What is the Corn in Corned Beef?

Safety Through Inspection
Evidence-Based Policies in Action



Food Safety
Food Safety Facts
Did you know that the 1905 book The Jungle was a driver of the Federal Meat Inspection Act that governs FSIS’ activities today?
Upton Sinclair's novel took aim at the poor working conditions in a Chicago meatpacking house. The ensuing public furor moved Congress to pass the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), which President Theodore Roosevelt signed into law in 1906 and requires federal inspectors in meat-packing houses.
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Join the Food Safety and Inspection Service
Food Inspector
Inspectors provide the first line of defense against adulterated meat and poultry products.
Consumer Safety Inspector
CSIs ensure a plant is operating within its written plans for HACCP, sanitation, and processing.
Public Health Veterinarian
PHVs help oversee the effectiveness of farm-to-table food safety systems.
Scientific Positions
FSIS scientists protect the public by providing microbiological, pathological, chemical and other scientific analyses of meat, poultry, and egg products.
FSIS Administrative Positions include roles ranging from human resources to purchasing.
Professional Positions
FSIS Professional Positions include roles ranging from data analysts to financial managers.
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