Gerofit is a supervised exercise program that promotes health and wellness for Veterans. As a part of Gerofit, Veterans are given a personal exercise program based on their physical profile and goals. Participants have shown improved health, physical function and well-being.
Gerofit can include individual and group-based exercises, such as tai chi, line dancing, balance, core coordination and strengthening classes. The exercise program may include treadmills, elliptical machines, stair climbers, bicycles and a variety of strengthening machines.
Guidance in carrying out the exercise program is provided by trained exercise staff, such as a nurse or physical therapist.
Pictured above, Gerofit program coordinator Jinny Mullen, a recreation therapist at Northport VA Medical Center, leads Veterans during a group class that is designed as an individual and group exercise program for Veterans.
Gerofit was developed at the VA Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, in 1986.
Participants in the program have demonstrated improved health, physical function, and well-being. They have shown improvements in blood pressure, diabetes management, symptom management, well-being, quality of life, physical function, overall fitness and longevity.
Also available in telehealth program
VA is recognized as a world leader in telehealth service development. Northport VA Medical Center also offers telehealth services for individuals unable to attend onsite facilities.
To be eligible for the program, Veterans must be enrolled with the Veterans Health Administration and overall health should be stable and sufficient for you to participate without needing continuous assistance.
Talk to your primary care provider about joining Gerofit. For more information please visit
Chad E. Cooper is a public affairs officer for the Northport VAMC.
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This sounds great! Does Gerofit have program at Durham Va, Durham, NC? I would love to join this program…
Is there a Gerofit department at the Charlotte VA outpatient center in Charlotte NC? Will turn 65 y.o. this December coming up.
ARTICLE CORRECTION: Gerofit is NOT open to all Veterans.
I inquired about joining Gerofit and was told it was ONLY for veterans 65 and older.
I was looking for instruction/guidance on “age appropriate” exercises, a little motivation and camaraderie. My Oncology Doctor is strongly advising me to lose weight and engage regularly in weight bearing exercises.
Gerofit looked like a perfect fit. If I’m still here in four years, maybe I’ll try again to join.
If this being offered at the Robley Rex VA Medical Center in Louisville, KY or the satellite offices? If so, could you please have someone contact me. Thanks, Mary R.
Try: Gerofit Murfreesboro VA Health Care System (VISN 9), (615) 225-6700.
I agree with SW. My facility is VAMC Atlanta,Ga and the same situation there. They have an exercise facility at the hospital but it’s for staff only. Why those VA allow this? No programs that allow veterans to use facilities on VA grounds. Misuse of funding, at veterans cost.
Atlanta does have a newly developed Gerofit program and they are excepting new patients. Please refer them to the program via a primary care consult. Contact Joe Baia for more information about the Atlantic Gerofit Program.
Just where is this happening? My VA seems to have shut it’s doors to veterans. The gym and pool are now opening up for VA staff but veterans are DENIED access. BTW my VA is TOGUS up in Maine. I’ve asked my providers if Togus is shutting down, no answer. I keep telling them I need PT but all they want to do is farm me out to a local hospital to use their pool. Really? If the local hospital can allow people in their pool without fears of covid why can’t the VA? Why is my VA opening up the gym to STAFF and NOT veterans? Oh, I know why, because it all boils down to the all mighty dollar and staff have to pay $40 this year to use the facilities that are supposed to be there for the VETERANS to use.