Recreational Lobster Fishing

California's coastal waters are home to a multitude of invertebrates (species lacking a bony skeleton). The California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) takes a particularly special place within this group as a highly sought-after target of both California's recreational and commercial fisheries. Explore CDFW's Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan (PDF)(opens in new tab)


For the most current California spiny lobster regulations, consult the following sources: gear allowances and requirements(opens in new tab), season, size and bag limit regulations(opens in new tab), and report card requirements(opens in new tab).

Return Lobster Report Cards

Return your report cards by April 30 following the season closure.

  • Season: Recreational lobster season opens at 6:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding the first Wednesday in October and closes at 11:59:59 p.m. on the first Wednesday after the 15th of March.
  • Recreational Bag and Possession Limit: Seven lobsters per person.
  • Minimum Size Limit: 3 and ¼ inches carapace length, measured in a straight line on the midline of the back from the rear edge of the eye socket to the rear edge of the body shell. Please see the lobster measurement diagram (PDF)(opens in new tab) on how to measure your lobster.
  • License Requirements: CDFW Spiny Lobster Report Card and California sport fishing license, available at CDFW's Online License Sales and Service. An Ocean Enhancement Validation is also required if fishing in ocean waters south of Point Arguello (Santa Barbara County), unless fishing under the authority of a one- or two-day California sport fishing license.
  • Skin and SCUBA Diver Gear Restrictions: All skin and SCUBA divers must only use their hands to take lobster.
  • Pier Fishing Gear Restrictions: You may use up to 2 hoop nets while fishing from a public pier.
  • Vessel Fishing Gear Restrictions: You may possess up to 5 hoop nets while fishing from a vessel, but the total number of hoop nets from a vessel cannot exceed 10, even if there are more than 2 people on the boat.
  • Fishing Locations: See the CDFW Ocean Sport Fishing Interactive Web Map(opens in new tab).
  • Hoop Nets Prohibited 24 Hours Prior to the Season Opener: Hoop nets may not be deployed south of Point Arguello, Santa Barbara County during the 24 hours leading up to the recreational lobster season opener.

For more information, consult the General Ocean Invertebrate Fishing Regulations.

Harvest Data

Season # Cards Sold # Cards Reported Report Rate # of Reported Cards that Did NOT Fish Reported Catch (# of Lobsters) Average # of Lobsters Kept per Card Estimated Total # of Trips Estimated Total Catch (# of Lobsters) Estimated Weight (lbs) Percent of Total Landings (Commercial + Recreational)
2014-15 36,414 19,698 54% 4,265 114,562 7.5 111,552 215,295 344,472 26%
2015-16 32,666 15,299 47% 3,760 76,378 6.7 82,511 165,847 265,355 25%
2016-17 30,762 15,442 50% 3,733 84,065 7.3 80,680 169,428 271,085 29%
2017-18 32,500 16,342 50% 3,944 85,212 7.0 85,653 171,821 274,914 29%
2018-19* 32,758 16,958 52% 4,003 98,127 7.7 72,122 154,929 247,886 22%**
2019-20 34,804 17,563 50% 4,222 106,742 8.1 77,940 170,171 272,274 26%
2020-21 45,726 21,874 48% 5,720 108,188 6.8 96,779 178,334 285,334 27%
2021-22 35,475 16,901 48% 4,635 83,817 6.9 73,831 140,345 244,162 24%
2022-23 33,813 16,071 48% 4,461 92,795 8.1 68,980 154,621 247,394 20%
2023-24 35,323 17,090 48% 4,284 117,201 9.2 78,906 192,037 307,259 21%

*Starting this season, a new method of estimating total recreational catch was employed based off a survey conducted in summer 2019. More details on this method can be found in the spiny lobster Enhanced Status Report and a full writeup can be downloaded (PDF)(opens in new tab).

2023-2024 Top 10 Locations (by percent of reported catch)

  1. Catalina Island (14.9%)
  2. San Diego Bay (9.2%)
  3. Long Beach/Middle Breakwater (7.1%)
  4. Point Vicente up to King Harbor (6.8%)
  5. Santa Cruz Island (3.7%)
  6. Zuniga Jetty (3.2%)
  7. Dana Point Jetties (3.0%)
  8. Santa Monica up to Malibu Point (2.8%)
  9. LA County to San Pedro (2.7%)
  10. King Harbor up to Santa Monica (2.6%)

2023-2024 Catch by Gear Type (by percent of reported catch)

  1. Rigid Hoop Net (49.1%)
  2. Free Diving (22.5%)
  3. SCUBA Diving (21.3%)
  4. Traditional Hoop Net (7.1%)

2023-2024 Catch per Unit Effort by Gear Type (average number of lobsters per trip)

  1. SCUBA Diving (3.6 lobsters/trip)
  2. Rigid Hoop Net (2.6 lobsters/trip)
  3. Free Diving (2.3 lobsters/trip)
  4. Traditional Hoop Net (1.9 lobsters/trip)

CDFW Scientific Studies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If your questions are not answered below, please email CDFW at

General FAQs

Spiny Lobster Report Card FAQs

Hoop Netting and Diving for Spiny Lobster FAQs

Spiny Lobster Management FAQs

Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
Email CDFW's Marine Region  |  (831) 649-2870
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