May 13, 2024
The purpose of this Special Emphasis Notice (SEN) is to inform the research community of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) strong and continued interest in receiving health services research grant applications that advance the Nation’s goal of improving care delivery, access, quality, equity, and health outcomes for older adults.
The older adult population in the U.S., age 65 and older increased by 38.6% from 40.3 million to 55.8 million between 2010 and 2020 (U.S. Census Bureau data) and is expected to reach 94.7 million by 2060) (US. Census Burea data). The health system is ill-prepared to meet the need of older adults, the majority of whom have multiple chronic conditions and frequently receive fragmented and sub-optimal care. This leads to poor outcomes, including avoidable adverse events, hospitalizations, and institutionalization, and increased costs. Furthermore, most people aged 65 and older are women, who compared to men, disproportionately experience illness, multiple chronic conditions, disability, poverty, and barriers in access to care as do low-income older adults and those from certain racial and ethnic minority groups. The sustainability of Medicare and Medicaid programs is dependent on improving quality and outcomes of care for older adults.
Re-engineering healthcare delivery systems to deliver person-centered integrated care so that care transformation optimizes physical and mental health outcomes, functional status, and well-being, is paramount. Specifically, such changes can reduce much of the morbidity and premature mortality associated with aging, and chronic conditions can be effectively managed, allowing people to live independently and contribute to their communities longer.
This SEN conveys AHRQ’s interest in supporting health services research to conduct research that will address questions related to the development, implementation, evaluation, and scale of person-centered models of care to optimize physical and mental health, functional status, and the well-being among older adults. This SEN builds on AHRQ’s prior work, including the Optimizing Health and Function as We Age Roundtable Report , Research Agenda for Transforming Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions, and the Multiple Chronic Conditions e-careplan. It also supports AHRQ’s ongoing commitment to the inclusion of priority populations in health services research (About Priority Populations | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (
AHRQ encourages applications that focus on:
The Agency encourages research teams to submit applications in response to this SEN using AHRQ’s current research grant announcements – See
Specifically, the Agency encourages research teams to submit applications in response to this emphasis using AHRQ’s standing R18, R03, and R01 funding mechanisms (PA-24-156, PA-24-155, PA-24-154) or any reissue of these NOFOs through expiration date of this SEN. AHRQ is also interested in receiving career development awards using AHRQ’s K01, K08, K18 funding mechanisms (PA-22-255, PA-22-232, PA-22-051, PA-22-050 and PA-22-049) that propose developing generalizable health service research skills through projects related to research aging. Additionally, AHRQ is interested in receiving dissertation grant proposals addressing health services aging research using AHRQ’s R36 funding mechanism (PA-23-196).
Applicants should clearly state in their grant application’s project summary/abstract that their application is responsive to this SEN by including the title and number of this SEN NOT-HS-24-013. Applicants should also enter the number of this SEN in box 4b (Agency Routing Identifier) of the SF 424 (R&R) Form.
Applications responding to this SEN should be submitted following regular application receipt dates identified in the respective NOFO and will be reviewed by AHRQ standing study sections.
Applicants should consider this SEN active until May 15, 2027.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality