- Home
- ARP ESSER Maintenance of Equity
- Maintenance of Effort
- ESSER Reporting
- State and Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plans
- School Operating Status & LEA Plans for a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction
- ESSER Resources
Program Overview
On March 27, 2020, Congress set aside approximately $13.2 billion of the $30.75 billion allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund through the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) Fund. The Department awarded these grants ¬to State educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs), including charter schools that are LEAs, with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the Nation. ESSER Fund awards to SEAs are in the same proportion as each State received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year 2019.
ESSER I Award Resources
- ESSER I Awards, Certification & Agreements, and Initial Report
- ESSER I Letter to Commissioners
- ESSER I Notice
- ESSER I Allocation Table
The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, 2021, was signed into law on December 27, 2020, and provided an additional $54.3 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Fund. ESSER II Fund awards to SEAs are in the same proportion as each State received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year 2020.
ESSER II Award Resources
On Thursday, March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law. It was an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package of assistance measures, including $122 billion for the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund. Funds are provided to SEAs and LEAs to help safely reopen and sustain the same operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Nation's students. ARP ESSER Fund awards to SEAs are in the same proportion as each State received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year 2020.
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers Announcing Grant Award
- ARP ESSER Allocation Table
- ARP ESSER Fact Sheet
- ARP ESSER Grant Award Assurances
- ARP ESSER Application Letter to Chief State School Officers
- ARP ESSER Interim Final Rule
- ARP ESSER Application Template (PDF); ARP ESSER Template (Word)
ESSER Implementation Resources
Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Think an institution is misusing or abusing ED funds? Do not let CARES Act Funding for Schools and Students end up in the wrong hands. File a complaint online with our Inspector General (OIG) or call their Hotline.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
Section 2004 of the ARP Act includes new maintenance of equity provisions that are a condition for State educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) to receive funds under ARP ESSER. These provisions are central to ensuring that essential resources are meeting the needs of students who have been subject to longstanding opportunity gaps in our education system.
Frequently Asked Questions
On June 9, 2021, the Department released maintenance of equity guidance, which the Department updated on October 1, 2021, December 29, 2021, and January 23, 2023. The Department updated Appendix A on July 26, 2022. The updated guidance is available here in English and the notice that grantees received regarding this update is available here in Spanish.
The Secretary's August 6, 2021 letter to chief state school officers and school districts superintendents is available here.
LEA-Level Maintenance of Equity
On October 12, 2021, the Department released additional information for LEAs about the process for submitting an exception request for FY 2022 maintenance of equity determinations. That information is available here and here.
On Friday, October 1, 2021, the Department submitted the following documents for publication in the Federal Register: 1) Notice of Proposed Requirements (NPR) that proposes a requirement that SEAs publish LEAs' maintenance of equity data on their websites; 2) Request for Information (RFI) to help inform the Department's support for SEAs and LEAs in implementing the MOEquity provisions. Following public comment, on December 29, 2021, the Department submitted the following Notice of Proposed Requirements (NPR) document for publication in the Federal Register.
On June 2, 2022, the Department submitted a Notice of Final Requirement (NFR) for publication in the Federal Register regarding the LEA-level maintenance of equity provisions under section 2004(c) of the ARP Act. This NFR establishes requirements for publishing LEA-level maintenance of equity data to demonstrate that LEAs are maintaining both fiscal and staffing equity in fiscal years 2022 and 2023. SEAs will be required to publish the following information on their website:
- July 8, 2022 — SEAs publish LEA exceptions and identify high-poverty schools for FY 2022 and describe how the SEA will ensure that each LEA that is not excepted from the LEA-level maintenance of equity requirements is maintaining equity in its high-poverty schools.
- November 1, 2022 — SEAs publish LEA exceptions and identify high-poverty schools for FY 2023
- December 31, 2022 — SEAs publish applicable LEA high-poverty school data for FY 2022
- July 31, 2023 - Deadline for SEAs to provide final FY 2023 data to the Department
- December 31, 2023 — SEAs publish applicable LEA high-poverty school data for FY 2023
On August 16, 2023, the Department held a Grantee Learning Series webinar on Maintenance of Effort and Maintenance of Equity.
Maintenance of Equity Data
Data will be posted in the maintenance of equity data table as they are received.
SEA-Level Maintenance of Equity Data
Appendix A of the maintenance of equity guidance includes information on baseline and initial data that each SEA was required to submit by July 30, 2021, for FY 2022. To the extent that FY 2022 funding data are not available, an SEA may provide for projected data or request an extension to provide the data that are not currently available by October 15, 2021. For the purposes of maintaining equity for FY 2023, each State must update their original MOEquity data submission to include baseline and initial FY 2023 data by July 29, 2022. To the extent that FY 2023 funding data are not available, an SEA may provide projected data or request an extension to provide the data that are not currently available by October 14, 2022.
LEA-Level Maintenance of Equity Data
SEAs are required to publish LEA exceptions and identify high-poverty schools and applicable LEA high-poverty school data for FY 2022 and FY 2023. SEAs are also required to describe how the SEA will ensure that each LEA that is not excepted from the LEA-level maintenance of equity requirements is maintaining equity in its high-poverty schools.
On January 23, 2023, the Department released a Maintenance of Equity LEA-level staffing equity data template, available here. On October 20, 2023, the Department released a FY 2023 data template, available here.
* Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE's Office of State and Grantee Relations at SGR@ed.gov or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need, which may include identifying MOEquity data from a specific State.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
The Department released initial maintenance of effort (MOE) guidance on April 21, 2021, providing information on the MOE requirements under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund and the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. This maintenance of effort (MOE) guidance document was updated on August 15, 2022.
Consistent with a final rule issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Department is allowing States to include both Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) awarded under the CARES Act and Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF) awarded under the ARP Act that are spent on elementary and secondary education or higher education, as applicable, for the purpose of determining State support for education under the maintenance of effort requirements.
Updated on December 9, 2022, the MOE Appendix B Template is available for State internal use.
States' MOE data can be found in the ESF Transparency Portal under each State.
On August 16, 2023, the Department held a Grantee Learning Series webinar on Maintenance of Effort and Maintenance of Equity.
Maintenance of Effort Waiver Requests
The Department has received the following MOE waiver requests.
