L&I adopts modest 3.8 percent increase in workers’ comp rates for 2025

The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) has adopted a 3.8 percent increase in the average hourly rate employers and workers pay for workers’ compensation insurance next year.

With the rates change, the average cost of providing insurance per each full-time employee within a business would go up about a dollar a week.

The 3.8 percent increase is an average for all industries. The rate for specific industries could be higher or lower depending on their recent claims experience.

Employers and workers pay into the workers' compensation system to help cover the cost of providing wage and disability benefits for injured workers, as well as medical treatment of workplace injuries and illnesses.

Each fall, L&I determines the proposed workers' compensation rates for the following year by looking closely at several factors, including the expected workers' compensation payouts, the size of the contingency reserve, wage inflation and other financial indicators.

Questions about the Adopted 2025 Premium Rate

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