Virtual Drop-In session with a SSENDIAS Officer

Do you have any questions about SEND and your child or young person’s education?

We host monthly themed monthly sessions such as transition, exclusions, reasonable adjustments, school readiness, preparation for adulthood and other frequently asked questions.

Keep a look out on our Facebook page to see other information on ‘The Theme of the Month’

SSENDIAS Facebook - Click here

The purpose of the drop-in is to offer parent/ carers and/or Young People the opportunity to speak to a SSENDIAS officer who can quickly respond to your query. This will be a drop in, and other parents may be online, so if you have an appointment to speak to a caseworker in confidence about your child you may want to wait for that appointment or if you would like a confidential appointment, please contact SSENDIAS directly to arrange this.

Click here to reserve your place

If you have received an EHC Plan for transition and disagree with any of it then please book onto the following session:

Transitions, EHC Plans and your options - Parents Zoom Session — Sheffield SENDIAS

This session is aimed at fully understanding your options including mediation and tribunals.

Lucy Wilks