These manuals provide guidance to better comply with the NCUA’s Rules and Regulations and those from other agencies. These manual are not definitive and must be used in conjunction with other supervisory guidance and information provided by the NCUA and other federal financial services regulators. They should not be considered as a legal reference for the NCUA’s Rules and Regulations or those of other regulators.
ALM First Loan Fund Investment Pilot Program Requirements and Conditions
Pilot program requirements and conditions.
ALM Review Procedures
Credit unions can review information that explains the NCUA’s approach and interest rate risk review procedures.
Asset Valuation Workbook (Opens new window)
This work provides information that a credit union can use to evaluate its interest-rate risk levels.
Chartering and Field of Membership Manual
This details the requirements for chartering new federal credit unions, modifying existing charters to meet a credit union’s strategic objectives and expanding a credit union’s field of membership.
Credit Union Bonds
Review of a list of bonds approved for use by federally insured credit unions.
Examiners Guide
This manual details NCUA’s examination and supervision program for federally insured credit unions. The agency’s risk-focused approach evaluates how a credit union’s management identifies, measures, monitors and manages existing and potential risks.
Fair Lending Guide (Opens new window)
A credit union’s board of directors and management, compliance officers, or other employees responsible for fair lending compliance can use this guide as a reference to comply with fair lending rules. While the guide covers federal fair lending laws and regulations, it does not address all federal consumer protection laws or any state laws, and should be used in conjunction with other supervisory guidance.
Federal Consumer Financial Protection Guide
This guide serves a resource to help credit unions comply with certain consumer financial protection laws and regulations. It includes NCUA and interagency examination procedures, and is intended for use by a credit union’s board of directors and management, compliance officers, and others having responsibility for consumer compliance as part of their duties.
Hurricane and Disaster Information
Credit unions can access information and resources on emergency and disaster preparedness and the types of assistance available following a hurricane or other disaster.
National Supervision Policy Manual (Opens new window)
This manual provides the credit union system with a better understanding of the NCUA’s rules and policies, helping to reduce possible misunderstandings that may occur during the examination process.
Notice of Change in Official or Senior Executive Officer
Natural person and corporate credit unions that are newly chartered or in a “troubled condition” must notify the NCUA at least 30 days prior to a change in an official or senior executive officer.
Other Supervisory Committee Audit
This guide instructs federally insured credit unions that are not required to obtain a financial statement audit with information to help fulfill their supervisory committee responsibility by obtaining an Other Supervisory Committee Audit.
With the 2023 implementation of the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) accounting standard, an addendum to Other Supervisory Committee Audit guide replaces procedures related to the allowance for credit losses on investments, loans and leases, and off-balance sheet credit exposures.
For additional information and resources regarding CECL, please visit the CECL Resources.
Suspicious Activity Report
All financial institutions operating in the United States, including insured banks, savings associations, and credit unions, among others, are required to submit suspicious activity reports to FinCEN if they discover activity involving potential money laundering or violations of the Bank Secrecy Act.
Tax Exemption Letter for Federal Credit Unions
This letter is used to inform government officials and private businesses about the tax-exempt status of federal credit unions.
Other Manuals and Guides
- This is an external link to a website belonging to another federal agency, private organization, or commercial entity. Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Manual (Opens new window)
- This is an external link to a website belonging to another federal agency, private organization, or commercial entity. FFIEC IT Handbook (Opens new window)
- This is an external link to a website belonging to another federal agency, private organization, or commercial entity. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Guide (Opens new window)
- Lessons Learned - Mergers
- Lessons Learned - Postmortems and Material Loss Reviews
- Memorandum: Providing Sensitive Credit Union and Member Data to the NCUA (Opens new window)
- NCUA Secure File Transfer User Guide for Credit Unions