options to increase government transparency, enhance information sharing, promote public participation, and encourage collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Institutes of Health, and NIBIB. These sites and applications may include popular social networking and media sites, open source software communities and more. TPWAs are web-based technologies that are not exclusively operated or controlled by NIBIB, such as applications not hosted on domain or those that are embedded on NIBIB web pages. Users of TPWAs often share information with the general public, user community, and/or the third-party operating the website. These non-government entities may use this information in a variety of ways. TPWAs could cause PII to become available or accessible to NIBIB and the public, regardless of whether the information is explicitly solicited or collected by NIBIB.

The following list includes some of the TPWAs that NIBIB uses and their purposes. NIBIB does not share PII made available through third-party websites. Your activity on the third-party websites NIBIB uses is governed by the security and privacy policy of those sites (linked below). Review the third-party privacy policies before using the sites and ensure that you understand how your information may be used. If you have an account with a third-party website and choose to follow, like, friend, or comment, certain PII associated with your account may be made available to NIBIB based on the privacy policy of the third-party website and your privacy settings within that third-party website. Therefore, you should also adjust privacy settings on your account to match your preferences.

Third-Party Websites and Applications

Note - Please see our Comment Policy which also applies to social media and third party websites. NIBIB uses to shorten long URLs for use in email messages, in Twitter feeds, on Facebook pages, and in linking to media stories and funding opportunities. collects and provides data on how often you, as an email recipient or Facebook/Twitter user, click on the shortened URLs distributed by NIBIB. analytics show how many people clicked on the URLs, compared to the total number of clicks on the shortened URLs. analytics do not provide any PII about the visitors who open the shortened links. Review the Privacy Policy(link is external).

Facebook: NIBIB has one main Facebook page: NIBIBgov(link is external). NIBIB Facebook pages are managed by designated NIBIB staff, who post news and other items of interest for the public. If you have a Facebook account, you can log in to your account to post comments and “like” the NIBIB Facebook page and individual entries. If, after you click on the NIBIB Facebook page, you comment or click the “like” button, your PII will be visible to NIBIB staff and other Facebook site visitors. The amount of visible personal information displayed will depend on your own Facebook privacy settings. You can completely avoid displaying any PII by not creating a Facebook account, not posting comments, not clicking on the “like” options, or not interacting with the NIBIB Facebook account in any way (i.e., private messaging, sharing posts, etc.). NIBIB staff do not collect, use or disclose any information about visitors who comment or “like” the NIBIB Facebook page. However, as a practice, the NIBIB Comment Policy requires the removal from the NIBIB Facebook page of any comments that contain spam or are improper, inflammatory, off-topic or offensive. Repeat offenders may be subject to banning. The information is then saved on a password-protected shared drive accessible to designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. Review the Facebook Privacy Policy(link is external).

LinkedIn: NIBIB has one main LinkedIn page(link is external) and uses this account to post job listings and other items of interest. You may read the NIBIB LinkedIn feeds without subscribing to them. If you want to subscribe to (or follow) NIBIB LinkedIn feeds, you must create a LinkedIn account at is external). To create an account, you must provide some personal information, such as your name, username, password and email address. You have the option to provide additional personal information, including a short work history, a location and a picture. Most information you provide for a LinkedIn account is available to the public, but you can modify how much of your information is visible by changing your privacy settings on NIBIB staff  monitor the number of subscribers and respond to comments and queries via LinkedIn, but these individuals never take possession of the personal information belonging to you as a LinkedIn follower. However, as a practice, the NIBIB Comment Policy requires the removal from the NIBIB LinkedIn page of any comments that contain spam or are improper, inflammatory or offensive. The information is then saved on a password-protected shared drive accessible to designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. Review the LinkedIn Privacy Policy(link is external).

Twitter: NIBIB has one main Twitter page, @NIBIBgov(link is external) and uses Twitter to send short messages or “tweets”  to share information about NIBIB and respond to comments and inquiries sent via Twitter to NIBIB. You may read the NIBIB Twitter feeds without subscribing to them. If you want to subscribe to (or follow) NIBIB Twitter feeds, you must create a Twitter account at is external). To create an account, you must provide some personal information, such as your name, username, password and email address. You have the option to provide additional personal information, including a short biography, location or a picture. Most information you provide for a Twitter account is available to the public, but you can modify how much of your information is visible by changing your privacy settings on NIBIB staff monitor the number of subscribers and respond to comments and queries via Twitter, but these individuals never take possession of the personal information belonging to you as a Twitter follower. Howes As a practice, the NIBIB Comment Policy requires the removal from the NIBIB Twitter page of any comments that contain spam or are improper, inflammatory or offensive. The information is then saved on a password-protected shared drive accessible to designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. Review the Twitter Privacy Policy(link is external).

YouTube: NIBIB has one main YouTube channel, NIBIBTV(link is external) and posts videos on YouTube to make them available to the public. You do not need to register with either YouTube or Google (which owns YouTube) to watch NIBIB YouTube videos. When you watch videos, YouTube may record non-personally identifiable information about their site usage, such as channels used, videos watched, and data transfer details to improve its services. If your login to the YouTube site before watching NIBIB videos, YouTube may associate information about your site usage with your YouTube account. If your login to YouTube and comment on an NIBIB video, any personal information you included on your YouTube profile page will be visible to visitors who click on the comment field. If you do not log in before watching NIBIB videos posted on YouTube, you cannot comment on NIBIB videos, and your site usage will not be associated with you or a YouTube account. Any comments posted on the NIBIB YouTube channel are subject to the NIBIB Comment Policy and may be removed and saved on a password-protected shared drive accessible to designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. Review the YouTube Privacy Policy(link is external) included under Google brand policies.

For more information on the uses of social and new media for which the General Services Administration has negotiated a federally friendly Terms of Service agreement, visit the DHHS Center for New Media.

For further information about privacy at NIH, email the NIH Senior Official for Privacy(link sends email), call 301-451-3426 or visit the NIH Office of Management Assessment.

Mobile Applications

NIBIB develops mobile applications (apps) that are made available through the Apple App Store and Google Play. The apps are developed to be educational and provide information about relevant topics.

  • Understanding Medical Scans App - this app was developed to inform users about the different types of medical scans in use, how they work, and what they may be used for. The app is designed to help patients and caregivers understand what to expect before getting a medical scan. NIBIB does not collect any information on users through the app. No personal identifiable information is requested or collected. It does not allow users to interact or exchange information and does not share the user's physical location with other users. The app is not used in medical care, rather it is an educational tool only.


E-mail sent to NIBIB/NIH may be seen by a number of people who are responsible for answering questions. If you send us an e-mail, you are advised that e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception. Do not include sensitive information like your Social Security Number or personal health information.

Intrusion Detection

This site is maintained by the U.S. federal government. It is protected by various provisions of Title 18, U.S. Code. Violations of Title 18 are subject to criminal prosecution in federal court.

For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software programs to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. In the event of authorized law enforcement investigations and pursuant to any required legal process, information from these sources may be used to help identify an individual.

Viewers and Players

Some files on the NIBIB website require the use of software to view or display the content.  The file types on the NIBIB website include:

  • PDF files that require Adobe Reader software
  • Microsoft Word files that require Microsoft Word Viewer
  • Microsoft Excel files that require Microsoft Excel Viewer
  • mp3 Media files that require Microsoft Windows Media Player
  • mp4 QuickTime files that require Apple Quicktime Player