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Michigan Clean Diesel Program


Dan Zbozien
(517) 290-5722

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is offering grants for projects that will reduce diesel emissions by replacing old vehicles, engines, and equipment, with all-electric vehicles and equipment, focusing on local government fleets, recycling vehicles, compost and food waste recovery vehicles, agriculture, and irrigation equipment. Both public and private entities will be eligible to apply for funds to support eligible projects. EGLE is committed to promoting healthy communities, economic growth, and environmental sustainability, through its programs in Energy, Pollution Prevention, and Recycling, that support the MI Healthy Climate Plan and Michigan's decarbonization goals.

2024 Michigan Clean Diesel Program - Open Now! EGLE will accept and process applications on a first come, first serve basis until funding is exhausted.

Application Documents: 

2023 Clean Diesel Request for Proposal (RFP) - Closed

Application Documents:

Informational Webinar

Interested in learning more about commercial electric vehicles that are or will soon be available to order? Here is a partial list.
Disclaimer: The following information has been compiled from available data. There is no guarantee or warranty on the part of the State of Michigan relative thereto as to suitability for use for which it may be desired or in any other respect whatsoever.

Past DERA Projects