State | MOE Waiver Request | Status |
Colorado | Withdrawn by State | |
Connecticut | PDF, PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
Florida | PDF, PDF | FY 2023 Waiver Approved |
Georgia | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Idaho | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Indiana | PDF, PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
Illinois | Withdrawn by State | |
Kansas | PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
Kentucky | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Louisiana | PDF, PDF, PDF | |
Michigan | Withdrawn by State | |
Minnesota | PDF, Word, PDF, PDF, PDF | |
Missouri | PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State (FY 2020, 2023) |
North Dakota | PDF, Word | Withdrawn by State |
Northern Mariana Islands | FYs 2020 and 2021 Waiver Approved | |
New Hampshire | PDF, PDF, PDF | FY 2022 Waiver Approved |
New Hampshire | PDF, PDF, PDF | FY 2023 Waiver Approved |
New Jersey | Withdrawn by State | |
New Mexico | PDF, PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
New York | ||
Nebraska | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Ohio | PDF, PDF | FY 2023 Waiver Approved |
Oklahoma | PDF, PDF, Word | Withdrawn by State (FY's 2021, 2022, 2023) |
Oregon | PDF, PDF | |
Pennsylvania | PDF, PDF | FY 2022 Waiver Approved |
Puerto Rico | PDF, PDF, Excel, PDF, PDF | FY 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Waiver Approved |
Rhode Island | Withdrawn by State | |
Washington | PDF, PDF | FY 2022 Waiver Approved, FY 2023 Waiver Withdrawn by State |
West Virginia | PDF, PDF, PDF |
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), Public Law 109-282, as amended by the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act), Public Law 113-101 requires that, on a monthly basis, Federal prime grant recipients report on subawards made that equal or exceed $30,000. Federal Prime recipients of ESSER I, ESSER II, ARP ESSER, GEER I, GEER II, EANS I or ARP EANS funds must comply with the FFATA reporting requirements. For more information on subaward reporting requirements see FSRS — Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System and eCFR :: 2 CFR Part 170.
FFATA Reporting Webinar and Forum (2.1.2023)
- English Recording
- Spanish Recording
- English Transcript
- Spanish Transcript
- PDF Presentation
- PowerPoint Presentation
GSA Answers Your FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Questions (4.28.2023)
ESSER Annual Reporting
All grantees are required to report on ESSER funds received under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act; the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act; and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. Grantees must submit an annual report describing how the State and subrecipients used the awarded funds during the performance period.
Similar to CARES Act Year 1 annual reporting, grantees will use the Annual Report Data Collection Tool to submit the State report. For information on account registration and when the tool will open for data entry, please visit https://covid-relief-data.ed.gov/grantee-help.
For the most up to date ESSER Annual Reporting resources and collection forms, please visit: https://covid-relief-data.ed.gov/grantee-help/esser.
ESSER Quarterly Reporting
The ESSER I Quarterly Reporting Fact Sheet can be found here: CARES-Act-Quarterly-Reporting-FINAL-Reissued-11162020.pdf.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
State and school district/Local Educational Agency (LEAs) plans for using ARP ESSER funds are an important resource for public transparency into the use of ARP ESSER funds. The Department encourages all stakeholders, including parents, families, and educators, to review their State and LEA/school district plans, and to contact State and local education officials to learn more. Links to all ARP ESSER State and LEA/school district plans and approved materials are posted below.
What Families and Communities Need to Know
Within two weeks of signing the American Rescue Plan, the Department of Education distributed $81,316,533,333.00 of ARP ESSER funds to States, two-thirds of each State's total funding. In order to receive their remaining funding, the American Rescue Plan required States to submit and the Department to approve a plan for how the State would use ARP ESSER funds to safely re-open and provide academic and mental health supports for school communities to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of the end of 2021, all State Plans were approved, and all ARP ESSER funds were distributed to the States. Using the table below, you can find the plan your State submitted, the plan the Department approved, and highlights of the approved Plan.
The Department also required States to make sure that school districts/LEAs provided plans for how they were spending their American Rescue Plan funds for the safe return to in-person instruction and a safe academic recovery. At the Department's direction, each State was required to provide a way for families and communities to view their individual district's plan. In the table below, you can find the link to where each State's district/LEA plans can be found.
Engaging with State and Local Leaders
Both States and school districts/LEAs were required to engage families, educators, representatives of students with disabilities, and a broad range of other stakeholders as they created these plans. The publication of a plan, however, should not be the end of this engagement, as school districts/LEAs are expected to adjust their plans based on the needs of students. If your State does not have your school district/LEA's plan listed, please directly contact your school district/LEA or use the school district's website to locate the plan. All school districts/LEAs are required to post their plans, and all States are responsible for ensuring all school district/LEA plans are posted on the State Educational Agency website.
Parents, families, educators, and communities have a deep understanding of the needs of their students. If you have questions or concerns about how your State or school district/LEA plans to use its ARP ESSER funds, the Department encourages you to engage with your local school district/LEA. While the Department of Education is using its full authority to oversee and monitor the effective use of these funds, the voices of local communities are critical to ensuring that funds are used to address the specific needs of students in your community.
