
Procedures and policies regarding student attendance

Please review the information below to learn about Robinson Secondary and FCPS attendance policies and procedures.

Please note: School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m. Students are expected to attend every class or activity for which they are scheduled each school day. FCPS requires that a call be received within 72 hours of an absence from a parent or guardian. No notification will result in an unexcused absence.

Attendance Phone Line

When your student is absent, call (703) 426-6040 on the morning of the absence, then select the appropriate number for your student's sub-school. 

Attendance Lines - Call the number above and press:

  • 1 for Grade 7
  • 2 for Grade 8
  • 3 for Grade 9
  • 4 for Grade 10
  • 5 for Grade 11
  • 6 for Grade 12
Provide the following information: 
  • Student's name - Please spell the last name
  • Reason for absence or tardy
  • If your child is sick, please describe the symptoms and when they started
  • Your name
  • Your relationship to the student
  • Your contact phone number where you can be reached


Beginning in the 24-25 school year, parents/legal guardians can submit full-day absences using ParentVUE

  • Learn more about attendance reporting through ParentVUE.
    • When reporting a student's absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school today. If reporting an ill student, include symptoms, especially if they have a fever, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and/or cough. If your student has a diagnosis from a healthcare provider, please include that information.
Attendance Reminders
  • Absences due to family trips or vacations are considered unexcused absences unless they are due to family emergencies or observations of religious holidays. Parents/guardians are advised to schedule such trips during school holidays(link is external)
Main Attendance Codes
EXCExcusedGuardians must call or email the attendance line to provide an excused reason why their student will not be in school.
UNXUnexcused Absence 
UNLUnexcused Local Absence

This code is for absences where the student’s whereabouts are known or supported by the guardians, but administration or local policy still deem the absence as unexcused

UNL Examples:

  • Missed the bus
  • Did not want to come to school today
  • Absences where there are no extenuating circumstances or hardship
  • Failure to provide explanation for an absence or requested documentation
  • Students being released for non-school related activities
  • Prearranged absences without prior notification or without justification and prior approval
  • Sibling childcare provided by older students
  • Mental health day
  • Failure to provide an appropriate explanation for the absence or requested documentation, such as a physician’s letter
  • “Skip Day”
UNVUnverifiedStudent never shows up to class
CUTCutStudent was in class, left, and never returned
EXTExcused TardyStudent is late and has an excused pass
UNTUnexcused TardyStudent is late and has an unexcused pass
PREPre-arranged AbsencePre-arranged absence form has been submitted and approved by the grade level administrator