Report an incident

Contact us

or call us on 0300 065 3000 24 hours a day

Croesewir galwadau yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg
Calls welcomed in Welsh or English

Information we need

To enable us to deal with your report as quickly as possible, please provide the following details:

  • Where is/was the incident taking place? Please provide a grid reference if possible, for example, NT 252 735. Otherwise, you should provide accurate directions / descriptions of the location
  • What is/was happening?
  • Who is/was responsible for the incident?
  • When did the incident take place?

Incidents we deal with

  • damage or danger to the natural environment
  • wildlife crime that has already been committed (current incidents should be reported to the police via the non-emergency number, 101)
  • damage or destruction of bat roosts
  • pollution of water or land
  • poaching or illegal fishing
  • fish in distress or dead fish
  • suspected illegal tree felling
  • suspected tree disease
  • blocked main watercourses that might pose a risk of flooding
  • illegal abstraction (removal of water) from watercourses
  • suspected alterations to watercourses made without our consent (eg dredging, straightening, impounding or works to the bank or bed)
  • unusual drops in river flow
  • damage to Sites of Special Scientific Interest
  • burning of commercial, industrial or hazardous waste, such as asbestos, without a licence
  • large scale dumping of waste, including certain hazardous waste
  • incidents involving odour and noise at sites regulated by Natural Resources Wales, such as landfill sites, transfer stations etc
  • illegal waste sites and unlicensed waste carriers
  • activities relating to certain invasive non-native animal and plant species (invasive alien species) (breeding, use or exchange, sell or advertise, permit to reproduce, release into the environment or transport (except for eradication purposes)) or breaches of licensed activities 
  • sightings of certain invasive non-native species spreading from NRW’s own or managed estate.

Incidents we DO NOT deal with

If you witness any of the following incidents, please notify your local council or utility company.

  • gas leaks
  • burst water mains
  • discolouration or abnormalities in odour or taste of drinking water
  • flooding from burst domestic pipes or overflow from highway drains
  • fly-tipping of household rubbish or small amounts of commercial waste
  • domestic noise nuisance
  • odours from domestic or small commercial premises
  • burning of domestic or garden waste
  • domestic infestations
  • smoke emissions from vehicles
  • road maintenance
  • interruption of electricity or water supplies
  • blocked domestic drains and sewers
  • dead animals

Please note: You should report sightings of dead animals to us only when they are in a main river and likely to cause flooding or pollution. You should also report sightings of dead otters and animal deaths you believe to have been caused by pollution.

During a flood

Report blocked drains and gullies

If you are concerned about flooding caused by blocked drains, gullies or water running off fields, report this to your local authority.

Report blocked rivers and landslides

If you are concerned about blocked rivers, landslides or flooding from rivers and the sea please report this immediately to our 24 hours incident line on 03000 65 3000.

Report problems with gas, electricity or sewerage

If you are concerned about floodwater affecting your gas, electricity, water or sewerage services, please call your supplier.

For sewer flooding, or if your toilet or sink is backing up during floods please call your local water company.

Sightings of invasive/non-native species

If you see an invasive / non-native species please visit the GB Non Native Species Secretariat website for more information and details of how to report your sighting.

Sightings of injurious weeds (including Common ragwort)

Primary responsibility for weed control rests with the occupier of the land on which the weeds are growing. It is important to be alert to potential weed problems and take action quickly. More information can be found on Welsh Government’s Injurious weeds page.

Marine strandings

If you spot a stranded marine animal, please visit the UK Cetacean Strandings Programme Website for details on how to file a report.

Wildlife poisoning

If you believe that any wildlife, livestock or pets have died in suspicious circumstances, please report these cases to the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme by calling 0800 321600.

Call charges

See the Call charges on the site for more details.

Last updated 28 Oct 2024