State | Total American Rescue Plan ESSER Funds Awarded | Approved State Materials (Final ARP ESSER State Plan, Approval Letter) | Communication Materials (State Plan Highlights) | School District/LEA Use of Funds Plans on State Websites |
ALABAMA | $2,021,518,529 |
| Alabama State Link to Local Plans | |
ALASKA | $358,770,937 |
| ||
ARIZONA | $2,583,943,517 |
| Arizona State Link to Local Plans | |
ARKANSAS | $1,254,119,960 |
| Arkansas State Link to Local Plans | |
CALIFORNIA | $15,079,696,097 |
| California State Link to Local Plans | |
COLORADO | $1,167,153,961 |
| Colorado State Link to Local Plans | |
CONNECTICUT | $1,106,696,657 |
| ||
DELAWARE | $410,733,965 |
| Delaware State Link to Local Plans | |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | $386,476,999 |
| District of Columbia State Link to Local Plans | |
FLORIDA | $7,043,370,152 |
| Florida State Link to Local Plans | |
GEORGIA | $4,249,371,244 |
| Georgia State Link to Local Plans | |
HAWAII | $412,530,212 |
| Hawaii State Link to Local Plans
| |
IDAHO | $440,131,922 |
| Idaho State Link to Local Plans | |
ILLINOIS | $5,058,601,934 |
| Illinois State Link to Local Plans | |
INDIANA | $1,996,145,076 |
| Indiana State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
| Iowa State Link to Local Plans Iowa State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
| ||
KANSAS | $830,585,182 |
| Kansas State Link to Local Plans | |
KENTUCKY | $2,001,216,921 |
| Kentucky State Link to Local Plans | |
LOUISIANA | $2,607,334,054 |
| ||
| Maine State Link to Local Plans | ||
MARYLAND | $1,952,539,087 |
| Maryland State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
MASSACHUSETTS | $1,831,416,990 |
| Massachusetts State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
MICHIGAN | $3,722,478,258 |
| ||
MINNESOTA | $1,321,564,450 |
| Minnesota State Link to Local Plans | |
MISSISSIPPI | $1,628,366,137 |
| Mississippi State Link to Local Plans | |
MISSOURI | $1,957,916,288 |
| Missouri State Link to Local Plans | |
MONTANA | $382,019,236 |
| Montana State Link to Local Plans | |
NEBRASKA | $546,290,147 |
| Nebraska State Link to Local Plans | |
NEVADA | $ 1,072,783,189 |
| Nevada State Link to Local Plans | |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | $350,561,159 |
| New Hampshire State Link to Local Plans | |
NEW JERSEY | $2,766,529,533 |
| New Jersey State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
NEW MEXICO | $979,056,256 |
| New Mexico State Link to Local Plans | |
NEW YORK | $8,995,282,324 |
| New York State Link to Local Plans | |
NORTH CAROLINA | $3,601,780,364 |
| North Carolina State Link to Local Plans | |
NORTH DAKOTA | $305,338,029 |
| ||
OHIO | $4,475,243,513 |
| Ohio State Link to Local Plans | |
OKLAHOMA | $1,494,647,051 |
| Oklahoma State Link to Local Plans (PDF) | |
OREGON | $1,121,814,984 |
| Oregon State Link to Local Plans | |
PENNSYLVANIA | $5,000,509,095 |
| Pennsylvania State Link to Local Plans | |
PUERTO RICO | $2,968,079,229 | N/A | ||
RHODE ISLAND | $415,145,839 |
| ||
SOUTH CAROLINA | $2,113,567,527 |
| South Carolina State Link to Local Plans | |
SOUTH DAKOTA | $382,019,236 |
| ||
TENNESSEE | $2,489,423,407 |
| ||
TEXAS | $12,427,523,267 |
| Texas State Link to Local Plans Texas State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
UTAH | $615,292,016 |
| Utah State Link to Local Plans | |
VERMONT | $285,223,414 |
| Vermont State Link to Local Plans | |
VIRGINIA | $2,110,988,891 |
| Virginia State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
WASHINGTON | $1,852,501,071 |
| ||
WEST VIRGINIA | $761,960,095 |
| West Virginia State Link to Local Plans | |
WISCONSIN | $1,541,867,439 | Wisconsin State Link to Local Plans
| ||
WYOMING | $303,779,377 |
| Wyoming Sate Link to Local Plans |
* Award Amount: Two-thirds of the ARP ESSER awards were allocated to states on March 24, 2021. States were subsequently required to complete and submit an ARP ESSER State plan to receive the additional one-third of ARP ESSER funds upon Department approval.
** Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE's Office of State and Grantee Relations at SGR@ed.gov or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need, which may include identifying a specific ARP ESSER State plan or portion of an ARP ESSER State plan.
*** Disclaimer: The links/files posted above have been submitted to the Department by SEAs. SEAs are responsible for reviewing the posted links/files and all contents to ensure the accuracy of what is publicly available. Should an SEA wish to update any of the links/files posted above, it should contact its State mailbox at STATE.oese@ed.gov (e.g. Alabama.oese@ed.gov). The Department will update the links when it receives new or revised information from States. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any of the information available at the State-provided links. Please note: Some state-provided links take the reader to a landing page where additional steps are needed to access the data. In some cases, the reader may need to enter the name of the LEA to search.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
Historical Content: This page has been marked as historical and is no longer actively maintained by the Department of Education. |
As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, state educational agencies (SEAs) were required to provide to the Department a URL where the public can readily find data on each school's operating status. The chart below includes the URL that each SEA provided to the Department. The SEA was also required to provide the Department with the URL(s) for the SEA and/or local educational agency (LEA) websites where the public can find the LEA plans for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services required under section 2001(i) of the ARP Act. The Department will post links to the SEA or LEA websites where these LEA plans can be found as they are submitted by States. ARP ESSER Operating Status and Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans |
State | Link to State Website with State-Provided Data on School Operating Status** | Link to State or LEA website with LEA Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plans** |
Alabama | Link | Excel |
Alaska | Excel | Link |
Arizona | Link | Link |
Arkansas | Link Link | Link |
California | Link | Link |
Colorado | Link | Link |
Connecticut | Link | Excel |
Delaware | Link | Link |
District of Columbia | Link Link | Link |
Florida | Link | Link |
Georgia | Link | Link |
Hawaii | Link | Link |
Idaho | Link | Link |
Illinois | Link | Link |
Indiana | Link Excel | Excel |
Iowa | Link | Link |
Kansas | Link | Excel |
Kentucky | Link | Link |
Louisiana | Link | Link Link |
Maine | Link | Excel |
Maryland | Link | Excel |
Massachusetts | Link | Excel |
Michigan | Link | Excel Link |
Minnesota | Link | Link |
Mississippi | Excel | Link |
Missouri | Link | Link |
Montana | Link | Link |
Nebraska | Link | Link |
Nevada | Link | Link |
New Hampshire | Link | Link |
New Jersey | Link | Excel |
New Mexico | Link | Excel |
New York | Link | Link |
North Carolina | Link | Link |
North Dakota | Link | Excel |
Ohio | Link | Link |
Oklahoma | Link | Link |
Oregon | Link | Link |
Pennsylvania | Link | Link |
Puerto Rico | Link | N/A |
Rhode Island | Link | Link |
South Carolina | Link | Link |
South Dakota | Link | Excel Link |
Tennessee | Excel | Link |
Texas | Link | Link Excel |
Utah | Link | Link |
Vermont | Link Link | Link |
Virginia | Link | Excel |
Washington | Link | Link |
West Virginia | Link | Link |
Wisconsin | Link | Link |
Wyoming | Link | Link |
*Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE's Office of State and Grantee Relations at SGR@ed.gov or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need.
