Texas Emergency Management Officials Remind Texans Impacted by Severe Storms and Flooding to Report Property Damage

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For Immediate Distribution
April 11, 2024

Texas Emergency Management Officials Remind Texans Impacted by Severe Storms and Flooding to Report Property Damage

AUSTIN - The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) today encouraged Texans impacted by this week’s severe weather to report damage to homes and businesses by submitting an online damage assessment survey.

“As state emergency response resources remain engaged in the aftermath of severe storms and ongoing flooding in Texas communities, Texans who have experienced property damage are urged share this information through TDEM’s self-reported damage survey,” said Texas Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd. “This information will help officials identify community resource needs as well as assist in determining the state's eligibility for additional disaster assistance.”

Texans can report severe weather and flooding damage to their property using the Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT) damage survey. The iSTAT damage survey can be filled out in English and Spanish online by visiting damage.tdem.texas.gov and clicking on “April 8-Ongoing Severe Weather Event.”

Information provided through the iSTAT damage survey helps inform emergency management officials the extent of damage that has occurred and to identify any immediate resource needs in the impacted areas.

Additionally, the survey details aid officials in determining whether the state meets federal requirements for various forms of disaster assistance.

Reporting damage through the iSTAT tool is a voluntary activity and is not a substitute for reporting damage to your insurance agency. It does not guarantee disaster relief assistance. English and Spanish tutorial videos explaining how to fill out iSTAT surveys are available at damage.tdem.texas.gov.

As the threat of flash flooding and river flooding continues for areas of East Texas keep in mind these flood preparedness and safety tips:

  • Know types of flood risk in your area. Visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center for information.
  • Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provide emergency alerts.
  • Build an emergency supply kit. For more information on how to build a kit, visit: ready.gov/kit
  • Keep important documents in a waterproof container. Create password-protected digital copies.
  • Protect your property. Move valuables to higher levels.
  • Be extremely cautious of any water on roads or in creeks, streams, storm drains, or other areas. Never attempt to cross flowing streams or drive across flooded roadways, and always observe road barricades placed for your protection. Remember, turn around, don’t drown.

For more flood safety tips, visit ready.gov/floods.

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