161 Barista Handing Young Girl Bakery Items at The Sweet Spot Cafe

Economic Impact

In 2023, Wisconsin tourism generated a historic $25 billion economic impact, marking back-to-back record-breaking years for tourism’s economic impact. All 72 counties saw year-over-year growth in total economic impact.  

The data shows that consumers are prioritizing travel and when they do, they’re choosing Wisconsin. The historically strong economic impact was fueled by record-setting overnight visitation driven by savvy, strategic marketing investments, as well as investments tourism businesses made in goods, supplies and services.   

This success also speaks to the collective efforts of our tourism partners from all corners of the state, all of which help position Wisconsin as a premier travel destination and the perfect place to make travel memories.  

2023 Economic Impact

Industry Partner Toolkit

Use these downloadable resources to help tell the story of economic impact in your area.