**Disclaimer: The links/files posted above have been submitted to the Department by SEAs. SEAs are responsible for reviewing the posted links/files and all contents to ensure the accuracy of what is publicly available. Should an SEA wish to update any of the links/files posted above, it should contact its State mailbox at STATE.oese@ed.gov (e.g., Alabama.oese@ed.gov). The Department will update the links when it receives new or revised information from States. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any of the information available at the State-provided links. Please note: Some State-provided links take the reader to a landing page where additional steps are needed to access the data. In some cases, the reader may need to enter the name of the LEA to search.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
- Pandemic Relief Programs Grant Closeout Webinar (11.19.2024)
- ESSER & GEER FAQs — December 2022
- Preguntas frequentes de ESSER y GEER en español — Diciembre 2022
- Davis Bacon Overview Factsheet - 4.27.2023
- Resumen de la Ley Davis-Bacon en Español — 4.27.2023
- ESSER Fund FAQs - 5.8.2020
- CARES Act Liquidation Extension Requests FAQs
- Letter to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) regarding Energy Conservation Standards and ESSER Funds (2.28.2022)
- FAQs related to use of funds for COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing can be found here.
- FAQs related to use of ARP and other pandemic relief funds to provide incentives to students to get the COVID-19 vaccination can be found here. Information on incentives to parents or guardians whose children participate in school-based COVID-19 screening testing can be found here.
- FAQs related to use funds for student transportation, including to address the current regional and national challenges with hiring and retaining a sufficient number of school bus drivers, can be found here.
- AmeriCorps' guide "Leveraging National Service in Your Schools: A Superintendent's/Principal's Toolkit to Utilizing National Service Resources" can found here.
- Additional guidance on using ESSER and GEER funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found here.
- Preventing and Responding to Crime and Promoting Public Safety: Released on June 17, this guidance on How American Rescue Plan Funds Can Prevent and Respond to Crime and Promote Public Safety describes how ARP ESSER and other ESSER and GEER funds may be used to prevent and respond to violence and to increase public safety this summer and beyond.
- Supporting Full-Service Community Schools and Related Strategies: The attached Frequently Asked Questions (English or Español) guide was designed to support state and local efforts to use ARP ESSER funds and other ESSER funds to advance or start an evidence-based community school strategy.
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers and School Superintendents from Secretary Cardona about the importance of using ARP ESSER and other federal resources to address educator shortages (12.16.2021)
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers and School Superintendents from Secretaries Cardona and Becerra about the importance of vaccinations for children ages five to eleven years old (11.8.2021)
- Strategies for Using American Rescue Plan Funding to Address the Impact of Lost Instructional Time: Released on August 31, 2021, this guidance on Strategies for Using American Rescue Plan Funding to Address the Impact of Lost Instructional Timeshares how ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds provide an opportunity to make investments that respond to the urgent needs of students in ways that address gaps in educational opportunity and build local capacity to sustain meaningful and effective teaching and learning.
- Supporting School Districts in Timely Investment of American Rescue Plan Act Funds: Released on September 2, 2021, the following factsheet provides clarity on how LEAs can utilize American Rescue Plan funds to support the safe reopening of school for in-person instruction.
- ARP Consolidated Admin Funds Tydings Waiver (4.29.2024)
- ARP Liquidation Extension Office Hours (5.21.2024)
- ARP Liquidation Extension Office Hours (4.25.24)
- Subrecipient Monitoring Requirements for Federal Grants Webinar (4.1.2024)
- APR ESSER and ARP EANS Liquidation Extension Webinar (1.18.2024)
- Davis Bacon Regulations Updates Office Hours (12.07.2023)
- SGR Grantee Learning Series: FFATA and APR Webinar (8.23.2023)
- MOEffort and MOEquity Webinar (8.16.2023)
- Grantee Learning Series — Grant Administration (07.26.2023)
- Grantee Learning Series — Monitoring (08.02.2023)
- Grantee Learning Series — Technical Assistance, Resources, and Communications (08.09.2023)
- Davis-Bacon Webinar (04.26.2023)
- CARES Act Late Liquidation and Closeout Webinar (03.09.2023)
- Recording — English
- Recording — Spanish
- Slides
- Transcript — English
- Transcript — Spanish
- ESSER and GEER FAQs Webinar (12.21.2022)
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar (10.30.2022)
- ARP ESSER Webinar on LEA-level Maintenance of Equity Reporting Requirements (6.9.2022)
- Additional HVAC Use of Funds slides, shared during the June 17, 2021, office hour, are available here.
- On February 23, 2022, the Department hosted a webinar: ARP ESSER Monitoring Update and Quarterly Reviews. The presentation presented an overview of current monitoring efforts and timelines & topics for 2022 quarterly reviews.
- Recording (02.23.2022)
- Slides (02.23.2022)
- Transcript (02.23.2022)
- On September 2, 2021, the Department hosted a webinar: Using COVID-Relief Funds for Facility Upgrades, Renovations, and Construction. In addition to Departmental guidance on uses of funds for construction, renovations and upgrades, the webinar included speakers and resources related to indoor air quality from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Maine Department of Education and Salt Lake City School District.
- ARP ESSER State Plan Webinar Recording (04.29.2021, Note: Viewers can click on the CC button to see (or not see) the Webinar Recording closed captioning)
- ARP ESSER overview
- State Plan application overview
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hour Slides (05.06.2021)
- State Plan application and review process
- Allocation and obligation of funds
- LEA Plans
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (05.13.2021)
- State Plan template and review process
- Reporting requirements
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (05.20.2021)
- State Plan template and review process
- Allocation of funds
- Reporting requirements
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (05.27.2021)
- Use of funds guidance
- State Plan template
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (06.03.2021)
- Submission and review process
- State Plan template
- Use of funds guidance
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar — Recording
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar — Transcript
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar — PowerPoint
- CARES Act Liquidation Extension Requests FAQs
- Winter 2023 ESSER Quarterly Reviews Summary Report
- Equitable Services FAQs
- On July 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) published an Interim Final Rule (IFR) regarding equitable services under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. (The rule is available at: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-07-01/pdf/2020-14224.pdf). On September 4, 2020, in NAACP v. DeVos, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued an opinion and an order vacating the IFR. Accordingly, the IFR is no longer in effect.
- Arizona
- Florida
- Iowa
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
Think an institution is misusing or abusing ED funds? Do not let CARES Act Funding for Schools and Students end up in the wrong hands. File a complaint online with our Inspector General (OIG) or call their Hotline.
- File a complaint online with the OIG Here
- Contact information for the OIG Hotline Here (1-800-MIS-USED; 1-800-647-8733)
- OIG Hotline Poster
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
Program Overview
On March 27, 2020, Congress set aside approximately $13.2 billion of the $30.75 billion allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund through the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) Fund. The Department awarded these grants ¬to State educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs), including charter schools that are LEAs, with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the Nation. ESSER Fund awards to SEAs are in the same proportion as each State received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year 2019.
