
Asymptomatic testing: secondary schools and colleges

Information for schools and colleges about testing from January.

This publication was withdrawn on

This guidance has now been updated and included as part of specific guidance for schools and guidance for FE colleges and providers.

Applies to England



Additional information about asymptomatic testing is available in the schools coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance.

This guidance is for:

  • all secondary schools including special schools and alternative provision settings
  • colleges including general further education colleges, sixth form colleges and specialist colleges

Guidance for Asymptomatic testing: primary and maintained nursery school staff is available.

Information about grant funding for the national roll-out of rapid mass testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools and colleges is available.

Updates to this page

Published 15 December 2020
Last updated 30 March 2021
  1. We have updated our guidance to reflect the DHSC announcement that a confirmatory PCR test is required following a positive LFD test result in England.

  2. We have revised the guidance to provide information on home testing and symptomatic testing of staff, students and pupils.

  3. Information about grant funding for the national roll-out of rapid mass testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools and colleges is available.

  4. Guidance updated following the PHE position statement on daily contact testing.

  5. Added information about updates coming shortly.

  6. First published.

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