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Small Business Week: April 30-May 6, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.61

From Census.gov > Small Business > About:

Small businesses and entrepreneurs need data to make informed decisions about opening or growing a business. The Census Bureau’s business statistics profile firms with and without paid employees by NAICS industry and for varying levels of geography.

Businesses are dynamic and the Census Bureau produces extensive information quarterly and annually about how firms with employees change in terms of their location, structure, employment, and jobs. Information about business births, deaths, job flows, and worker characteristics highlight the ever-changing business environment.

Data tools makes it easy for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs to use Census Bureau demographic and economic statistics to grow their businesses and compare their operations with other businesses in their geographic area or industry. 

Key Stats

Note: The cropped table above contains the first 10 rows for NAICS 00, total for all sectors, highlighting the five rows with less than 100 employees. The Small Business Administration has a Table of Size Standards “to help small business owners assess their small business status.”

More Stats

From Topics  /  Business and Economy:

From Data Tools  /  Census Business Builder (CBB):

From Business and Economy  >  International Trade:

Source: 2019 Nonemployer Statistics (NES). Subnational economic data for businesses that have no paid employees.

From the Newsroom:  

Outside Links

Page Last Revised - April 28, 2023
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