ESSER I Award Resources
- ESSER I Awards, Certification & Agreements, and Initial Report
- ESSER I Letter to Commissioners
- ESSER I Notice
- ESSER I Allocation Table
The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, 2021, was signed into law on December 27, 2020, and provided an additional $54.3 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Fund. ESSER II Fund awards to SEAs are in the same proportion as each State received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year 2020.
ESSER II Award Resources
On Thursday, March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law. It was an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package of assistance measures, including $122 billion for the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund. Funds are provided to SEAs and LEAs to help safely reopen and sustain the same operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Nation's students. ARP ESSER Fund awards to SEAs are in the same proportion as each State received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, in fiscal year 2020.
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers Announcing Grant Award
- ARP ESSER Allocation Table
- ARP ESSER Fact Sheet
- ARP ESSER Grant Award Assurances
- ARP ESSER Application Letter to Chief State School Officers
- ARP ESSER Interim Final Rule
- ARP ESSER Application Template (PDF); ARP ESSER Template (Word)
ESSER Implementation Resources
Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Think an institution is misusing or abusing ED funds? Do not let CARES Act Funding for Schools and Students end up in the wrong hands. File a complaint online with our Inspector General (OIG) or call their Hotline.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
Section 2004 of the ARP Act includes new maintenance of equity provisions that are a condition for State educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) to receive funds under ARP ESSER. These provisions are central to ensuring that essential resources are meeting the needs of students who have been subject to longstanding opportunity gaps in our education system.
Frequently Asked Questions
On June 9, 2021, the Department released maintenance of equity guidance, which the Department updated on October 1, 2021, December 29, 2021, and January 23, 2023. The Department updated Appendix A on July 26, 2022. The updated guidance is available here in English and the notice that grantees received regarding this update is available here in Spanish.
The Secretary's August 6, 2021 letter to chief state school officers and school districts superintendents is available here.
LEA-Level Maintenance of Equity
On October 12, 2021, the Department released additional information for LEAs about the process for submitting an exception request for FY 2022 maintenance of equity determinations. That information is available here and here.
On Friday, October 1, 2021, the Department submitted the following documents for publication in the Federal Register: 1) Notice of Proposed Requirements (NPR) that proposes a requirement that SEAs publish LEAs' maintenance of equity data on their websites; 2) Request for Information (RFI) to help inform the Department's support for SEAs and LEAs in implementing the MOEquity provisions. Following public comment, on December 29, 2021, the Department submitted the following Notice of Proposed Requirements (NPR) document for publication in the Federal Register.
On June 2, 2022, the Department submitted a Notice of Final Requirement (NFR) for publication in the Federal Register regarding the LEA-level maintenance of equity provisions under section 2004(c) of the ARP Act. This NFR establishes requirements for publishing LEA-level maintenance of equity data to demonstrate that LEAs are maintaining both fiscal and staffing equity in fiscal years 2022 and 2023. SEAs will be required to publish the following information on their website:
- July 8, 2022 — SEAs publish LEA exceptions and identify high-poverty schools for FY 2022 and describe how the SEA will ensure that each LEA that is not excepted from the LEA-level maintenance of equity requirements is maintaining equity in its high-poverty schools.
- November 1, 2022 — SEAs publish LEA exceptions and identify high-poverty schools for FY 2023
- December 31, 2022 — SEAs publish applicable LEA high-poverty school data for FY 2022
- July 31, 2023 - Deadline for SEAs to provide final FY 2023 data to the Department
- December 31, 2023 — SEAs publish applicable LEA high-poverty school data for FY 2023
On August 16, 2023, the Department held a Grantee Learning Series webinar on Maintenance of Effort and Maintenance of Equity.
Maintenance of Equity Data
Data will be posted in the maintenance of equity data table as they are received.
SEA-Level Maintenance of Equity Data
Appendix A of the maintenance of equity guidance includes information on baseline and initial data that each SEA was required to submit by July 30, 2021, for FY 2022. To the extent that FY 2022 funding data are not available, an SEA may provide for projected data or request an extension to provide the data that are not currently available by October 15, 2021. For the purposes of maintaining equity for FY 2023, each State must update their original MOEquity data submission to include baseline and initial FY 2023 data by July 29, 2022. To the extent that FY 2023 funding data are not available, an SEA may provide projected data or request an extension to provide the data that are not currently available by October 14, 2022.
LEA-Level Maintenance of Equity Data
SEAs are required to publish LEA exceptions and identify high-poverty schools and applicable LEA high-poverty school data for FY 2022 and FY 2023. SEAs are also required to describe how the SEA will ensure that each LEA that is not excepted from the LEA-level maintenance of equity requirements is maintaining equity in its high-poverty schools.
On January 23, 2023, the Department released a Maintenance of Equity LEA-level staffing equity data template, available here. On October 20, 2023, the Department released a FY 2023 data template, available here.
* Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE's Office of State and Grantee Relations at SGR@ed.gov or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need, which may include identifying MOEquity data from a specific State.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
The Department released initial maintenance of effort (MOE) guidance on April 21, 2021, providing information on the MOE requirements under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund and the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. This maintenance of effort (MOE) guidance document was updated on August 15, 2022.
Consistent with a final rule issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Department is allowing States to include both Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) awarded under the CARES Act and Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF) awarded under the ARP Act that are spent on elementary and secondary education or higher education, as applicable, for the purpose of determining State support for education under the maintenance of effort requirements.
Updated on December 9, 2022, the MOE Appendix B Template is available for State internal use.
States' MOE data can be found in the ESF Transparency Portal under each State.
On August 16, 2023, the Department held a Grantee Learning Series webinar on Maintenance of Effort and Maintenance of Equity.
Maintenance of Effort Waiver Requests
The Department has received the following MOE waiver requests.
