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DTE Energy Foundation Tree Planting Grants

Program objective

To increase the number of properly planted, established and maintained trees within the service territory of DTE Energy.


Tree planting projects such as park, right-of-way, city streets, nature study areas, school grounds planting and neighborhood revitalization projects. All trees must be planted on public land or land open to the public.


Local units of government, schools and nonprofit organizations within the service territory of DTE Energy and its subsidiaries, DTE Electric and DTE gas.


Applications are announced each June, submitted to the Forest Resources Division and reviewed by DNR, DTE and ReLeaf Michigan staff. Applications are approved, adjusted or denied. Applicants are notified and agreements signed.


Applications are announced annually in the summer. Visit


Awards are typically announced in the fall and projects must be completed by the following September.

Dollar amount(s) available

Grant requests may be up to $4,000 each.

Source(s) of funds

DTE Energy Foundation.


Annual partnership with DTE Energy Foundation and Releaf Michigan.


DTE Energy Foundation - Esmeralda Zamarron, 313-622-1852

DNR Urban Forestry Grants Specialist, Kerry Gray, 734-691-1806

Fiscal Year 2025 funding available

$100,000 total.