Evidence Act Resource Hub

Achieving the Promise of the Evidence Act

The principle behind evidence-based policymaking is simple: government decisions should be based on rigorous evidence and data about what works. Policymakers should start each decision-making process by seeking the best evidence and data available, then use that information to adopt policies and direct funding in a way that achieves better results for the people across the country. The Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act (Evidence Act) represents a major step forward in measuring and improving the impact of federal government programs.

This Evidence Act Resource Hub is designed to help federal agency leaders and others within the evidence community make the promise of this law a reality.


Background and Summaries of the Evidence Act:

The following resources summarize the Evidence Act, related July 2019 GuidanceMarch 2020 Guidance, and July 2021 Guidance from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and agencies’ early progress on meeting the requirements of the Act:

Evidence Act Implementation Resources:

Among its first deliverables, the Evidence Act requires agencies to produce an internal capacity assessment and an agency learning agenda. The following resources are to assist agencies in completing these deliverables:

Capacity Assessments:

Learning Agendas:

Other Resources:

For additional information on evidence-based policy and the federal government, please visit Results for America’s Federal Policy Page and 2019 Invest in What Works Federal Standard of Excellence or contact [email protected].