Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC)
The first stop for accurate, unbiased information related to aging or living with a disability.
Emergency Medical Services
The mission of the EMS Unit is to ensure that the highest quality of pre-hospital emergency medical care is available statewide.
Find an Assisted Living Provider, Nursing Home or Other Health Care Facility
Learn more about finding and choosing doctors, dentists, hospitals, and other types of health and residential care providers.
Forms Library
Find an official form issued by the Department of Health Services.
Health Coverage Tax Information
Find out if we have a 1095-B form for you and how to request a copy.
Mental Health
Learn more about Wisconsin's mental health programs, services, and facilities.
Open Records Request
Learn how to request Department of Health Services public records, as authorized under Wisconsin public records law, Wis. Stat. §§ 19.31-19.39.
Power of Attorney Forms
Find online forms so you can authorize others to make health decisions on your behalf if you cannot.
Publications Library
Find an official publication produced by the Department of Health Services.
Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR)
Track immunization dates of Wisconsin children and adults.
Wisconsin Vital Records
Open by appointment only. Request official birth, death, marriage, divorce, domestic partnership, and termination of domestic partnership certificates, online, or by mail.
BadgerCare Plus
A health care coverage program for low-income Wisconsin residents including children, pregnant women, and adults.
Children's Long-Term Support Waiver Program
A program for children with disabilities and their families. Participants get supports and services that help them grow and live their best lives in their home and community.
Dementia-Capable Wisconsin
Learn about what the Department is doing to help make Wisconsin a safer place for residents with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
Family Care
A comprehensive and flexible long-term care service system, promoting independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for support.
FoodShare Wisconsin
FoodShare is Wisconsin's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and it helps low-income Wisconsin residents buy food.
A program that lets people 18 years and older who need long-term support manage their own long-term care services.
A prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents who are 65 years of age and older and meet program rules.
WIC Program
WIC provides nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support, supplemental nutritious foods, and referrals to other nutrition services.
Caregiver Misconduct - Entity Reporting
All entities regulated by the Division of Quality Assurance must submit all caregiver misconduct incident reports, regardless of perpetrator.
Client Rights
Anyone receiving services for mental illness, a developmental disability, or substance abuse in the state of Wisconsin has specific rights.
Complaints Concerning Health or Residential Care
Anyone who believes that a caregiver or facility employee has abused or neglected them or a loved one can file a complaint.
Discrimination/Civil Rights
The Department works to ensure its contractors, grantees, sub-grantees and other providers prohibit discrimination in employment and service delivery.
Elder Abuse
Every county has an agency that will look into reports of abuse, neglect, financial exploitation and self neglect of an elder (age 60 and older).
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Complaints and Investigations
The Wisconsin EMS Office receives and reviews all complaints about EMS personnel, services, and Certified EMS Training Centers.
Problems With Health Care Providers, Health Care Facilities, and Health Plans
Learn how to file a complaint if you have a problem with a doctor or other health professional and problems with your health plan, among others.
Report Public Assistance Fraud
You can report any fraudulent use of public assistance dollars through the fraud hotline at 1-877-865-3432 or through the web portal.
Report Unsafe Lead or Asbestos
Notify the Department about unsafe lead or asbestos work in your community. Each report is investigated.