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Thank you for your interest in the VSHSL – Senior Villages (HS 5) RFP!
Please refer to the RFP document in the Library section to see the full RFP details.
The Senior Villages Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to allocate VSHSL funds to community-based organizations to strengthen and expand the array of supports accessible to low-income Seniors, with a focus on Seniors who are at increased risk of housing instability and social isolation.
Senior Villages funded by this RFP will provide culturally responsive services that promote Community Interdependence, offer opportunities for social engagement, and assist Seniors with accessing and navigating senior services and supports available in King County. Senior Villages enable Seniors to receive support in their communities of choice, helping them stay connected and active, thereby potentially delaying or preventing institutional care or displacement from their homes.
RFP Release
June 18, 2024
Information Session
June 25, 2024, 3-4:30 p.m. PST
Final day for small orgnizations to initiate requests for grants assistance: (see Section VIII. Application Assistance
July 16, 2024
Final day to submit questions to the Procurement Lead
July 23, 2024
Proposals due
July 30, 2024, by 2:00 pm PST
Responses reviewed
August 2024
Interviews with Applicant(s) (if applicable)
August 2024
Notification of selected and non-selected Applicant(s)
October 2024
Anticipated program/contract start date
December 2024
All RFP documents will be uploaded through ZoomGrants, as described in Section XI.A.1., RFP AND CONTRACT TERMS: RFP Terms: Revisions to the RFP, below.
The Procurement Lead is the sole point of contact for this procurement. All communication regarding the subject matter of this opportunity between the Applicant(s) and DCHS upon release of this RFP must be through ZoomGrants or the Procurement Lead, as follows:
Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DCHS. Applicant(s) are to rely on written statements issued by the Procurement Lead.
Communication with anyone other than the Procurement Lead on this RFP may result in disqualification of the Applicants
Applicant(s) Communication
Unless otherwise requested, letters and other transmittals pertaining to this RFP will be issued to the email address noted in the Application created within ZoomGrants. If other personnel should be contacted via email in the evaluation of this proposal, or to be notified of evaluation results, please complete the information in the area provided in ZoomGrants
A virtual Information Session for this RFP was held on June 25, 2024.
This request is open to for-profit and nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, tribes and tribal organizations serving communities in King County. Small nonprofit, community-based Black, Indigenous, and other Communities of Color-led organizations are encouraged to submit proposals. This RFP will prioritize Senior Villages that held a VSHSL funded Senior Village contract with King County in 2023. However, although Senior Villages connected to Senior Centers are not excluded from eligibility, priority will be given to organizations that are not also contracted in 2024 as a VSHSL funded Senior Center.
Eligible Applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications:
One full calendar year or more of experience providing the types of activities outlined in the definition of a Senior Village.
The applicant was contracted as a VSHSL Senior Village in 2023; or
The applicant clearly demonstrates Senior Village experience of one calendar year or more.
Offer services within King County, Washington.
Submit a complete and timely application within the scope of work of this RFP as outlined in Section II. C., RFP OVERVIEW: The Request.
Submitting a Proposal
Proposals are hereby solicited and will be received using the link below through ZoomGrants no later than 2 p.m. Pacific Time on the due date noted above. The services procured through this RFP shall be provided in accordance with the following and the attached instructions, requirements, and specifications. Applicants are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments to this RFP
The information session will be recorded and posted at https://www.zoomgrants.com/zgf/Senior_Villages_RFP . This will be a remote session with speech to text captioning provided. For accommodations to participate, please contact the Procurement Lead by June 21, 2024.
By entering your initials here you certify this submission truthfully and accurately represents your application and is hereby submitted for review. Submission of this application does not, in any way, guarantee that your application will yield a favorable result.
Submission of this application also
indicates your agreement to the
of using ZoomGrants™.
DCHS will be bound only to DCHS-written answers to questions. Questions arising at the information session or in subsequent communication with the Procurement Lead will be documented and answered in written form. A copy of the questions and answers will be posted in an FAQ document uploaded to ZoomGrants. Applicants are responsible for checking ZoomGrants for any posted FAQ documents or amendments to this RFP.
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Please answer all questions below. These questions are not scored, but provide important information that either improves staff's ability to communicate with your organization or to plan for future funding opportunities.