State | MOE Waiver Request | Status |
Colorado | Withdrawn by State | |
Connecticut | PDF, PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
Florida | PDF, PDF | FY 2023 Waiver Approved |
Georgia | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Idaho | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Indiana | PDF, PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
Illinois | Withdrawn by State | |
Kansas | PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
Kentucky | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Louisiana | PDF, PDF, PDF | |
Michigan | Withdrawn by State | |
Minnesota | PDF, Word, PDF, PDF, PDF | |
Missouri | PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State (FY 2020, 2023) |
North Dakota | PDF, Word | Withdrawn by State |
Northern Mariana Islands | FYs 2020 and 2021 Waiver Approved | |
New Hampshire | PDF, PDF, PDF | FY 2022 Waiver Approved |
New Hampshire | PDF, PDF, PDF | FY 2023 Waiver Approved |
New Jersey | Withdrawn by State | |
New Mexico | PDF, PDF, PDF | Withdrawn by State |
New York | ||
Nebraska | FY 2023 Waiver Approved | |
Ohio | PDF, PDF | FY 2023 Waiver Approved |
Oklahoma | PDF, PDF, Word | Withdrawn by State (FY's 2021, 2022, 2023) |
Oregon | PDF, PDF | |
Pennsylvania | PDF, PDF | FY 2022 Waiver Approved |
Puerto Rico | PDF, PDF, Excel, PDF, PDF | FY 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Waiver Approved |
Rhode Island | Withdrawn by State | |
Washington | PDF, PDF | FY 2022 Waiver Approved, FY 2023 Waiver Withdrawn by State |
West Virginia | PDF, PDF, PDF |
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), Public Law 109-282, as amended by the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act), Public Law 113-101 requires that, on a monthly basis, Federal prime grant recipients report on subawards made that equal or exceed $30,000. Federal Prime recipients of ESSER I, ESSER II, ARP ESSER, GEER I, GEER II, EANS I or ARP EANS funds must comply with the FFATA reporting requirements. For more information on subaward reporting requirements see FSRS — Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System and eCFR :: 2 CFR Part 170.
FFATA Reporting Webinar and Forum (2.1.2023)
- English Recording
- Spanish Recording
- English Transcript
- Spanish Transcript
- PDF Presentation
- PowerPoint Presentation
GSA Answers Your FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Questions (4.28.2023)
ESSER Annual Reporting
All grantees are required to report on ESSER funds received under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act; the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act; and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. Grantees must submit an annual report describing how the State and subrecipients used the awarded funds during the performance period.
Similar to CARES Act Year 1 annual reporting, grantees will use the Annual Report Data Collection Tool to submit the State report. For information on account registration and when the tool will open for data entry, please visit https://covid-relief-data.ed.gov/grantee-help.
For the most up to date ESSER Annual Reporting resources and collection forms, please visit: https://covid-relief-data.ed.gov/grantee-help/esser.
ESSER Quarterly Reporting
The ESSER I Quarterly Reporting Fact Sheet can be found here: CARES-Act-Quarterly-Reporting-FINAL-Reissued-11162020.pdf.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
State and school district/Local Educational Agency (LEAs) plans for using ARP ESSER funds are an important resource for public transparency into the use of ARP ESSER funds. The Department encourages all stakeholders, including parents, families, and educators, to review their State and LEA/school district plans, and to contact State and local education officials to learn more. Links to all ARP ESSER State and LEA/school district plans and approved materials are posted below.
What Families and Communities Need to Know
Within two weeks of signing the American Rescue Plan, the Department of Education distributed $81,316,533,333.00 of ARP ESSER funds to States, two-thirds of each State's total funding. In order to receive their remaining funding, the American Rescue Plan required States to submit and the Department to approve a plan for how the State would use ARP ESSER funds to safely re-open and provide academic and mental health supports for school communities to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of the end of 2021, all State Plans were approved, and all ARP ESSER funds were distributed to the States. Using the table below, you can find the plan your State submitted, the plan the Department approved, and highlights of the approved Plan.
The Department also required States to make sure that school districts/LEAs provided plans for how they were spending their American Rescue Plan funds for the safe return to in-person instruction and a safe academic recovery. At the Department's direction, each State was required to provide a way for families and communities to view their individual district's plan. In the table below, you can find the link to where each State's district/LEA plans can be found.
Engaging with State and Local Leaders
Both States and school districts/LEAs were required to engage families, educators, representatives of students with disabilities, and a broad range of other stakeholders as they created these plans. The publication of a plan, however, should not be the end of this engagement, as school districts/LEAs are expected to adjust their plans based on the needs of students. If your State does not have your school district/LEA's plan listed, please directly contact your school district/LEA or use the school district's website to locate the plan. All school districts/LEAs are required to post their plans, and all States are responsible for ensuring all school district/LEA plans are posted on the State Educational Agency website.
Parents, families, educators, and communities have a deep understanding of the needs of their students. If you have questions or concerns about how your State or school district/LEA plans to use its ARP ESSER funds, the Department encourages you to engage with your local school district/LEA. While the Department of Education is using its full authority to oversee and monitor the effective use of these funds, the voices of local communities are critical to ensuring that funds are used to address the specific needs of students in your community.
