Enabling elderly residents to remain independent in their own home

Mrs Clough was unwell in hospital and after being discharged to go home, she cried when she saw her front door as being back at home was such a comfort.

Her family were anxious about how she would manage as she was unsteady and would struggle going up and down the stairs.

Mrs Clough eventually contacted us to enquire about the support available. She was referred to rapid response and within hours, had the support she required.

“It was wonderful.  I was assessed and given equipment to help me such as a walking aid. Rapid Response staff came three times a day and helped me with personal care, meals and preparing for bed on an evening. They gave me so much reassurance and confidence,” she said.

What support did Mrs Clough receive?

To aid her, the therapist arranged for a hand rail to be fitted within a week which gave Mrs Clough confidence when going up and down the stairs.  She also had a bath lift put in place which was a massive help.

“As I felt better I was asked what my ambitions were. I told the therapist that I wanted to get back on the bus to Leeds,” she said.

She later received some re-ablement and mobility practice.  She walked each day and eventually managed to get to the end of the road where she could see her mum’s old house, the house that she had grown up in.  She cried as she never thought she would see it again.  From there with practice, she finally got on the bus.  She is now back to her full independence and going to Leeds.

“The staff were lovely, kind and caring people who always had a smile. They were so cheerful and made me feel better every day. They were wonderful!”

Mrs Clough said being at home made such a difference, she had wanted to be at home and not in a hospital or in care.

“There are no words to describe the difference the team has made to me being able to live independently in my own home.”

Looking after our elderly residents in Kirklees

Jayne Davis, Support Worker

Jayne has worked in the Rapid Response Team for 5 years.

What do you do? 

I support people who are unwell to either remain at home or to return home from hospital.

I am part of a team of 4 staff that visit people on a daily basis. We support them until they recover and regain their independence or until a care provider is found if they require long term home support.  We provide an urgent response service – same day often within 2 hours of receiving a referral.

Providing a quality service is key 

My role is to provide an excellent, quality service to people and have a person centred approach at all times. I need to give the people I see reassurance and confidence for example, after having a fall.

I love my job because there is so much satisfaction in providing care to service users.  They could have had a short illness or have been treated in hospital and wish to come home to regain their independence.  I have job satisfaction from the feedback I receive from service users, managers and coordinators especially during my supervisions and appraisals.

Working together with other healthcare professionals 

I have contact and communicate with GPS, regarding medications and wellbeing, and work alongside nurses and therapists when service users also require their support. We all work together.

More information

Read more about NHS England’s announcement.

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