Application Title/Project Name
Amount Requested
Applicant Information
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
ZIP+4/Postal Code
Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)
Create an Organization
Summary Questions Part 2
(answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
2. If you checked a different person is the main contact above. Please provide their name and contact information.
Telephone #
Email Address
3. Which Council Districts do you propose to serve in?
Please check the Council Districts below to share where you are proposing to serve clients. Select "All" if you are planning and able to provide services in every district within King County.
While these questions will not be used in the RFP scoring, responses will be evaluated to ensure geographic distribution of services as required by the Implementation Plan.
Reference Tools:
King County Council Districts
Council District Interactive Map
4. If your agency is or will be serving more than three (3) Council Districts, please describe how you propose to serve them.
5. The following questions help King County’s Department of Community and Human Services understand the characteristics of organizations that are applying for this RFP. These questions will not be used in the RFP scoring.
How would these funds support your organization? Check all that apply
6. If you answered “Other” to the question above, please briefly explain.
7. Does your organization have one full calendar year or more or providing the types of activities outlined in the definition of a Senior Village?
8. How many unduplicated Seniors participated in Senior Village activities offered through your organization in the previous calendar year?
Organizational Size The following questions will help us identify the number of large, medium, and small agencies applying for these funds.
9. What was your organization’s annual operating budget the past fiscal year? If you are a satellite office of a larger organization, please provide the budget for your stand-alone entity.
10. How many full-time equivalents (FTE) does your organization employ? If you are a satellite office of a larger organization, please provide the FTE for your stand-alone entity. Please calculate FTE by converting hours worked by part-time employees into full-time equivalent hours (e.g., two employees working 20 hours per week equals one FTE).
Capacity Building (CB) Funds The VSHSL may provide Technical Assistance and Capacity Building to help broaden organizations’ ability to serve the community. Ordinance 19604 directs at least ten percent of the levy proceeds for Regional Impact Initiatives to be used to fund technical assistance and capacity building. This question will help us identify where Capacity Building is needed to support the success of applicants and programs proposed in this RFP.
11. Do you anticipate needing Capacity Building supports to strengthen infrastructure or build capacity to effectively provide services and manage County funds (e.g., data reporting, fiscal management, etc.)? If so, please describe.
Sustainability The following question will help us understand more about your organization’s financial capability during the contracting phase and through the end of the contract should you be awarded funding.
12. VSHSL requires invoices and makes reimbursement payments on a monthly basis. At the beginning of the contract, could your organization float expenses for up to 2 months?
Please note the character word limits. Answers need to be complete while concise. Each of the following questions will be rated based on the criteria in Section IX. A., SELECTION PROCESS: Rating Criteria of the RFP.
Organizational Capacity & Experience (30 points, 5,000 character limit for each question)
1. Provide a high-level overview of your organization’s mission, vision, and services. (5 points)
2. The focus population(s) for this RFP include low-income Seniors, Seniors of color, Seniors living in rural areas of King County, LGBTQ+ Seniors, and Seniors from immigrant or refugee communities. Describe your experience, how long, and in what manner, your organization has worked with some, or all of these Senior populations, including details on the characteristics, unique needs, and strengths of the focus population(s) identified. (13 points)
3. Provide an example of a current Senior Village program* that your organization has offered for at least one calendar year. Explain how this program addresses a need expressed by the focus population(s) that you serve. Include details on how the program is delivered, how often it occurs, how outreach is conducted, how success is measured, any adaptations you have made to the program and/or goals you have for improving it. (12 points) *If your organization does not currently identify as a Senior Village, describe a program that is similar to what Senior Villages offer – as outlined in the RFP.
