Dare County Library Adult Program - Making Order Out of Chaos: Finding and Making the Story - May 10, 2022 via Zoom
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Writing fiction, as an act of the imagination, starts with limitless possibilities in terms of ideas, story, style, voice, order, sequence, arc, character traits, setting, etc. How are creative choices made among the infinite possibilities? How/where does a story begin? How is it “found?” When does it “set?” Is it ever “done?” Where does the development of craft come in? What are its dangers?

Join author Walter Bennett, author of the Outer Banks-set novel, The Last First Kiss, for a Q & A about his writing craft. Authors looking for insight and inspiration about their own writing will be able to ask Bennett for advice and guidance.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 1-2 PM
Registration is required to attend this free Zoom event. Space is limited. Available to Dare County residents and property owners 18 years and older. You can register up until 1 hour before the event.

A link to the Zoom presentation and helpful handouts will be sent via email 24-36 hours prior to the event from KDHLibrary@gmail.com. If you do not see the email in your inbox, plesae check your Spam. Programs are not recorded.

For assistance, please contact Dare County Library at Kill Devil Hills, weekdays 9am to 5pm at (252) 441-4331
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