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Wisconsin Natural Resources Board

The Board welcomes public input on matters of natural resources management and Department programs and policies. Citizens may testify at Board meetings, via Zoom, and/or submit written comments about issues that come before the Board. Testimony and written comments that threaten, intimidate, or make disparaging comments about Board Members, Department staff, and other members of the public as well as any comments concerning any individual’s personal information or personal business are not appropriate and will not be allowed. The Board Liaison coordinates requests to testify and accepts written comments for the Board.

Testify at a Board meeting on an item on the agenda

  1. The Board does not accept testimony on the following types of items:
    • Agenda items to authorize public hearings.
    • Agenda items presented for information only and on which the Board takes no action (these are usually grouped under Information Items on the agenda).
    • Agenda items that the governor or legislature have requested the Board to modify.
  2. Testimony is given at the time the Board considers an agenda item. The Board Liaison will have an estimate of the approximate time the Board will take up an item. Speakers are encouraged to arrive early in case the Board is running ahead of schedule.
  3. Organizations are limited to one spokesperson on an agenda item.
  4. Each speaker has a maximum time limit of 5 minutes, and the Board Chair may set a time limit of 3 minutes. Please be prepared for either time limit.
  5. Board members may ask a speaker questions following the speaker's presentation.
  6. Speakers who wish to appear before the Board on complex issues are encouraged to mail or email written comments to the Board Liaison for Board members to review before the meeting.

Testify at a Board meeting during Citizen Participation

Citizen Participation is the time during each Board meeting when citizens can testify on topics that are not on the current Board agenda.

  1. The Board does not accept testimony on matters that are currently in litigation.
  2. The start time for Citizen Participation is listed on each agenda. Please check the agenda carefully as the start time may change from meeting to meeting.
  3. Organizations are limited to one spokesperson on an issue.
  4. Each speaker has a maximum time limit of 5 minutes, and the Board Chair may set a time limit of 3 minutes. Please be prepared for either time limit.
  5. Board members may ask a speaker questions following the speaker's presentation.
  6. The Board encourages speakers to confine their remarks to broad general policy issues rather than the day-to-day operations of the Wisconsin DNR.
  7. The Board encourages speakers who wish to testify about complex issues to mail or email written comments to the Board Liaison for Board members to review before the meeting.

Deadline to testify or submit written comments on items on the Board agenda

The deadline to register to speak at a Board meeting or for the Board Liaison to receive your written comments is 11 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to each meeting unless otherwise noted. The specific deadline for each meeting is listed on the meeting agenda.

Procedure to testify or submit written comments on items that are on the Board agenda

When registering to testify or submitting a written comment, please provide the following information to the Board Liaison:

  1. Your name.
  2. Name of organization(s) you represent (if none, state that you are "representing self").
  3. Agenda item number and whether you support or oppose it.
  4. City of residence.
  5. Phone number.
  6. Email or mailing address, so the Board Liaison can confirm your registration to testify or reply to your written comment.
  7. Whether testimony be given in person or via Zoom.

Procedure to testify on topics that are NOT on the Board agenda

When registering to testify during Citizen Participation, please provide the following information to the Board Liaison:

  1. Your name.
  2. Name of organization(s) you represent (if none, state that you are "representing self").
  3. Topic title e.g. "The Sauk Prairie Recreation Area and the Badger Reuse Plan"(include explanation/background if possible)
  4. City of residence.
  5. Phone number.
  6. Email or mailing address, so the Board Liaison can confirm your registration to testify or reply to your written comment.

Submit written comments on topics that are not on the Board agenda

When submitting a written comment, please provide the following information to the Board Liaison:

  1. Your name.
  2. Name of organization(s) you represent (if none, state that you are "representing self").
  3. City of residence.
  4. Phone number.
  5. Email or mailing address, so the Board Liaison can confirm receipt of your written comment.
  6. If your comments are lengthy, please begin with a one-paragraph summary.
  7. Whether testimony be given in person or via Zoom.

Please be aware that all information you provide to the NRB in your comments, including your name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number, is considered a public record and would be subject to disclosure under Wisconsin’s Open Records Law.

Email or call the Board Liaison to register to testify before the Board.  Email or mail written comments to the Board Liaison.

Contact information
For NRB-related questions, information requests, written comment submittal, or registration to speak at an NRB meeting or listening session, please contact:
NRB Liaison
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707-7921
The Natural Resources Board and Department of Natural Resources are committed to serving people with disabilities. If you need Board information in an alternative format, please email or call the Board Liaison.