Program Model (25 points, 5,000 character limit for each question)
4. Please indicate (by checkmark) which of the Senior Village models outlined in the RFP your proposed program most closely resembles. (2 points)
5. Describe how your proposed Senior Village program model will incorporate the program requirements outlined in Section II. C.1., RFP OVERVIEW: The Request: Scope of Work of the RFP, specifically that membership in the Senior Village must be accessible to all income levels and all Senior Village programs must separately or in combination include:
1. Activities and opportunities for social connection
2. Volunteer or leadership opportunities for Senior member-participants to support one another and contribute to the Village
3. Navigation support for Seniors to access senior services and resources available in King County. (13 points)
6. Describe the desired outcomes of your proposed program model and how it will promote Community Interdependence (as defined in the RFP glossary) and support Seniors within the focus population(s) to remain stably housed in their own communities of choice. (10 points)
Equity, Racial, and Social Justice (ERSJ) (25 points, 5,000 character limit for each question)
7. King County declared racism a public health crisis on June 11, 2020. This declaration recognizes that governments need to work towards dismantling centuries of systemic racism by equitably investing in Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities. King County intends to partner with organizations that lead with race, equity, and social justice, and incorporate an intersectional approach to reduce health disparities and increase wellbeing among older adults in King County. Please share your Senior Village’s equity, inclusion, and diversity values. (5 points)
8. What are specific goals you have to build your Senior Village’s capacity to embody the values identified in #7? What is the plan to achieve these goals? (10 points)
9. How are ERSJ values reflected in your organization’s employment and volunteer recruitment, training, and retention practices? Describe the diversity of your leadership and board. Describe the volunteers or staff that support your program activities and how they reflect the focus populations identified in this RFP. If your staff or volunteers do not currently reflect the community(ies) identified in this RFP, please describe the steps you will take to create more inclusive representation. (10 points)
Budget and Fiscal (15 points, 5000 character limit for each question) The Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) has an interest in ensuring organizations have equitable access to public funds. DCHS also has a responsibility to be a good steward of public funds, foresee risk when possible, and work with entities to mitigate that risk. To that end, we would like to understand your organization’s fiscal landscape. Note that answers to these questions may not, alone, exclude an organization from eligibility for funding. It is our goal to work with organizations to ensure access to funds and manage risk together.
10. Provide a detailed proposed budget for the entire program period (December 1, 2024 – December 31, 2027). Applicants may request amounts up to $375,000 for the program period. Upload your proposed budget using the provided template (Attachment D). Please indicate below if you have uploaded the budget to the Documents tab in ZoomGrants. (5 points)
11. Describe how you intend to manage public funds should you be awarded VSHSL funding, including the organization’s ability to produce a detailed general ledger separated by fund source. (3 points)
12. Describe any audit findings or concerns during the last 24 months as well as the resolution of each (this can be a financial statement audit, federal single audit, monitoring site visit by King County or another federal, state, or local agency). If there was a summary report of the outcome produced for any audit, please upload this report to the Required Documents tab in ZoomGrants. If you do not have any audit findings, please indicate below by marking N/A.(2 points)
13. Explain how your organization handles its finances. How do you make sure your accounting follows good practices and that there are checks in place to prevent errors or misuse of funds? If your organization is new or just starting out, describe how you plan to set up these financial systems. Will you use experienced staff in-house, out-source the work, etc.? (5 points)
Data Collection (5 points, 5000 character limit) King County requires contractors to submit individual-level or aggregate-level participant data (including demographics and program outcomes), which is used to inform program performance, continuous quality improvement (CQI) and contract monitoring. Data submission could look slightly different among programs. King County uses the Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework to measure and report on the impact of VSHSL funded programs. In collaboration with King County, contractors awarded funding will develop performance measures in the three RBA categories: “How much did we do?”, “How well did we do it?”, “How are persons served better off?”.
14. Describe your organization’s capacity to collect and report data to King County. If your organization currently uses that data for CQI, please give examples (i.e., type of data, systems used to collect, how it informed programming, etc.). If your organization has not used data for CQI previously, please give examples of ways that you would like to use data to inform programming in the future. (5 points)
(answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
1. Provide a detailed proposed budget for the entire program period (December 1, 2024 – December 31, 2027). Applicants may request amounts up to $375,000 for the program period. Upload your proposed budget using the provided template (Attachment D)
We ask that you think holistically and realistically about the costs associated with your proposed program model including any ramp up time that may be needed before providing services. We understand that exact costs related to things such as collaborations, data collection and evaluation may depend on extenuating circumstances and as such may not be currently known. We ask that you do your best to estimate these costs in your proposed budget knowing you will have an opportunity to adjust accordingly during the contracting process, should your program be funded.
2. Upload a summary report of the outcome produced for your organization’s last audit, if relevant.
(answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)