Register for the Mission to Mars Student Challenge – Summer Camp Edition
Participants will receive a guided education plan that leads students through designing and building a mission to Mars with resources from NASA, professional development for camp leaders, and opportunities to join live stream Q&As with mission experts and submit student work.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Last name *
Email *
I want to stay up to date on NASA resources through the Museum & Informal Education Alliance newsletter *
Type of educational organization or institution? *
Please select or enter your primary affiliation(s).
What is the name of your school or educational organization? *
If you are primarily a parent/homeschool teacher, type "N/A"
What grade levels are your students? *
Country (where your school or organization is located) *
State / US Territory / Province (where your school or organization is located) *
City (where your school or organization is located) *
ZIP / Postal Code (where your school or organization is located) *
How many students and adults will be participating in the challenge from your location?   *
How did you hear about this event?
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