State | Total American Rescue Plan ESSER Funds Awarded | Approved State Materials (Final ARP ESSER State Plan, Approval Letter) | Communication Materials (State Plan Highlights) | School District/LEA Use of Funds Plans on State Websites |
ALABAMA | $2,021,518,529 |
| Alabama State Link to Local Plans | |
ALASKA | $358,770,937 |
| ||
ARIZONA | $2,583,943,517 |
| Arizona State Link to Local Plans | |
ARKANSAS | $1,254,119,960 |
| Arkansas State Link to Local Plans | |
CALIFORNIA | $15,079,696,097 |
| California State Link to Local Plans | |
COLORADO | $1,167,153,961 |
| Colorado State Link to Local Plans | |
CONNECTICUT | $1,106,696,657 |
| ||
DELAWARE | $410,733,965 |
| Delaware State Link to Local Plans | |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | $386,476,999 |
| District of Columbia State Link to Local Plans | |
FLORIDA | $7,043,370,152 |
| Florida State Link to Local Plans | |
GEORGIA | $4,249,371,244 |
| Georgia State Link to Local Plans | |
HAWAII | $412,530,212 |
| Hawaii State Link to Local Plans
| |
IDAHO | $440,131,922 |
| Idaho State Link to Local Plans | |
ILLINOIS | $5,058,601,934 |
| Illinois State Link to Local Plans | |
INDIANA | $1,996,145,076 |
| Indiana State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
| Iowa State Link to Local Plans Iowa State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
| ||
KANSAS | $830,585,182 |
| Kansas State Link to Local Plans | |
KENTUCKY | $2,001,216,921 |
| Kentucky State Link to Local Plans | |
LOUISIANA | $2,607,334,054 |
| ||
| Maine State Link to Local Plans | ||
MARYLAND | $1,952,539,087 |
| Maryland State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
MASSACHUSETTS | $1,831,416,990 |
| Massachusetts State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
MICHIGAN | $3,722,478,258 |
| ||
MINNESOTA | $1,321,564,450 |
| Minnesota State Link to Local Plans | |
MISSISSIPPI | $1,628,366,137 |
| Mississippi State Link to Local Plans | |
MISSOURI | $1,957,916,288 |
| Missouri State Link to Local Plans | |
MONTANA | $382,019,236 |
| Montana State Link to Local Plans | |
NEBRASKA | $546,290,147 |
| Nebraska State Link to Local Plans | |
NEVADA | $ 1,072,783,189 |
| Nevada State Link to Local Plans | |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | $350,561,159 |
| New Hampshire State Link to Local Plans | |
NEW JERSEY | $2,766,529,533 |
| New Jersey State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
NEW MEXICO | $979,056,256 |
| New Mexico State Link to Local Plans | |
NEW YORK | $8,995,282,324 |
| New York State Link to Local Plans | |
NORTH CAROLINA | $3,601,780,364 |
| North Carolina State Link to Local Plans | |
NORTH DAKOTA | $305,338,029 |
| ||
OHIO | $4,475,243,513 |
| Ohio State Link to Local Plans | |
OKLAHOMA | $1,494,647,051 |
| Oklahoma State Link to Local Plans (PDF) | |
OREGON | $1,121,814,984 |
| Oregon State Link to Local Plans | |
PENNSYLVANIA | $5,000,509,095 |
| Pennsylvania State Link to Local Plans | |
PUERTO RICO | $2,968,079,229 | N/A | ||
RHODE ISLAND | $415,145,839 |
| ||
SOUTH CAROLINA | $2,113,567,527 |
| South Carolina State Link to Local Plans | |
SOUTH DAKOTA | $382,019,236 |
| ||
TENNESSEE | $2,489,423,407 |
| ||
TEXAS | $12,427,523,267 |
| Texas State Link to Local Plans Texas State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
UTAH | $615,292,016 |
| Utah State Link to Local Plans | |
VERMONT | $285,223,414 |
| Vermont State Link to Local Plans | |
VIRGINIA | $2,110,988,891 |
| Virginia State Link to Local Plans (Excel) | |
WASHINGTON | $1,852,501,071 |
| ||
WEST VIRGINIA | $761,960,095 |
| West Virginia State Link to Local Plans | |
WISCONSIN | $1,541,867,439 | Wisconsin State Link to Local Plans
| ||
WYOMING | $303,779,377 |
| Wyoming Sate Link to Local Plans |
* Award Amount: Two-thirds of the ARP ESSER awards were allocated to states on March 24, 2021. States were subsequently required to complete and submit an ARP ESSER State plan to receive the additional one-third of ARP ESSER funds upon Department approval.
** Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE's Office of State and Grantee Relations at SGR@ed.gov or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need, which may include identifying a specific ARP ESSER State plan or portion of an ARP ESSER State plan.
*** Disclaimer: The links/files posted above have been submitted to the Department by SEAs. SEAs are responsible for reviewing the posted links/files and all contents to ensure the accuracy of what is publicly available. Should an SEA wish to update any of the links/files posted above, it should contact its State mailbox at STATE.oese@ed.gov (e.g. Alabama.oese@ed.gov). The Department will update the links when it receives new or revised information from States. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any of the information available at the State-provided links. Please note: Some state-provided links take the reader to a landing page where additional steps are needed to access the data. In some cases, the reader may need to enter the name of the LEA to search.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
Historical Content: This page has been marked as historical and is no longer actively maintained by the Department of Education. |
As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, state educational agencies (SEAs) were required to provide to the Department a URL where the public can readily find data on each school's operating status. The chart below includes the URL that each SEA provided to the Department. The SEA was also required to provide the Department with the URL(s) for the SEA and/or local educational agency (LEA) websites where the public can find the LEA plans for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services required under section 2001(i) of the ARP Act. The Department will post links to the SEA or LEA websites where these LEA plans can be found as they are submitted by States. ARP ESSER Operating Status and Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans |
State | Link to State Website with State-Provided Data on School Operating Status** | Link to State or LEA website with LEA Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plans** |
Alabama | Link | Excel |
Alaska | Excel | Link |
Arizona | Link | Link |
Arkansas | Link Link | Link |
California | Link | Link |
Colorado | Link | Link |
Connecticut | Link | Excel |
Delaware | Link | Link |
District of Columbia | Link Link | Link |
Florida | Link | Link |
Georgia | Link | Link |
Hawaii | Link | Link |
Idaho | Link | Link |
Illinois | Link | Link |
Indiana | Link Excel | Excel |
Iowa | Link | Link |
Kansas | Link | Excel |
Kentucky | Link | Link |
Louisiana | Link | Link Link |
Maine | Link | Excel |
Maryland | Link | Excel |
Massachusetts | Link | Excel |
Michigan | Link | Excel Link |
Minnesota | Link | Link |
Mississippi | Excel | Link |
Missouri | Link | Link |
Montana | Link | Link |
Nebraska | Link | Link |
Nevada | Link | Link |
New Hampshire | Link | Link |
New Jersey | Link | Excel |
New Mexico | Link | Excel |
New York | Link | Link |
North Carolina | Link | Link |
North Dakota | Link | Excel |
Ohio | Link | Link |
Oklahoma | Link | Link |
Oregon | Link | Link |
Pennsylvania | Link | Link |
Puerto Rico | Link | N/A |
Rhode Island | Link | Link |
South Carolina | Link | Link |
South Dakota | Link | Excel Link |
Tennessee | Excel | Link |
Texas | Link | Link Excel |
Utah | Link | Link |
Vermont | Link Link | Link |
Virginia | Link | Excel |
Washington | Link | Link |
West Virginia | Link | Link |
Wisconsin | Link | Link |
Wyoming | Link | Link |
*Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE's Office of State and Grantee Relations at SGR@ed.gov or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need.
**Disclaimer: The links/files posted above have been submitted to the Department by SEAs. SEAs are responsible for reviewing the posted links/files and all contents to ensure the accuracy of what is publicly available. Should an SEA wish to update any of the links/files posted above, it should contact its State mailbox at STATE.oese@ed.gov (e.g., Alabama.oese@ed.gov). The Department will update the links when it receives new or revised information from States. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any of the information available at the State-provided links. Please note: Some State-provided links take the reader to a landing page where additional steps are needed to access the data. In some cases, the reader may need to enter the name of the LEA to search.
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.
- Pandemic Relief Programs Grant Closeout Webinar (11.19.2024)
- ESSER & GEER FAQs — December 2022
- Preguntas frequentes de ESSER y GEER en español — Diciembre 2022
- Davis Bacon Overview Factsheet - 4.27.2023
- Resumen de la Ley Davis-Bacon en Español — 4.27.2023
- ESSER Fund FAQs - 5.8.2020
- CARES Act Liquidation Extension Requests FAQs
- Letter to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) regarding Energy Conservation Standards and ESSER Funds (2.28.2022)
- FAQs related to use of funds for COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing can be found here.
- FAQs related to use of ARP and other pandemic relief funds to provide incentives to students to get the COVID-19 vaccination can be found here. Information on incentives to parents or guardians whose children participate in school-based COVID-19 screening testing can be found here.
- FAQs related to use funds for student transportation, including to address the current regional and national challenges with hiring and retaining a sufficient number of school bus drivers, can be found here.
- AmeriCorps' guide "Leveraging National Service in Your Schools: A Superintendent's/Principal's Toolkit to Utilizing National Service Resources" can found here.
- Additional guidance on using ESSER and GEER funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found here.
- Preventing and Responding to Crime and Promoting Public Safety: Released on June 17, this guidance on How American Rescue Plan Funds Can Prevent and Respond to Crime and Promote Public Safety describes how ARP ESSER and other ESSER and GEER funds may be used to prevent and respond to violence and to increase public safety this summer and beyond.
- Supporting Full-Service Community Schools and Related Strategies: The attached Frequently Asked Questions (English or Español) guide was designed to support state and local efforts to use ARP ESSER funds and other ESSER funds to advance or start an evidence-based community school strategy.
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers and School Superintendents from Secretary Cardona about the importance of using ARP ESSER and other federal resources to address educator shortages (12.16.2021)
- ARP ESSER Letter to Chief State School Officers and School Superintendents from Secretaries Cardona and Becerra about the importance of vaccinations for children ages five to eleven years old (11.8.2021)
- Strategies for Using American Rescue Plan Funding to Address the Impact of Lost Instructional Time: Released on August 31, 2021, this guidance on Strategies for Using American Rescue Plan Funding to Address the Impact of Lost Instructional Timeshares how ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds provide an opportunity to make investments that respond to the urgent needs of students in ways that address gaps in educational opportunity and build local capacity to sustain meaningful and effective teaching and learning.
- Supporting School Districts in Timely Investment of American Rescue Plan Act Funds: Released on September 2, 2021, the following factsheet provides clarity on how LEAs can utilize American Rescue Plan funds to support the safe reopening of school for in-person instruction.
- ARP Consolidated Admin Funds Tydings Waiver (4.29.2024)
- ARP Liquidation Extension Office Hours (5.21.2024)
- ARP Liquidation Extension Office Hours (4.25.24)
- Subrecipient Monitoring Requirements for Federal Grants Webinar (4.1.2024)
- APR ESSER and ARP EANS Liquidation Extension Webinar (1.18.2024)
- Davis Bacon Regulations Updates Office Hours (12.07.2023)
- SGR Grantee Learning Series: FFATA and APR Webinar (8.23.2023)
- MOEffort and MOEquity Webinar (8.16.2023)
- Grantee Learning Series — Grant Administration (07.26.2023)
- Grantee Learning Series — Monitoring (08.02.2023)
- Grantee Learning Series — Technical Assistance, Resources, and Communications (08.09.2023)
- Davis-Bacon Webinar (04.26.2023)
- CARES Act Late Liquidation and Closeout Webinar (03.09.2023)
- Recording — English
- Recording — Spanish
- Slides
- Transcript — English
- Transcript — Spanish
- ESSER and GEER FAQs Webinar (12.21.2022)
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar (10.30.2022)
- ARP ESSER Webinar on LEA-level Maintenance of Equity Reporting Requirements (6.9.2022)
- Additional HVAC Use of Funds slides, shared during the June 17, 2021, office hour, are available here.
- On February 23, 2022, the Department hosted a webinar: ARP ESSER Monitoring Update and Quarterly Reviews. The presentation presented an overview of current monitoring efforts and timelines & topics for 2022 quarterly reviews.
- Recording (02.23.2022)
- Slides (02.23.2022)
- Transcript (02.23.2022)
- On September 2, 2021, the Department hosted a webinar: Using COVID-Relief Funds for Facility Upgrades, Renovations, and Construction. In addition to Departmental guidance on uses of funds for construction, renovations and upgrades, the webinar included speakers and resources related to indoor air quality from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Maine Department of Education and Salt Lake City School District.
- ARP ESSER State Plan Webinar Recording (04.29.2021, Note: Viewers can click on the CC button to see (or not see) the Webinar Recording closed captioning)
- ARP ESSER overview
- State Plan application overview
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hour Slides (05.06.2021)
- State Plan application and review process
- Allocation and obligation of funds
- LEA Plans
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (05.13.2021)
- State Plan template and review process
- Reporting requirements
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (05.20.2021)
- State Plan template and review process
- Allocation of funds
- Reporting requirements
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (05.27.2021)
- Use of funds guidance
- State Plan template
- ARP ESSER State Plan Office Hours Slides (06.03.2021)
- Submission and review process
- State Plan template
- Use of funds guidance
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar — Recording
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar — Transcript
- ESSER and GEER Liquidation Extension Webinar — PowerPoint
- CARES Act Liquidation Extension Requests FAQs
- Winter 2023 ESSER Quarterly Reviews Summary Report
- Equitable Services FAQs
- On July 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) published an Interim Final Rule (IFR) regarding equitable services under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. (The rule is available at: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-07-01/pdf/2020-14224.pdf). On September 4, 2020, in NAACP v. DeVos, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued an opinion and an order vacating the IFR. Accordingly, the IFR is no longer in effect.
- Arizona
- Florida
- Iowa
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
Think an institution is misusing or abusing ED funds? Do not let CARES Act Funding for Schools and Students end up in the wrong hands. File a complaint online with our Inspector General (OIG) or call their Hotline.
- File a complaint online with the OIG Here
- Contact information for the OIG Hotline Here (1-800-MIS-USED; 1-800-647-8733)
- OIG Hotline Poster
For more information on ESF programs, visit the GEER page, EANs page, or American Rescue Plan page.